Friday, September 20, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday September 22, 2019



   In the bible JESUS is presented as having five son-ships while HE was here on earth: HE was known as the SON of GOD, SON of man, SON of David, SON of Abraham, and SON of Mary:


   In the biblical Greek, the word used for “only begotten” is “monogenes” and it is used five times in the Gospel of John to reference, just WHO JESUS is. GOD is eternally the FATHER of CHRIST JESUS, and CHRIST JESUS is eternally the SON of GOD. The TRINITY (GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT) is quite literally the “ETERNAL GENERATION”, and this terminology lends reason to the fact, that, even though it is not “generation” in the ordinary sense of the word, THEIR generation is unique and eternal because there is no beginning or end to it, and, there was never a time when it did not exist (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1-18 & 3:16-17, Galatians 4:4).  


   CHRIST is called “The SON of Man” 80 times in the New Testament. It is a term that speaks to the “humanity of JESUS, and signifies that HE represented “the human race” in what HE did here on earth. In fact, HE spent HIS first thirty years on earth, showing us how to live perfectly as human beings under GOD.
    In the Old Testament the term “son of man” is used in the Book of Ezekiel 90 times by the LORD to address the prophet Ezekiel, who HE used to represent the concept of a “coming MAN” from Heaven, WHO would be blessed by GOD (JESUS). Failure to emphasize and declare the humanity of JESUS is just as destructive to Christian doctrine as denying HIS deity, and is indeed, a sign of a “false prophet”, or antichrist (1 John 4:1-3).


   JESUS is the ONE WHO the bible says will reign on the throne of David forever (2 Samuel 7:11-13, Matthew 1:1, 6, 20, 9:27, 12:23, 15:22, 20:30-31, 21:9). JESUS is also seen as a descendant of David in Revelations 3:7, 5:5, and 22:16. The fact that JESUS is called the SON of David tells us that GOD’s plan was for HIM to fulfill the covenant promise that HE had given to David when HE said that one of his descendants would always sit on his throne in Israel.


   The “Abrahamic Covenant”, the “Davidic Covenant”, and the Covenant ushered in by JESUS are all linked together and serve to give CHRIST an inseparable role in the eternal promise of GOD’s blessings upon mankind. The title “SON of Abraham”, like the “SON of David” relates JESUS to the promise given to Abraham by GOD (Matthew 1:1, Luke 3:23-34, & 19:9).
    The promise to David links JESUS to the throne of Israel, while the promise to Abraham links JESUS extensively to the entire human race (Genesis 12:3). It indicates the wide extent of JESUS’ ministry, and also forms the basis for the Gospel to be preached throughout the world (Matthew 28:18-20).


   Another title given to JESUS is that HE is the “SON of Mary” (Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-7, Matthew 13:55). In order for JESUS to be presented as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of man, HE had to be, first, born of woman so that HE could operate here on earth as a 100% human being.
    GOD’s requirement as payment for sin has always been in the form of a perfect, unblemished sacrifice. Mary was the woman chosen by GOD, through which HE would deliver JESUS to mankind as an propitiation for our sins, once and for all time. HE lived HIS first thirty years or so on earth specifically to show us how to live and operate perfectly under GOD, without the embodiment of the HOLY SPIRIT.
    Remember, the HOLY SPIRIT did not come upon JESUS until HE was approximately thirty years old, after HIS baptism by John (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:29-34), and HE had lived perfectly under GOD even up to that point, because HE shared “GOD’s nature” just as all human beings do, who, do not live perfectly under GOD. And so the absence of the HOLY SPIRIT in man can no longer be used as an excuse to sin.


   The uniqueness of the person of CHRIST JESUS includes all that GOD is, and all that man is, apart from sin. The Apostle John calls HIM “Monogenes Theos” in the Greek (John 1:18b), which means “the only begotten GOD”, or, in other words, “the only human who was born of woman and later became GOD”.
    In our understanding of Scripture as it pertains to the incarnate CHRIST, one must be extremely careful not to neglect all the evidence of HIS deity, or, the essential character of HIS humanity. And while it may be difficult to detect exactly how these two natures meld in their work and activities, it is only necessary that we understand that the embodiment of the two natures constitute history’s one and only “Theanthropic Person”. No one, before or after CHRIST JESUS, will ever possess both these characteristics. JESUS CHRIST, was both, 100% man, and, 100% GOD, but not at the same time. HE is the GOD WHO became human for our sake, and the human who returned to HIS glory as GOD, through HIS victorious mission on earth, and HIS perfect obedience to GOD the FATHER, in Heaven, while performing HIS mission.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, September 13, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday September 15, 2019



