Friday, December 8, 2017


For the week beginning Sunday December 10, 2017

1 Corinthians 8

    Now Paul moves on to try to resolve the issue in the Corinthian Church concerning the dispute in certain areas of Christian doctrine.  Here he uses “food that has been sacrificed to idols”, “eidolothuton” (i-do-loth-oo-ton) (v.1), as an example, or case in point.
     Knowledge of GOD may be what makes us feel good, but love of GOD is really what builds the Church up. Anyone who claims to know everything there is about GOD, really doesn’t know very much of everything at all. And whereas GOD loves all of HIS creation in general, the person who loves GOD is the person who GOD knows and cares about in particular (Vs.2-3).
    In the first century, animals that were sacrificed to idols by pagans were divided into three portions;

·         One portion to be burned
·         One portion for the pagan priest
·         And one portion for the person who gave the sacrifice

    Most often, the priest would sell the unused portions of the meat at the market place, and as a result, doctrinal problems and questions arose in the Church concerning “spiritual contamination”, as oftentimes this meat was purchased by many Christians to eat with their meals. Some Christians believed that the meat was contaminated, and that, people who purchased and ate it were participating in idolatry. Still other Christians balked at that notion, saying that it was all in their mind, because pagan gods aren’t really real (4-5).
    Even though Christians know that there is only one true GOD, through the attention, affection, and adoration we give to things made by the hands of man, or to vile people who gain their celebrity from satan by entering into covenants with him, we ascribe power and worship to that which is inferior in GOD the CREATOR. Little do most people know that these people and things are used by satan to embody his demons, or “nephilim spirits” so that he himself can receive worship from us, through them.
    However, GOD our FATHER created everything, and we exist for HIM (v.6). Also, there is only one LORD, JESUS CHRIST, through WHOM GOD made everything, and through WHOM we have been given life. The idols that are sacrificed to, are not real gods, but rather, are objects used by satan, through which he can receive the worship of those who condone the demonic power that is ascribed to them. And so the worship of these idols, although they are not real, still has a dangerous spiritual affect on those who give themselves to them for worship and sacrifice.
    Things and food that are made by GOD can never be evil in themselves (everything GOD made is good - Genesis 1:31), but rather, it is our conscience, contributions, and attitude toward those things that ascribe to them their evil power and influence. Satan cannot even come into our lives and dwell unless we allow him to, or invite him in, and superstition and witchcraft are two of the effective ways that people relent and concede to evil forces.
    Remember, we can’t win GOD’s approval based on what we eat or don’t eat, and neither do we gain anything if we do eat whatever we want (v.8). JESUS says it is not what we eat that defiles us, but rather it is what we allow to creep into our heart (thoughts) that defile us from the inside out.
    Also, Paul also warns us here to be careful regarding our GOD-given “freedom of choice” that we do not cause another Christian to stumble because of their weaker conscience (feeling about something that may not be intrinsically wrong, but rather, may be personally wrong for them).
    Those Christians who think it wrong to eat certain foods may see you eating it and be encouraged to violate their conscience, or ignore their own personal relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT as HE guides them personally to not partake in certain foods. It may be a food that their, own personal body, won’t tolerate, while yours will. Therefore, if they are encouraged by you to do so, you would be guilty of sinning against your fellow Christian Brother or Sister (even though it may be unwittingly) by doing physical harm to their body.
    Every Christian has their own personal relationship with CHRIST, and thereby, the HOLY SPIRIT in us works not only to keep us within the general Will of GOD, but also keeps us from personal harm by things that not necessarily characterized as sinful. Things that harm us personally, although they may not be classified by Scripture as “sin”, are sin to us personally. Therefore, if we do or eat anything that we believe is not right, we are, in effect, sinning against ourselves. For “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23b-KJV). 

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

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