the week beginning Sunday February 16, 2020
The Christian Church is not one that is born of bricks and
mortar, but rather, it is born of the living flesh of JESUS CHRIST. Instead of
being stocked with silver and gold, it is stocked with spiritual blessings from
on High. And instead of being overseen by an earthly priest; it is overseen and
headed, by the LORD HIMSELF. Therefore, it does not lie at the mercy of hostile
spiritual forces, but rather, it is ultimately guarded and protected by a
supreme and powerful GOD.
The opening verses of Paul’s letter to the
Ephesians gives us visions of a child who is surrounded by gifts at Christmas
time. One can easily feel how GOD wishes to give us all the needed blessings
that are promised to those who belong to HIS adopted family. When we belong to
the family of GOD, JESUS opens up the doors to HIS FATHER’s wealth and security
and helps us to fully understand HIS “house rules”, or, HIS will, and HIS ways.
In Ephesians 1, verses 3-14, after a warm
and wonderful greeting, the Apostle Paul lays out “three provisions of
spiritual blessings” by the GODHEAD (GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the
HOLY SPIRIT). In the original Greek writing, this particular passage (verses
3-14), is one long sentence. It contains a trio of blessings that are bestowed
upon anyone whose heart belongs to CHRIST JESUS. They are;
The selection of the FATHER (Vs. 3-6) –
GOD has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, simply
because we belong to CHRIST. Before HE made the world, GOD loved and chose us
in CHRIST to be holy (set apart) and without fault in HIS eyes. HIS immutable
plan has always been to adopt Gentiles into HIS family, through JESUS CHRIST, and
HE finds great pleasure in doing so.
The sacrifice of the SON (Vs. 7-12) –
GOD, through HIS rich kindness, purchased our freedom through the blood of HIS
only begotten SON, and as a result, our sins are forgiven. In addition, HE has
given us wisdom and understanding, as “HIS secret plan”, the “Christian
Church”, consisting of both Jews and Gentiles united together in CHRIST, has
been revealed to the world. Because of CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the “HEAD of the
Church” and everything else in Heaven and on Earth, we receive an inheritance
from GOD. GOD’s purpose is that, we who trust in CHRIST should praise HIM, for
HE is our glorious SAVIOR.
The seal of the HOLY SPIRIT (V.13-14) – When
we first heard the truth of the Gospel of CHRIST, and believed, HE identified
us as HIS OWN by giving us the HOLY SPIRIT, GOD’s promise, guarantee, and
Before GOD ever created the world, HE
already had in place, special plans for those HE would later call to partake in
HIS great and wonderful work. The rewards we receive at the end of our
“Christian walk” are greatly increased in accordance to how close we walked in
obedience to the MASTER. HIS “secret plan” (the church) has now been revealed
to us, and it centers on CHRIST JESUS, HIS only begotten SON. And “at the right
time”, HE will bring everything together under the authority of HIS SON,
indeed, everything in Heaven, and, on earth.
It is because of CHRIST JESUS, that we have
received an inheritance from GOD, and GOD chose us, from the beginning. All
things happen now, just as GOD planned them long ago, and when we believe in
CHRIST, GOD identifies us as HIS OWN. And HE gives us HIS HOLY SPIRIT to guide
us and hold us by the hand, so that when we stumble, we will not fall. The HOLY
SPIRIT is “GOD’s guarantee” that HE will grant us everything that HE has
promised, and, that HE has purchased us at a high price to be in HIS family.
This is just one more reason for us to praise GOD at all times, not just with
our lips, but indeed, most importantly, through our daily behavior, which is
the true sign of worship.
Sunday school lesson by,
D. Alexander
Official Website
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