Friday, October 9, 2020





For the week beginning Sunday October 11, 2020






Luke 1:1-5


   The authorship of the Gospel of Luke is accredited to Luke the physician, who traveled with the Apostle Paul during his second and third missionary journeys. Most scholars believed that Luke wrote his Gospel account for a Greek man named “Theophilus” who lived in Antioch, Luke’s hometown. However, I personally believe that Luke originally wrote his Gospel account to the “Church at Antioch”, and that “Theophilus” which means “friend of GOD”, was just a “code name” for the Church which was located in that city.

    The early Church letter and gospel writers often used code words to protect their messages from the antichrist factions that sought to cut off communications between CHRIST followers, or, “Adherents of the Way”, as they were called. These opponents also sought to persecute those followers and find out the locations of their meeting places.

    Luke’s main objective for writing this account was to highlight the “humanity” of JESUS and HIS unique place in the human existence. For this reason, he was careful to examine all of the evidence that was provided by the people who were closest to JESUS’ day to day movements and actions. He wanted to also provide precise dates to the larger-than-life events that surrounded JESUS’ extraordinary ministry.

    Luke begins his account by giving us many details regarding JESUS’ “virgin birth” by Mary that are not found anywhere else in scripture. And whereas Matthew’s Gospel account focuses on JESUS as a Jewish MESSIAH, and John Mark’s accounts focuses on HIS servanthood toward GOD the FATHER, Luke’s account depicts JESUS as ONE with GOD WHO was “100% human” while HE lived on earth. JESUS was ONE WHO’s genealogy can be traced all the way back to Adam (Luke 3:23-38) through both story and explanation.

    Luke’s writings in his Gospel account are the most literary of all New Testament books. His distinctive fluid style in the original Greek text is simply a thing of beauty. Unlike the other three Gospels, whose contents can be traced back to eyewitness accounts of JESUS’ life here on earth, Luke’s Gospel is a detailed account that is a result of careful and thorough investigative research into the events surrounding and involving CHRIST’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension back into Heaven. And just like in the case of the other Gospel writers, GOD assigns his writings to attract a particular audience by stressing special and unique interest themes.

    Most scholars agree that Luke’s Gospel account is also written to attract the attention of the “Hellenist”, or “the person who is rooted in the Greek culture (Gentiles)”. And despite being ever mindful of CHRIST’s deity, Luke is also brilliantly able to present JESUS’ as the ideal 100% human being (the Hypostatic Union), WHO, quite simply, redefines excellence to even the most righteous of men here on earth. In fact, HE shows quite literally that all men’s righteousness is derived through their obedience to GOD.

    Luke also shows, more clearly than the other Gospels, just how greatly JESUS values those who are often dismissed by society, such as women, the impoverished, the downtrodden, and the powerless. In his Gospel account he shows us that, in JESUS, excellence is not looked upon as a “personal superiority”, that, in itself, “devalues others”, but rather, in JESUS, we see a “divine standard” that is bent on “raising others up”, resurrecting them into a life that is more pleasing to GOD.

    And so, in the aforementioned ways, perhaps Luke’s Gospel provides us with the most accurate, and most attractive portrait of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, that can found anywhere else in Scripture, arguably perhaps, even more so the book of Hebrews.




Luke 1:5-25


    In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “aggelos” (pronounced ang-el-os), and it describes “one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD”. Here in Luke chapter 1, after a brief introduction in verses 1-4, Luke writes of an angelic announcement of the coming birth of the “forerunner to CHRIST JESUS”, John “the Baptist”.

    Taking up at verse 5, Luke begins his Gospel account by introducing to us, a Jewish Levite Priest named Zechariah, who, lived during the time when “Herod the Great” was king of Judea (37 B.C. – 4 B.C.). He was a member of the priestly line of Abijah, who was a descendant of Aaron, and who was a priest during the reign of King David. Zechariah was married to a woman named Elizabeth, who was also a descendant of Aaron. They were both considered “righteous” in the sight of GOD because of their obedience, and they had no children because Elizabeth was barren. This aging couple had long prayed to GOD for a child and little did they know that their prayers were about to be answered.

    Zechariah had recently been chosen by “sacred lot” (“Urim and Thummin”) to serve for a week in the Temple, an opportunity that came only once in a lifetime for most priests. One day, as he was serving his term of duty burning incense in the LORD’s presence, in the sanctuary of the temple at Jerusalem, he received a visit from the Archangel of the LORD, Gabriel (Vs.8-9). Gabriel is one of the famed archangels that stands in the very presence of the LORD in Heaven.

    Here Gabriel gives Zechariah the good news of GOD’s answer to his and Elizabeth’s longtime prayer for a son. The child would be named “John”, and would be great in the eyes of the LORD. He would be a man blessed with the spirit (courage) and power (authority) of “Elijah the Prophet” of old, and would be “the forerunner” for, or “prepare the minds of the people, particularly the Jews, for” the coming of JESUS, the CHRIST (HIS first advent) (Vs.13-17). However, Zechariah, despite his direct word of good news from GOD, and because he was applying “human logic” to the things of GOD, had great doubt in his heart, and was hesitant to believe that he and Elizabeth could conceive a child in their old age (v.18).

    This particular passage serves to remind us that GOD expects more faith from those who are called to be HIS leaders, and who are supposed to know and understand the ways of the LORD more thoroughly. And HE also expects more from a professed Christian than HE does from an unbeliever. Here Zechariah shows the doubt of an untrained layperson, instead of the faith and trust of an experienced spiritual leader and man after GOD’s OWN heart. This unbelief miffs the LORD, WHO sent Gabriel, and as a result, Zechariah’s ability to speak is taken away from him until the birth of his son, John, several months later (Vs.19-20).

    GOD had to silence Zechariah because of his words of unbelief that were, unfortunately, contrary to the fulfillment of the covenant promise. He was a man who was versed in Scripture and was very familiar with the example of Abraham and Sarah giving birth to Isaac at ages that, even far exceeded he and Elizabeth’s. And yet, he found it hard to believe that such a thing could happen to them under similar circumstances.

    Christians are called to believe, and when we pray and ask in faith, in JESUS’ name, for the things that are within GOD’s Will, we are called by GOD to believe that HE will deliver. In other words, when we pray to GOD for rain, we ought not to leave home without, at least, an umbrella. We need to, at all times, show at least, a minimum amount of faith (faith, the size of a mustard seed) in the GOD we say we serve.


A Sunday school lesson by,

Larry D. Alexander



    Larry Dell Alexander (1953–) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas




            Larry DAlexander's Books and Publications Spotlight


Larry DAlexander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


Clinton Family Portrait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia