Friday, October 20, 2017


For the week beginning Sunday October 22, 2017

1 Corinthians 2

   During the first century, Corinth was known as the finest city in Greece. It was a bustling cosmopolitan city that some 250,000 residents called home. It was situated on a narrow five-mile strip of land that boasted seaports on both, the Aegean Sea, and the Gulf of Corinth. This allowed seafarers the opportunity to avoid long, dangerous treks around the Peloponnesian Peninsula, by simply crossing over this narrow strip of land with their cargo safely intact.
    The Apostle Paul had spent about a year and a half in this lively city establishing the first Christian Church there. This was some five years before he wrote this letter to the Church of Corinth, circa A.D. 56. Here in 1 Corinthians 2, Paul abandons the approach that had been taken by most preachers and philosophers who had come to Corinth to speak to the citizenry of this Christian Church. He chose instead, to rely on the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in his presentation of the Gospel of CHRIST (Vs.1-5).
    The city of Corinth was filled with itinerant ministers at that time, who, attracted many followers by way of their impressive oratory skills. Realizing this, Paul had purposely set out to use a simpler, less sophisticated approach to sharing the good news about JESUS CHRIST. In other words, he sought to “make it plain” so that his listeners would experience the power of the Almighty GOD over human wisdom. It is through this method that Paul sought to expose them to the secret wisdom of GOD.
    In stark contrast to non-believers, believers are led by the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD within them. They are able to size up and evaluate things from a GODly perspective, before making a decision concerning life’s challenges. Non-believers, on the other hand, have no real insight into the things of the SPIRIT, or, things of GOD.
    Believers have the luxury of having the Truth revealed to them through the HOLY SPIRIT that GOD has infused in them, and, do in effect, share the mind of CHRIST through their accepting of the Word (v.16b). We have come to know, understand, and share, the secret discernment of GOD. In other words, through the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are able to tune in to the thoughts that have been expressed by CHRIST JESUS, and to use GOD’s wisdom and discernment to help us live longer, more productive lives, here on earth.
    It is true by Paul’s own admission that, his manner of preaching was unimpressive from a human standpoint (2 Corinthians 10:12). He readily accepted this fact, and often used it, as a strongpoint in his arguments. His preaching was not marked by the persuasive eloquence that characterized such men as Apollos, or, even the late Stephen, whose story is chronicled in Acts chapters 6 and 7. However, Paul was able to turn this disadvantage into an advantage, by showing that faith is induced by a demonstration of the HOLY SPIRIT, not by rhetoric, or human ingenuity. He wanted to make sure that people knew that the faith of Christians rested on GOD’s power, and not on the worldly wisdom of men.
    Only the SPIRIT of GOD can enable us to understand spiritual truths, and provide us with the discernment that is so paramount to living GODly, Christian lives on a day-to-day basis. Remember, GOD alone makes it possible for us to be in CHRIST JESUS, and for our benefit, HE made CHRIST to be the personification of wisdom. And so JESUS is the only ONE WHO makes us acceptable to GOD the FATHER.
    Through JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice, HE presents us before GOD, pure and holy, and, only HE is qualified to boast. We, on the other hand, no matter how eloquent, or versed in Scripture we may be, can only boast of what JESUS, by way of GOD the FATHER, through the HOLY SPIRIT, has done. And when we are wise enough to understand that, then, and only then, we are wise enough to please GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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