The title “CHRIST” in the New Testament, as well as the title “MESSIAH” in the Old Testament, imply a “threefold” official divine responsibility or function of JESUS, our SAVIOR. They are;

·         Prophet
·         Priest
·         King

JESUS is the only person in Scripture WHOSE ministry involves all three of these offices.


   In the biblical Greek, the word used for “messenger” is “angelos”, and it describes one who brings news or tidings by divine order from GOD. JESUS came to usher in a “New Covenant” from GOD. It is a Covenant that is far superior to any before or since that time. The message of the “Good News” or “Gospel” that was announced by John the Baptist, and, ushered in by JESUS, is the greatest and most important fulfilled prophecy of all time.
    In the Old Testament, prophets were reformers of sort, who, not only delivered GOD’s Word, but also, at one and the same time, challenged the people to actually serve the LORD and obey HIS Word. They were called “men of GOD” or “seers”, and were distinguished by their holy lifestyle before men, under GOD. They were able to see beyond that which is natural in the eyes of man.
    JESUS wholly fitted the role of the Old Testament prophet. In fact, in the Old Testament, JESUS served in the role of a prophet as “The ANGEL of GOD” and “The COMMANDER of the LORD’s Army” (Joshua 5:13-15). HE delivered many messages from GOD the FATHER to men such as Abraham (Genesis 22:11-17), Moses (Exodus 3:2-3), Joshua (Joshua 5:13-15), Baalam (Numbers 22:21-35), and to the Israelites in general at Bokim (Judges 2:1-5).


   JESUS completely filled the office of priest, as it is described in the Old Testament, and as it is taught in the New Testament, in the book of Hebrews (Hebrews 7:1-14). HE fulfilled the “Aaronic Priesthood” type, as one who offers up gifts and sacrifices, and as an interceder for the LORD’s people. JESUS’ priesthood is also compared to that of Melchizedek, the historical, obscure figure to whom even Abraham paid tithes (Genesis 15:17-20).
    JESUS, like Melchizedek, is a King/Priest. As King/Priest, JESUS heads the Christian Church, which make it a holy and royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:5 & 9). And so, the Christian Church is a Priesthood, whereby every believer is a priest. And the fact that the Church itself is a Priesthood, makes CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the head of the Church, our High Priest.
    JESUS received priesthood by divine appointment from GOD. Like Melchizedek, HE did not derive HIS priesthood from HIS lineage, and there are no descending priests who succeeded HIM. As priests under CHRIST, Christians must offer a fivefold sacrifice:

·        Their own bodies (Romans 12:1, Philippians 2:17, 2 Timothy 4:6, James 1:27)
·        Praise to GOD (Hebrews 13:15)
·        The sacrifice of good works (Hebrews 13:15)
·        Sharing gifts of money and service to those in need (Romans 12:13, Galatians 6:6, & 10, Titus 3:14)
·        Be intercessors in prayer for others (Colossians 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:1)


   JESUS fulfills the office of King as it is foretold in the “Davidic Covenant” (2 Samuel 7:11-13). Also see Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 1:31-33. Scripture tells that JESUS will come again, not just as “King of the Jews”, but rather, as “LORD of all Kings” (Revelations 19:6). Recognition of JESUS’ three offices is paramount to Christian Theology and Faith, for they not only describe HIS person, but also HIS work in the three spheres that man must travel through, the past, the present, and, the future.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, September 6, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday September 8, 2019


Scripture reveals four important aspects of CHRIST’ person, and in the next few weeks we’ll examine those aspect. This week, however, we’ll look at the first aspect, and, what is known by scholars as, “the seven positions of CHRIST”.

