Friday, August 2, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday August 4, 2019

(Through faith we can overcome sinful influences)
1 John 5

   Faith in GOD’s SON, CHRIST JESUS is the secret to spiritual victory over the world system of satan, that can completely blind us to the Gospel. Those who believe in CHRIST are world conquerors, simply because of their faith. In the biblical Greek, the word used for “faith” is “pistis” and it means “to rely upon with an inward certainty”. In 1 John chapter 5, verses 1-12, the Apostle John concludes his first biblical epistle by writing about how “a real faith in JESUS” is best expressed by “the way we live out our lives under GOD”.
    We know we have been truly “born again” when we begin to love one another, and when we develop a desire to obey GOD’s Word completely. A person who obeys GOD’s commands is doing what is right towards GOD, and towards his fellowman. That person is by their obedience to GOD, loving GOD, and, his fellowman also. As we experience love for one another, and, for GOD, GOD’s laws will inevitably become paramount in our lives.
    The Christian Faith will always rest on the reality of an historic JESUS WHO was both, man and GOD. “The SPIRIT”, “the water”, and “the blood”, the three great witnesses, all testify and agree to that fact (Vs.6-7). There has been much debate between scholars over the years, as to the identity of these three witnesses, however, most agree with the assessment of the great second century Church historian, Tertullian, who writes that the “SPIRIT” is the HOLY SPIRIT, “the water” is the baptism of JESUS, where HE affirms HIS identity with man as a “100% human being”, and “the blood” of CHRIST, which was shed on the cross, accomplished our salvation. In fact, the blood of CHRIST is “the life”, and quite literally represents, “life eternal with GOD”.
    Our faith in CHRIST serves as its own “inner witness”, and in our hearts, we believe to a point of knowing that the Gospel of JESUS is truth. Our certainty is confirmed by the evidence of what GOD then does in our lives on a daily basis. Because of the victory we achieve through our faith in GOD, obeying HIS commands really should not be a burden for us (v.3). The “burden of sin” has been taken away, and we shouldn’t want to turn around and replace it with “a burden of unwillingness” to follow the ONE WHO freed us from the oppression, and depression, of a satanically influenced world system in the first place.
    As John wrote this wonderful letter, he probably wrote it with two primary things in mind. One would be that which is the basis for, probably, most of his thinking, and that is the fact that “the love of GOD” and “the love of man” are inseparable parts of a common experience. The other is that of “a family love”, or, in the Greek, “storge”, that sort of binds a child to his father or mother, and also, to his brothers and sisters that his parents have sired. Together, it is indeed the same love that Christian brothers and sisters must have for GOD, and, for each other.
    As we close out this study of this first epistle of the Apostle John, we can note that it contains absolutely no hint, as to the identity or location of its originally intended readers. The only thing we do know is that they were Christians, and that they had been confronted with teachings of false doctrine about CHRIST and the newly formed Christian Faith.
    By this time, Peter, and all the other original disciples, had already been martyred, and so had the Apostle Paul, who had, perhaps, worked harder to develop and establish “the Christian Way” than anyone, besides the SAVIOR HIMSELF. And despite the fact that he had already been preaching and teaching for several decades at this point in his life, John, being the only one left who had actually bore witness to the glory of CHRIST, still had the story of that glory embedded in his heart, and he still burned with passion to tell his story of love to anyone who would listen, no matter where in the world they may have ventured into town from.
    GOD does not wish for us to go through this life being afraid and insecure about our relationship with HIM. And so HE tells us plainly that, if we believe in CHRIST JESUS WHO existed before man in a physical body as the SON of GOD, we will have eternal life, despite the fact that we can’t see HIM (GOD the FATHER), WHO is spirit. GOD wants us to live in confidence because HIS promise is true to the message that CHRIST JESUS and all the other prophets delivered. And HE will always listen to us, and will grant us anything that we ask for within HIS will (Vs.14-15).
    Finally John urges us to pray for any Christian who may have slipped into sin, for, because of CHRIST JESUS’ sacrifice, that sin does not lead to spiritual death (permanent separation from GOD) any longer. The blood of CHRIST can re-connect anyone back into a personal relationship of friendship with GOD, through repentance. However, sin without repentance is spiritually fatal.
    Although the consequences to any sin can lead to “physical death”, and remember, all sin is wrong. However, all sin does not lead to “instant death”. Sometimes death may occur instantaneously, sometimes over a short span of time, and sometimes over a long period of time. Here John is saying that, on those occasions when a believer sins, and it “does not cause instant death” (me pros thanaton), we should pray for that individual’s repentance, and GOD will give that person new life. However, if a person dies in their sin, it won’t do any good to pray for the dead person (v.16).
    People who are true Christians, and really have a heart for GOD, are still capable of sinning, however, such a person “does not practice sin on a regular, perpetual basis”. True believers are the one’s whom CHRIST holds in HIS hand, and GOD, sees HIMSELF in each of their hearts. They will never, and can never be plucked from JESUS’ hands by satan (v.18).
    True believers know that we are children of GOD, and we also know that the world we live in now is predominantly under the power and control of satan. However, we also know that a “LIGHT”, namely CHRIST JESUS, has already come into this dark world. HE has given us understanding so that, through it all, we can know the true GOD, from “the prince of this world”, satan. We can now live in the true GOD, through CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the only way to eternal life in Heaven. But we have to keep away from anything that threatens to take GOD’s place in our hearts, and causes us to offend the sanctity of the Christian Faith, which HE has established (Vs.19-21). 

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


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