Sunday, January 19, 2020


For the week beginning Sunday January 19, 2020

Galatians 6:1-10

   In the Greek, the word used for “restore” is “katarizo” (kat-a-rid-zo), and it is a “medical term” that is used to describe anything from “re-setting a broken bone”, to “mending a fishing net”. As the believer becomes spiritually mature, we are expected to then go out and help “restore someone else who has gone astray” (Gal. 6:1).
    The person who is now on the “Road to Salvation” is required by GOD to “lead someone else out of the darkness of this world”, by introducing them, to the “light of CHRIST”. We are to help those who are broken, to heal and mend. Our job is not to try to expose them to shame, or, to overlook the damage that sin has done in their lives, and the lives of those who are close to them.
    Paul wanted Christians to exhibit the “fruit of the SPIRIT” in their everyday lives, and not get caught up in the kind of “self-righteousness” that could come from the practice of “legalism”. The “humility” that it takes to help people grow in the Christian Faith, and then guard against going astray, could not be found in the practice of legalistic “Judaism”.
    The responsible Christian must seek to help those who are caught up continually in sin. They do not seek to criticize or “pile it on” those who have gone away from GOD, or, who have never known GOD. They, instead, must seek to help “restore” them back to the path of righteousness, because they realize that, as humans, we are all capable of falling to various temptations in life.
    “We are our brother’s keeper”, and we must all help carry each other’s burdens. All Christians have burdens, and they can include such things as health challenges, financial needs, family, etc., and some are simply caught under the weight of “wrongdoings”. However, in any situation, we need to help those Christians who have stumbled beneath the weight of the pressures of this world.  
    JESUS tells us that we will be judged according to our reaction to human need (Matt. 25:31-46), and the greatest human needs are the needs for a person “to be forgiven”, “to obey GOD”, and “to maintain an experiential, personal relationship with GOD”, at all times.
    We cannot ignore the ways and plan of GOD, and, get away with it. For, GOD has dealt a tragic existence to those who choose to live without HIM. The burden that those who are “lost” in this world have to carry is the awareness that “something more” exists in this life. To aid them in their struggle, or frustrating inability to figure out just what that “something” is, is the task that CHRIST JESUS has charged us with. We all need, or have needed each other’s help in that regard, at one time, or the other, in our life. That is because “we are created with a capacity for eternal things”. In other words, “we all share GOD’s nature”.
    We all must come to a crossroad where we come face to face with the realization that this life cannot be all that there is. “Sin” is what has cut us off from eternity, and darkened our understanding, and will to obey GOD. And JESUS, through HIS vicarious sacrifice on the cross, offers us a chance to re-connect with the Almighty GOD.
    Most of us will come to know what a burden it is to yearn for eternity, and yet, not know GOD. And so, we, at one time or another will need help from someone else, or, will have an opportunity to help someone along in their Christian Walk.
    The way that we respond to those in need, constitutes the kind of “seeds” that we are sowing. If, we sow “good seeds” in this life, our “good crops” will be reaped abundantly at the appropriate time, in the Kingdom of Heaven. However, if we do not sow good seeds, in this life, our “bad crops” will be burned in the pits of Hell, in the life to come.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, January 3, 2020


