Friday, March 16, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday March 18, 2018

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

   It is only through the persuasion of our lifestyle that we can successfully lead others to CHRIST. We, as Christians, must behave in a manner that, by definition, is drastically different from that of most people in the world, in this, or in any day and age. We must also not attempt to force or coerce others to do as we do, they must do so, voluntarily.
    Here in 2 Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul, after speaking briefly about the frailness of the bodies we now have to work and minister in under GOD, now paints a picture of “a new glorified eternal body” that GOD will present to those who are faithful and obedient to HIM in their old perishable bodies, here on earth.
    Verse 1 of this passage briefly sums up what Paul had written in his first letter to the Corinthian Church (1 Corinthians 15:34-54), regarding the subject of “the resurrection body”. Here, however, he refers to our old perishable bodies as “earthly tents” (epigeios skenous), an analogy that, no doubt, references a thought drawn from his earthly career as a tentmaker. Here he says that, unlike our earthly tents (temples), our new tents will not be made by human hands, but rather, will be constructed personally by the hand of GOD.
    Even though we now moan and grow weary in our present bodies, we must cling to the Christian Hope that promises us a new body in Heaven. Here in verse 3, Paul tells us that we will not be spirits without bodies in Heaven, but rather, we will have new Heavenly bodies. Our old bodies will be swallowed up by eternal life.
    GOD’s promise for this is revealed through HIS sharing with us of HIS HOLY SPIRIT right now, here on earth. HE wants us to get used to the idea of living in the SPIRIT right now, in our present bodies, and, at one and the same time, recognize fully that we are not yet at home with the LORD. That is why we must live by believing, and not by sight (Vs.3-7). This is the “eternal viewpoint” (motivating thought) that is required in order for us to carry out our ministries effectively here on earth.
    We as Christians must desire to live in such a way, that our lives here on earth, will not diminish our rewards in Heaven. We must remain fully confident, as we know that we would rather be away from these temporal bodies, and at home with the LORD. Our aim should be always to please the LORD, whether in this body, or, in the next. For we must all make an account for the deeds done in our lifetimes, and we will all have to stand before CHRIST to be judged, each receiving whatever judgment we have merited in our bodies, in our lifetime, here on earth (Vs.8-10).

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

   To the worldly person (those who are blinded by satan), CHRIST appears to be ONE WHO was a failure, a religious reformer WHO gambled with HIS life and was rewarded with a criminal’s death on the cross by Roman method. As the result of that existing mindset, most times the Christian’s approach to ministry in the world seems futile and actually crazy to an unbeliever. They can’t seem to reconcile in their minds how a Christian’s work can be anything but a complete waste of time.
     In 2 Corinthians 5, taking up at verse 11, the Apostle Paul attempts to show us how, we as Christians, are actually GOD’s ambassadors, the purest form of “a figurative representative” that GOD has in place on this earth. And because we have solemn reverence for the LORD, we work hard to persuade others and lead them to salvation, even while under the greatest of duress from worldly opposition. And while what we do may seem crazy, it brings glory to GOD. And if we are in our right minds, our work becomes the benefit of the whole unsaved world.
    Because of CHRIST’s love for us, we are able to endure many things, and because we accept that love, we are able to die to our old life, and live for HIM. CHRIST died for the whole world in general, but for true Christians in particular. HE gave us “new life”, and all those who receive HIS new life, will no longer desire to please just themselves, but rather, they become concerned about the needs of others, even the stranger. Those who accept CHRIST are resurrected into a new life that is no longer constrained by the threat of “death” (permanent separation from GOD - Vs.11-15).
    Perhaps the greatest thing about accepting CHRIST and allowing the laws of GOD to become paramount in our lives is that, we stop evaluating people by what the world thinks of them. Paul says that he himself once thought about JESUS that way. Whenever we value the world’s opinion more than GOD’s opinion, we are saying, in effect that, satan, the god of this world, is greater than The GOD, WHO created the world.
    And so, even though the world may view JESUS as a failure, those faithful who are being saved, view HIM in HIS resurrected glory, and, they worship HIM as GOD. As Christians, we need to see ourselves as the “new creations” that we really are. And even though it may seem futile while we are still faithfully working our missions for CHRIST, we have to be able to look beyond this world, with hope, to GOD, WHO will sustain us.
    All this “newness of life” that Paul talks about here in this passage, comes to us from GOD, our SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST. As ambassadors of CHRIST, GOD has given us the task of reconciling our fellowman to HIM. In fact, GOD is actually in CHRIST, reconciling us to HIM, and, HE is willing to “justify” us by no longer counting our sins against (Vs.18-19).
     In the Greek, the word used for “reconciliation” is “katalasso”, and it means, “to restore back to harmony”. The life of CHRIST JESUS was sacrificed in order that GOD may bring us back into harmony with HIMSELF, both from a “positional” standpoint, and, from an “experiential” one. As “just workers” and ambassadors for CHRIST, we are not allowed by GOD to trick or coerce anyone into accepting HIM, but rather, our charge has always been to share the Good News about CHRIST, and then, allow each individual to make up their own minds whether they want to accept or reject it.
    GOD sent HIS only begotten SON to be a propitiation for our sins, but before JESUS could qualify to do that, HE had to first live a “sinless life” as a 100% human being here on earth. It was only then that HE could be offered up as a “perfect sacrifice” (GOD’s price for sin) for all mankind. This vicarious sacrifice by JESUS was the only action that could be taken, that would restore us back into a personal relationship of friendship with GOD. And as a result of HIS unselfishness, today is “the Day of Salvation”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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