Friday, March 9, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday March 11, 2018

2 Corinthians 4

   The true Christian lives in the face of physical death here on earth, however, their teachings about CHRIST, results in others, as well as themselves, obtaining eternal spiritual life with GOD the FATHER, in Heaven. Our knowledge of CHRIST amounts to possessing “great treasures” that are held in “perishable containers”.
    Our carnal bodies are designed to be temporal vehicles that serve GOD, while we serve our fellowman. And since our time here on earth is so short, it is paramount that we take full advantage of the grace of GOD to apply the methods of CHRIST JESUS in our ministries, and never give in to the gravitational force of this world and its way of doing things.
    Here in 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, the Apostle Paul attempts to explain how it is “the message”, rather than “the messenger”, that is the key to the spreading the Gospel under the New Covenant that was ushered in by CHRIST JESUS. And so, as messengers, we must be willing to speak out even if we are not eloquent speakers, or may not be as skilled or knowledgeable as some others may be. It is not the skill and eloquence of the messenger that gives the Word of GOD its power, but rather, it is the power of GOD in the Word that strengthens the messenger.
    Here in verses 1-2, Paul gives us some rules of thumb by which all Christian teachers should live by, if they are to be successful under GOD and under the New Covenant.  This is how Paul suggests that we as ministers of the Gospel operate under GOD;

·         We should never give up
·         We should reject all shameful and underhanded methods or tactics (no human ingenuity)
·         We should not try to trick anyone
·         We do not distort the Word of GOD
·         We tell the truth before GOD

    Whenever the Gospel is veiled from anyone, it is a sign that that person is perishing (v.3). Satan, who is “the god of this age”, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe, and as a result, they are not able to understand and see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining directly upon them (v.4). The term “god of this age”, that is used by Paul in verse 4, implies that the people of this age are voluntarily willing to submit to and follow satan’s evil directives.
    JESUS CHRIST is the exact spiritual image of GOD, and so the Christian should not go around preaching about themselves, but rather, they should preach about HIM. The only thing that we should be saying about ourselves is that we are JESUS’ servants, because of what HE has done for us, and that, we are voluntarily committed and submitted, totally to HIM (v.5).
    JESUS CHRIST is the light that GOD allowed to come into this dark world. The light and power of CHRIST in us is “precious treasure contained in perishable containers (our weak bodies)”. This is so everyone can see that this glorious power is not our own, but rather, it comes from GOD (Vs.6-7). It is power that keeps us from being crushed when we are pressed on every side by the troubles of this world. We don’t give up when we are perplexed by the gradual moral slide of this world into the abyss of sin. GOD never abandons us, and so, when we get knocked down, we get up and begin to tread forward with even greater conviction and determination. Through our suffering, these perishable bodies of ours actually share in the death of CHRIST, and HE is clearly seen by others within our actions and tribulations (Vs.8-10).
    We as true Christians have to learn to look beyond the sin-filled challenges of this world, and into the faithfulness of GOD. We must rely on GOD to transform us into mature warriors who can glorify HIM in times of trouble and duress. Suffering for CHRIST sake in this world will bring immeasurable benefits in the world to come, and that is why we must never give up. We know that the same GOD WHO raised our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST from the dead will equip us with all that we need to do HIS wonderful will. And through our work here on earth, GOD HIMSELF will receive more glory.
    Although the body of the Christian worker may be declining and dying with each passing day, our human spirit is being renewed just as rapidly. Our present troubles that are brought on by our work for CHRIST in an anti-CHRIST world are quite small when they are compared to great treasures that we will receive for doing the work of GOD, HIS way. For our troubles will soon be over, but our rewards and benefits, and all the joys that comes with them, will last forever.  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

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