1.      The seven positions of CHRIST

2.      CHRIST’S offices

3        CHRISTS’ SONship

4        The Hypostatic Union


·         Pre-incarnate – Identified in the Old Testament as “The ANGEL of the LORD”, JESUS possessed all the glory and attributes of GOD the FATHER, except HE admits that HE was not all-knowing at this point (Genesis 18:20-21) (Genesis 22:11-18), only GOD the FATHER was. As The ANGEL of the LORD, HIS relationship to GOD the FATHER was so close and inseparable that HE could actually deliver HIS FATHER’s messages to people on earth, as if GOD the FATHER were speaking directly through HIM literally, and in essence, HE was. Simply by opening HIS mouth, the ANGEL of the LORD (JESUS) can communicate and verbalize the very thoughts of GOD the FATHER, precisely. (Genesis 18) (Genesis 22:11-18) (Exodus 3:2-4:17) (Numbers 22:21-35) etc.
·         Incarnate – “JESUS the man” lived in perfect obedience to GOD the FATHER (GOD’s Commandments) as a 100% human being during HIS existence here on earth, while being totally separated from HIS OWN deity in Heaven (the beginning of HIS vicarious sacrifice). And again, HE admittedly was not all-knowing at this point (Matthew 24:36) (Mark 2:10) (John 5:16-30) (John 17:2), but possessed the “faith in HIS FATHER GOD” that HE needed in order to overcome this world and return to HIS deity in Heaven.
       It is that same kind of “faith in CHRIST JESUS” that can and will save us from the
       gravitational pull of this world, and allow us too, to overcome it, just as JESUS did.
       This truth is underscored by the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 4, where he debates
       that “Justification” and “Salvation” are imputed to us by GOD, because of “our faith
       in HIM”, and, that the gift of salvation from GOD has never been given as a result of
       our “good works”, but rather, is allotted to us because of our faith in GOD. “Our good
       works” are derived from “our faith in GOD”, and our “faith in GOD” is manifested
       through “our good works”. Our good works testify of our faith in GOD.
       In the biblical Greek, the word “logizomai” (log-i-zom-ahee) is used to describe what
       takes place when GOD accredits us with righteousness that we could not otherwise
       earn on our own, just as HE did with Abram in Genesis 15:6. Logizomai is an
       accounting term that means “to reckon”, or, “to make an entry in the account book”.
      The doctrine of “imputation” is taught throughout the Old and New Testaments. To
      “impute” means “to accredit someone other than the one who is responsible”.
          Scripture teaches us that, when we believe GOD, HE, WHO keeps all record books,
       looks into our accounts and clearly sees that we are not righteous. HE then, through
       HIS grace and mercy, chooses to accept our faith in HIM, in place of that lack of
       righteousness. In other words, for those who have faith in HIM (CHRIST JESUS),
       GOD will stamp the word “RIGHTEOUS” over their accounts, and announce that
        their debt is covered, or, is paid in full, through the blood of CHRIST JESUS.
·         In death – JESUS revealed GOD’s love, righteousness, wisdom, and method of making possible the redemption on mankind. HE rendered HIMSELF back up to GOD as a “perfect sacrifice”, which is what GOD requires as payment for sin. In order to become “a perfect human sacrifice for our sins”, JESUS had to first be born into the world (born of woman into the human existence) to become like us physically as a 100% human being living under GOD the FATHER. HE then had to actually, as a 100% human being, live a life of total obedience to GOD’s commandments, in order to present HIMSELF worthy to be our SAVIOR.
·         In resurrection – JESUS revealed the power of GOD, and GOD’s plan to glorify humanity. HE was granted all power on earth and in Heaven at this point, and is now equal with GOD in every aspect, including all-knowing. (Matthew 28:18)
·          In ascension – JESUS ascended back into Heaven and is now seated on HIS throne serving as head of the Christian Body of Believers here on earth. HE is now omnipresent with all who choose to believe, worship and follow HIM.
·         The Second Coming (the Rapture) – will be seen only by the Church (Those who died in CHRIST, and those who are living in CHRIST when HE returns – (Matthew 24) (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17)
·         The Second Coming – as seen by the world (those who are yet living outside of CHRIST will lose their life, and those who died outside of CHRIST will not be resurrected until the thousand-year period of  “The Millennial Kingdom” has ended (Revelation 20:1-6) (Matthew 24) (Matthew 25:31-46)

Next week: CHRIST’s offices

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY DALEXANDER- Official Website