Friday, October 27, 2017


For the week beginning Sunday October 29, 2017

1 Corinthians 3

   In 1 Corinthians 1, we saw how the Corinthians had become distracted from CHRIST by way of their arguments over the merits of “human leadership” in CHRIST’ Church. Paul says that they were acting like “unsaved people” would act. Instead of behaving “pneumatikos” (spiritual), they were behaving “sarkikos” (worldly, or carnal). Their actions had begun to cause divisions (schismata) in the newly formed Christian Church at Corinth.
    Here in chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, Paul seems to re-focus a bit on that issue that was dividing, or, splitting the church into worldly factions. The worldly jealousy and bickering in the Church, served as proof that they were still infants to the Christian concept and ideology of faith in an unselfish CHRIST, WHO, vicariously gave HIS whole life for a dying mankind. They were a people still being controlled by their own selfish desires.
    To say that we are a follower of any human being is proof that we are still greatly influenced by worldly thinking and behavior. The great overpowering message of the cross is the message of, both, “justification” and “sanctification”. They call for, and demand, a renewed, transformed attitude and behavior from those who enter into the Christian Faith, and express a desire to build on the foundation of CHRIST JESUS. When we are born again, and enter into the Body of CHRIST, we are expected to grow out of our newly acquired infancy, into becoming mature followers of only CHRIST JESUS, WHO then, will usher us into GOD’ OWN glorious presence.
    Mere men like Paul and Apollos, can only plant and water the seeds of faith, however, it requires the power of the Almighty GOD, through the teaching of the HOLY SPIRIT, to make those seeds grow. Men can lead a person to CHRIST JESUS, but only CHRIST JESUS can bring a person to GOD.
    The foundation of the Church, which is CHRIST JESUS, has long been laid, and now, it is up to Christians (CHRIST’ followers) to build on that foundation of “The Most Faith”, that GOD, has already put into place. And so, it is silly to argue over human leadership within the Church when GOD has already appointed an eternal leader, HIS holy and divine SON, JESUS CHRIST, WHOSE position, can never be usurped.
    In conclusion, we humans only need to obey, getting about the business of following and serving GOD. There is no room in the Christian Church for human ingenuity, and there is no room in the Christian Church for a leader, apart from CHRIST. Whatever gifts and talents GOD has blessed us with, should be used in HIS service to build upon the foundation of CHRIST.
    Through GOD’s special favor to Paul, he was both privileged, and responsible to help build on the foundation of Christianity that CHRIST laid, here on earth. And every Christian, who is willing to follow the lead of CHRIST, and of Paul and the early Church workers who helped establish the Christian Church in its infancy, should also recognize this privilege and responsibility to continue the work of CHRIST, building upon HIS body in this day, day by day.
    At the appointed time, the substance that each of us uses to build on the foundation of CHRIST, be it gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw, will be tested in the flames of judgment to see if it can withstand the heat (the Tribulation). If a person’s work of life in the Church is built on the “gold standard” of GOD, which is obedience, it will withstand the heat, and that worker will be rewarded in the end.
    However, if a person chooses to use the wrong material (human ingenuity), something less than the “gold standard” of GOD to build on the foundation of CHRIST, that material, that is not of the mind of GOD, and can’t possibly stand the testing of judgment (i.e., the various Christian denominations that come from the minds of men), that person’s work, even if he or she believes that they are serving GOD in the process, will be burned up, and the builder will suffer a great loss of rewards.
    The builders themselves will be “saved”, because their motive to serve GOD was correct. However, we can’t serve GOD any way we want to, we must instead, serve GOD in the way HE wants us to. And so, even though that person will be saved, the analogy used here in this passage (Vs.10-15) is that, it will be likened to one who escapes damnation by running through a wall of fire, they will get there (to Heaven), but they will reek of the smell of smoke, and receive no other rewards for their efforts when they arrive.
    All Christians, together, make up the Body of CHRIST, and the Temple of GOD. The SPIRIT of GOD dwells in all “saved people”, or, those who are “being saved”. However, GOD will bring to ruin, anyone who seeks to ruin HIS Temple. To be wise, by world standards, has no place, or meaning in the Temple of GOD, or, the Body or Family of CHRIST. The wisdom of this world is utter foolishness to GOD, and so we need to work with, and for GOD, in order to successfully build on the everlasting foundation of CHRIST. Everything we need to be successful belongs to the Christian. The Christian belongs to JESUS CHRIST. And JESUS CHRIST belongs to GOD (Vs.22-23).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander   

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