Friday, September 6, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday September 8, 2019


Scripture reveals four important aspects of CHRIST’ person, and in the next few weeks we’ll examine those aspect. This week, however, we’ll look at the first aspect, and, what is known by scholars as, “the seven positions of CHRIST”.

1.      The seven positions of CHRIST

2.      CHRIST’S offices

3        CHRISTS’ SONship

4        The Hypostatic Union


·         Pre-incarnate – Identified in the Old Testament as “The ANGEL of the LORD”, JESUS possessed all the glory and attributes of GOD the FATHER, except HE admits that HE was not all-knowing at this point (Genesis 18:20-21) (Genesis 22:11-18), only GOD the FATHER was. As The ANGEL of the LORD, HIS relationship to GOD the FATHER was so close and inseparable that HE could actually deliver HIS FATHER’s messages to people on earth, as if GOD the FATHER were speaking directly through HIM literally, and in essence, HE was. Simply by opening HIS mouth, the ANGEL of the LORD (JESUS) can communicate and verbalize the very thoughts of GOD the FATHER, precisely. (Genesis 18) (Genesis 22:11-18) (Exodus 3:2-4:17) (Numbers 22:21-35) etc.
·         Incarnate – “JESUS the man” lived in perfect obedience to GOD the FATHER (GOD’s Commandments) as a 100% human being during HIS existence here on earth, while being totally separated from HIS OWN deity in Heaven (the beginning of HIS vicarious sacrifice). And again, HE admittedly was not all-knowing at this point (Matthew 24:36) (Mark 2:10) (John 5:16-30) (John 17:2), but possessed the “faith in HIS FATHER GOD” that HE needed in order to overcome this world and return to HIS deity in Heaven.
       It is that same kind of “faith in CHRIST JESUS” that can and will save us from the
       gravitational pull of this world, and allow us too, to overcome it, just as JESUS did.
       This truth is underscored by the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 4, where he debates
       that “Justification” and “Salvation” are imputed to us by GOD, because of “our faith
       in HIM”, and, that the gift of salvation from GOD has never been given as a result of
       our “good works”, but rather, is allotted to us because of our faith in GOD. “Our good
       works” are derived from “our faith in GOD”, and our “faith in GOD” is manifested
       through “our good works”. Our good works testify of our faith in GOD.
       In the biblical Greek, the word “logizomai” (log-i-zom-ahee) is used to describe what
       takes place when GOD accredits us with righteousness that we could not otherwise
       earn on our own, just as HE did with Abram in Genesis 15:6. Logizomai is an
       accounting term that means “to reckon”, or, “to make an entry in the account book”.
      The doctrine of “imputation” is taught throughout the Old and New Testaments. To
      “impute” means “to accredit someone other than the one who is responsible”.
          Scripture teaches us that, when we believe GOD, HE, WHO keeps all record books,
       looks into our accounts and clearly sees that we are not righteous. HE then, through
       HIS grace and mercy, chooses to accept our faith in HIM, in place of that lack of
       righteousness. In other words, for those who have faith in HIM (CHRIST JESUS),
       GOD will stamp the word “RIGHTEOUS” over their accounts, and announce that
        their debt is covered, or, is paid in full, through the blood of CHRIST JESUS.
·         In death – JESUS revealed GOD’s love, righteousness, wisdom, and method of making possible the redemption on mankind. HE rendered HIMSELF back up to GOD as a “perfect sacrifice”, which is what GOD requires as payment for sin. In order to become “a perfect human sacrifice for our sins”, JESUS had to first be born into the world (born of woman into the human existence) to become like us physically as a 100% human being living under GOD the FATHER. HE then had to actually, as a 100% human being, live a life of total obedience to GOD’s commandments, in order to present HIMSELF worthy to be our SAVIOR.
·         In resurrection – JESUS revealed the power of GOD, and GOD’s plan to glorify humanity. HE was granted all power on earth and in Heaven at this point, and is now equal with GOD in every aspect, including all-knowing. (Matthew 28:18)
·          In ascension – JESUS ascended back into Heaven and is now seated on HIS throne serving as head of the Christian Body of Believers here on earth. HE is now omnipresent with all who choose to believe, worship and follow HIM.
·         The Second Coming (the Rapture) – will be seen only by the Church (Those who died in CHRIST, and those who are living in CHRIST when HE returns – (Matthew 24) (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17)
·         The Second Coming – as seen by the world (those who are yet living outside of CHRIST will lose their life, and those who died outside of CHRIST will not be resurrected until the thousand-year period of  “The Millennial Kingdom” has ended (Revelation 20:1-6) (Matthew 24) (Matthew 25:31-46)

Next week: CHRIST’s offices

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website


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