For the week beginning Sunday January 5, 2020

Galatians 5:16-26

   In the biblical Greek, the word used for “world” is “kosmos”, and it is from that word that we derive our English word “cosmos”. In the spiritual sense, it is that complex intertwining of sinful desires that shape our world of “lost humanity”.
    When we choose the “Christian Walk” we should automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. We are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD should become paramount to us. It is not until we fall in love with goodness that “wrong things” will no longer fascinate, and have power over us. Our relationship with GOD then becomes our greatest asset. By contrast, the person who loses his or her heart to the things of this world is the person most vulnerable to satan.
    The end of all things earthly is near, for each of us, personally. For, that is the warning in the messages that the ancient prophets, and, the New Testament writers and thinkers, all leave us with. And those warnings are just as valid today as they ever were. In this day and age, both the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, and the Bride (the true Christian Church) are beckoning us to come out of the world (Rev. 22:17), however, unfortunately, the lure of this world, and satan, are beckoning us to stay and indulge ourselves with our “sin nature”.
    The HOLY SPIRIT in us will always seek to compel us towards CHRIST. However, the “sin nature” within us, will always try and tug us back toward the world. That battle that wages on inside of each of us, between “the reason to do right”, and “the passion to want to do wrong”, will continue to stay with us, long after we accept the gift of salvation. However, through our strength in CHRIST, we can ultimately overcome the “gravitational pull of this world”, just as CHRIST did, and find our place in “the ultimate happy ending” that has been prepared for us by GOD, since the foundation of this world.
    In Galatians 5, verses 16-21, the Apostle Paul advises Christians to choose to live their new lives in the HOLY SPIRIT, as opposed to returning to their old life of doing what their sinful nature dictates to the flesh. Here Paul gives us a “catalog of evil things” that we are to have “self-control” (“egkrateia”/eng-krat-i-ah) against, while yet living in this world. While certainly we have to exist in the world physically, we don’t have to participate in its Luciferic agenda.
    Contrary to the beliefs of most Christians, our call is not to try and “make the world a better place”, but rather, it is a call by GOD to, first, remove ourselves from the world spiritually, and then, help to extract others, leading them out of the darkness of this world and into the light of CHRIST. The world belongs to satan at this point, and this world, since the beginning has never improved from one generation to the next, not even during JESUS’ first advent.
    The earth is where GOD planted HIS “vineyard”, and HE entrusted mankind by giving him dominion over it. Man ceded it over to satan in the Garden of Eden, and caused sin and death to enter into the world. Since then, all throughout scripture, the “vineyard” is never mentioned apart from the idea of “degeneration”, it has never gotten better, though many a man has tried. Down through the ages man has failed to recognize what his one assignment from JESUS is, and that is “to draw men from the world” that he has already given over to satan, and “make them disciples of JESUS”, and JESUS HIMSELF will make the world a better place, when HE returns. That’s HIS job, not ours.
    Back in verse 1 of this chapter of Galatians, Paul reminded us that our “Christian Freedom” does not mean that we have freedom in indulge in the trappings of the lower side of human life, but rather, it is freedom to walk in the true life that can only be found in CHRIST JESUS, and in our reliance on the power of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to guide us. Here in this passage (Vs. 16-21), every word that Paul uses in his list of evil doings has a very vivid picture associated with it.

·         Adultery” and “fornication”, for instance, is quite literally the opposite of chastity, which true Christianity requires from all of us as people made in the spiritual image of GOD.
·         Uncleanness”; Here Paul uses the Greek word “akatharsia” which describes the pus of an unclean wound.
·         Lasciviousness”; from the Greek word “aselgeia”, which means, readiness for any immoral, lustful pleasures, or, to be sinfully out of control. 
·         Idolatry”, which is the worship of anything, or anyone, other than GOD”.
·         Witchcraft”; it literally means the use of drugs, which in ancient times was a necessary part of sorcery.
·         Enmity”, the complete opposite of love, it describes one who is characteristically hostile to someone else.

    All together Paul mentions no less than seventeen fruits of evilness that the “human sin nature” can easily cotton to. Anyone, who chooses to indulge in any of these “works of the flesh”, unless they repent, can never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Starting in verse 22, the Apostle Paul shares with us a list of “lovely things” that characterize the “fruit of the SPIRIT”. The catalog includes;

·         Love,
·         Joy,
·         Peace,
·         Patience,
·         Kindness,
·         Goodness,
·         Fidelity,
·         Gentleness,
·         Self-control.

    The HOLY SPIRIT is the engine that drives the converted person’s “new self” in the opposite direction of their “old self”, away from their “sin nature”. HE also produces in the converted person’s personality, the “fruits of the SPIRIT” that are mentioned here by Paul.
    These GODly qualities replace the unGODly desires for the “fruits of evil” that had previously “dominated the thought process and actions” of the now “converted person”. It then becomes the responsibility of that converted person to keep in step with the HOLY SPIRIT (Gal. 5:25).
    He or she must then “live by the SPIRIT”, and “be led by the SPIRIT” responding only to HIS promptings, as HE seeks to guide our decision-making in every area of our lives. We must, in our hearts, show our reliance on the SPIRIT, and our confidence in “doing what we know to be right”. Our lives will then no longer be marked by our sinful acts, but rather, it will be marked by the deeds of one who is submissive to the SPIRIT of GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website