Friday, December 29, 2017


For the week beginning Sunday December 31, 2017

1 Corinthians 11

   The passage of 1 Corinthians 11, verses 1-16, is one that has been debated for centuries among church goers who so want to do what they want to do, and it continues to be debated in the modern-day church by the same defined group of people with the same exact motives in mind, rebellion against GOD’s principals of wisdom. In fact, the only reason we ever debate any of Scriptures is because we desire badly for GOD to agree with our respective man-made denominations, instead of us seeking to come into accordance with HIM.
    Over time, satan has been able to successfully put into our human spirit, an overbearing desire to rebel against GOD more and more with each passing generation, and we choose to accommodate our sin nature more with each passing day, and with an overpowering lust that is, quite literally, sucking the life right out of us. Man has almost from the beginning, sought to have a god who is made in his own image, instead of desiring to worship, and obey the words of the GOD WHO made us in HIS.
    The origins of woman’s rebellion against GOD and man began in the Garden of Eden when Eve willfully left the covering of her husband, Adam, and entered into a sinful dialog with satan. Adam rebelled against GOD by allowing Eve to move ahead without him, instead of interceding in the dialog in defense of what GOD had already instructed them to do. And he should have, since Scripture tells us that he was standing right there with them.
    In this passage of chapter 11, the Apostle Paul attempts to explain the order of creation under GOD to the Church at Corinth. He begins in verse 3 by setting up for the people, the order in which GOD expects us to remain (our creation roles) under HIM, because HE feels that it is right and good. Here he tells us that;

·         JESUS is responsible to GOD the FATHER
·         Man is responsible to JESUS
·         Woman is responsible to man

    Here in this verse the word “head”, in the Greek “kephale”, does not imply “superiority”, but rather, it implies “subordination” and “origination”. JESUS is not inferior to GOD, HE voluntarily submits to GOD because it is right and good. Woman is not inferior to man, but like CHRIST does with GOD, so too must she submit to man because GOD says, it is right and good. And man, who is inferior to CHRIST, must submit to HIM, under GOD, because GOD says, it is right and good.
    And so, here “head” explains the divine order that GOD places upon HIS human creation, and it aligns it the way that GOD feels is right and good. GOD the FATHER covers all, JESUS covers mankind, and men cover women and children. In order to stay within the will of GOD, everyone must stay within the creation role in which GOD assigned us, and we rebel against GOD when we try to move out of our assigned creation roles (i.e. in homosexual behavior).
    The much debated passage of 1 Corinthians 11, verses 4-10 is not that complicated when we realize that Paul is not-so-much speaking about a “head garment” in church, as he is about order under GOD, and “creation roles” in life.
   Men and women are interdependent. No woman has to be like a man to have worth and value, and no man has to be like a woman. We only need to be what GOD made us to be. A man covering his head while praying or bringing a revelation from GOD symbolizes dishonor toward CHRIST, his SPIRITUAL HEAD.
    In the first century when Paul lived, head covering for women was a universal custom in the Jewish culture. At that time, a woman not wearing a covering on her head brought the same amount of shame that she would receive if she cut off all her hair, it was simply not something that was contemplated by Jewish women in those days.
    On the other hand, Corinthian women at that time had begun to express a desire to rebel against those GODly principals that they had learned from Paul and others in the Christian Church. They saw it more as degradation, rather than being liberated, as most Jewish women saw it. By not covering their heads, they were asserting their equality with men.
    However, this creation role principle does not make women inferior, but rather, it uniquely exalts them. Men and women were created by GOD to glorify HIM, and there is no better way for each of us to glorify GOD than to live out, and be what GOD created us to be in accordance with our sexual gender, not with our envious twisted fleshly lusts.
    And so we see, the fact that GOD is the head of man, whom HE created, actually exalts him, not demean him. And the covered head of a woman is not a sign of a man’s authority over them, but rather, it is a sign of a woman’s authority to pray and prophesy in worship and in private. A person does not have to be a man in order to participate fully in life, nor in the Church. Any man or woman just has to do it GOD’s way, and not yield to the evil lures of their own sin nature to do things their own way.

