Friday, November 10, 2017


For the week beginning Sunday November 12, 2017

(Christian service is humble, not glamorous)
1 Corinthians 4

   The greatest characteristic of the “true Christian” is his or her service to GOD, and, their fellowman. True service to the LORD requires a great deal of humility and commitment, and most of the time, our work is not glamorous. It is often very hard work that requires a heart (mind) deeply committed to CHRIST. GOD knows the heart (thoughts) of each of HIS servants, and through HIS omniscience, in an instant, HE can determine who is serving for their own glory, and who is trying to please HIM.
    In 1 Corinthians 4, the Apostle Paul continues on in his explanation of how we are all servants in the body of CHRIST, and how every Christian, especially the leaders, must be faithful to CHRIST, at all times. All “called leaders” have been put in charge of explaining the “secret things” of GOD. In other words, GOD allows a “called leader” to share his wisdom, and they are entrusted with managing HIS message of salvation here on earth. However, a leader must not perform his or her duties as one who is in control, but rather, as one who serves, and is responsible to their superior, GOD. 
    Whether or not a leader is faithful cannot be determined by those “confessed Christians”, who are not thoroughly familiar with the Word of GOD.  GOD expects us to judge our leaders, but only by using HIS Holy Word as the standard for making our determination (diakrino judgment – 1 John 4:1-6). Ultimately, however, sometimes even the conscience of a good leader himself cannot be trusted in these matters, and so GOD always leaves the ultimate judgment (“krino judgment”-judgment of “condemnation) call for HIMSELF to make when HE returns to examine the deeds of our lifetime. When HE does come, HE will bring our deepest secrets to light, and also at that time, HE will reveal our private motives and either reward us, or punish us, accordingly.
    Here in chapter 4, Paul continues to use himself and Apollos to illustrate his message to the Corinthians, and he strongly urges that they stay focused on the Word of GOD so that they don’t become puffed up with pride and begin to brag and pit one leader against the other. Any gift that we have has been given to us by GOD, and knowing this, how can we possibly boast about what we’ve accomplished, as if we had accomplished it in our own strength.
    In verses 8-13 Paul employs the literary device known as “sarcasm”. Here he gives us a vivid description of the “worldly superior” Corinthians, being ensconced in the familiar position of being “spiritually inferior” to the apostles. The division in the Church at Corinth had been born out of the selfish desires of the congregation itself, and those selfish desires had found their roots in the “spiritual pride” of those same individuals.
    Seeking a cure for this destructive “schismata” at the newly founded church, Paul decides to send “his son in CHRIST”, Timothy, to lead the church back into the teaching and doctrine of CHRIST JESUS that, he himself, had imparted to them, just five years earlier. Thinking that Paul would never return, the Corinthians had become arrogant with their fancy speech and oratory skills. Paul was not so sure that they were actually working in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. He knew only that the Kingdom of GOD was not just fancy talk, and that a “humble posture” is the only manifested attitude that GOD will accept from man in relation to HIM.
    Although Paul loved his Corinthian brothers, he also knew that a loving father would not shy away from discipline, if it were needed. So Paul concludes chapter 4 by presenting the Corinthians with a choice of how they wished for him to return. Would they want him to return with punishment and scolding? Or, would they want him to return with a visit characterized by quiet love and gentleness?
    In a very real sense, that same two-part question is posed to every person on earth, who is in their right mind, and has reached an age of accountability. How do we want CHRIST to return to us personally? In Matthew 25, verses 31-46, concerning the “Final Judgment”, JESUS warns us of just such a coming. There HE gives us “the answers to the test of life”, and tells exactly how HE will grade us, based on our reaction to human need in our lifetime.
    In this passage JESUS tells us that when HE returns, HE will do so as a shepherd who has come to separate his sheep from his goats. The sheep in this passage represent those who have operated in life according to HIS holy directives, and have reacted in the right way to human need. These will be placed on HIS right, and will ultimately receive their “just rewards” in the Kingdom of Heaven.
    On the other hand, the left hand, will be placed, the goats, those who represent the people who did not respond to HIS directives in the right way (obedience), or, did not respond at all. They in turn, will also receive their “just rewards”, however, it will be eternal punishment in Hell, or, the Lake of Fire”.
    The time is always “right now” to make a determination as to which side of JESUS we prefer to be on when that coming “Day of Judgment” arrives. And it is not just a verbal decision that we must make, but rather, it is a behavioral one, based on our humble service to the Almighty GOD, and, to our fellowman, in our lifetime here on earth.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


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