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

   The words “in remembrance”, that JESUS uses in HIS instituting of the LORD’s Supper, dates back to the Old Testament concept of “Zikkaron” (Zik-ka-rone). Zikkaron is a Festival, Practice, or Object, that is used to symbolically link future generations to a distinctive act of GOD from the past. The name derives from the Hebrew word “zikrown” (zik-rone), which means “a memento, or memorable thing, day, or writing”.
    Through the Zikkaron, GOD’s people could sense their personal participation, along with the original generation, in the act that GOD had performed for them. Thus the LORD’s Supper is a unique institution of sacrament, intended to link all generations to the memory of CHRIST JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice.
    Some of those in the Corinthian Church were totally missing the significance of the LORD’S Supper. Instead of making it a shared time in holy sacrament in CHRIST, they were treating it as if it were a dinner party that was dedicated to one of the pagan deities they used worship. 
    The New Covenant is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, and it is spelled out quite clearly by GOD, in Jeremiah 31:31-34. JESUS came to usher in that new Covenant from GOD. It is a Covenant that is far superior to any before, or since, that time. This New Covenant provides for the regeneration of mankind, and allows for us to be indwelt by the HOLY SPIRIT, when we come to believe in JESUS CHRIST. The bread, which we eat at the sacrament, is common bread, but for those who have the heart to feel and understand, the purpose and work of GOD, it is the very body of CHRIST JESUS.
    In the Gospel according to Luke, as expressed in chapter 22, in verse 22, in his original Greek writings, the word Luke uses in JESUS’ statement, that translates “determined”, is “horizo” (hor-id-zo). Luke is the only author in Scripture who uses this particular word for “determined”, and he uses it only here, and in Acts 17:26. In both places it means “decreed by GOD”, and is meant to remind us, from a “time-bound” perspective, that JESUS’ death was a miscarriage of justice, and that, from GOD’s point of view, it was the keystone of HIS plan to, not only provide salvation, but to also, set all things right.
    In Exodus 24:1-8, the Israelites accepted GOD’s Covenant, as it had been given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The continuance of that Covenant depended on man keeping his pledge and obeying the laws of GOD. But man would not then, and quite frankly, will not now, abide by such a Covenant, because our sin continuously interrupts our relationship with GOD. It took the life of CHRIST to restore that lost relationship of friendship with GOD. “This do in remembrance of me”, is what JESUS said to HIS Disciples. But it is also a statement that comes to us, from across the spans of time, in hopes that we too, can share in HIS new Covenant.
   JESUS knew how quickly the human mind would forget. HE knew that we would become so pre-occupied with our own worldly affairs, that, eventually, we would fail to recall HIS vicarious sacrifice. And so, HE invites us to, come in sometimes, into the peace and tranquility, of HIS FATHER’s House, and to “Do this in remembrance of HIM”.
    It is all the more tragic that, at that very table, on that Passover night, in a dimly lit upper room, somewhere in the midst, of the festive atmosphere of Jerusalem, that there sat one, who was a traitor, and, who would sell JESUS out, for the price of a common slave, which was thirty pieces of silver, at that time.
    Since the birth of the New Covenant, at every Communion table, there are those who would betray JESUS. If, in HIS House, we pledge ourselves to HIM, and then, go out and fail to reflect HIS image to others, through our own behavior, then we too, like Judas, have become traitors to HIS cause.
    Unlike JESUS, we don’t know when our last supper will be. It is the will of GOD that man not know what his time, place, or method of demise will be. But, like JESUS, we can all, become great preparers, and begin to store up our treasures in a place that JESUS says, “has been prepared for us, from the foundation of this World”. That place that Luke, Paul, and other New Testament writers call, in the Greek, “Paradeisos” (Par-ad-i-sos), but we call, “the Kingdom of Heaven”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


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