the week beginning Sunday September 1, 2019
When JESUS came bringing
healing to the human body, and salvation to the human soul, HE, in effect, had
began the work of creation all over again. In beginning everything GOD made was
good (Genesis 1:31), and complete and excellent in every way. However, over
time, man and his desire to do things his way, sullied and cursed all of the
blessings that GOD originally gave us, at one time or the other.
Failure to give reverence to GOD will
ultimately result in our failure to treat each other right as human beings made
in “the spiritual image of GOD”. The reason why the gospel must be preached is
because we, as human beings, continue to suppress the truth about GOD, and, the
truth about ourselves.
In Romans 1:18-32, Paul shifts gears, from
talking about the kind of relationship into which a person can enter into with
GOD by faith, to the kind of wrath we can expect to incur if we are intentionally
blind to GOD the CREATOR, and choose to worship our own ideas, and, those
things which are created by GOD, instead of GOD the CREATOR, HIMSELF.
To the biblical prophets, the wrath of GOD
was a perpetual event that would only culminate, or peak, in terror and
destruction in “The Last Day”, or coming “Day of the LORD”. Remember, in
biblical times, whenever Israel strayed away from GOD too long, HIS wrath would
eventually come against them and whip them back into line with HIS
And so, we must understand that GOD’s wrath
will always, even today, visit us before too long. Our human sinfulness is seen
quite vividly through our wicked acts, but it is also seen in the way we view
and respond to GOD day by day. When we publicly and privately approve things
that we know are contrary to GOD’s laws, we show HIM disrespect and rejection.
We reject GOD morally through homosexual and adulterous behavior. We reject HIM
in our character through greed and wickedness. And we also reject HIM in our
relationships by way of envy, murder, deceit, and malice.
GOD’s generous offer of salvation is sorely
needed by each of us, and, we do, after all, stand, rightly deserving of HIS
divine wrath and judgment instead. Most
of mankind has rejected GOD, because they simply reject the knowledge of HIM
that is available to us through HIS Holy and divine Scriptures. It is very much
incumbent upon each of us to pick up GOD’s Word daily, read it, and study it,
so that we can come to understand plainly, GOD’s Will, and how that Will should
play a role in our personal lives.
We can all see, quite clearly, GOD’s
invisible qualities of divine nature and eternal power, both through HIS
creation, and, through HIS Holy Word. And GOD shared HIS “invisible qualities”,
or, “divine nature” with us, when HE first created mankind, all those years ago
(Genesis 1:27). Those invisible qualities, or, “Communicable Attributes”, that
make up GOD’s divine nature are, Life, Personally, Truth, Wisdom, Love,
Justice, and Holiness. Those attributes are what make it possible for man, out
of all of GOD’s creation, to have a personal, experiential relationship with
HIM. Thereby, we have no excuse for not knowing GOD (Rom. 1:20), or obeying
GOD, even before we received the HOLY SPIRIT as Christians (see Rom. 2:14).
Remember, Scripture tells us that the HOLY
SPIRIT (Matt. 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:21-22, & John 1:32-34), did not come
upon the MAN, JESUS, until HE was around
thirty years old, and HE had already perfectly obeyed GOD up to that point, as “a
100 percent human being”, the same way that we are born. JESUS came to show us
first, how it is possible to obey GOD in our natural born state, if we choose
GOD did not trick us by sending us a
“supernatural being” to show us how to live as an ordinary “human being”, under
HIM, here on earth. HE actually sent JESUS here to function first as a 100%
human being in order to show us that we, as 100% humans, can choose to live a
life of total obedience to GOD’s Commandments, simply because HE had already
placed “HIS divine nature” in us from birth.
Today, most humans have bought into the lie
started by satan, that, “it is impossible to obey GOD”. JESUS, first and
foremost, came to show us that we can, if we really desire to. That is why HE
was able to instruct those who had a spiritual encounter with HIM, to “go and sin
no more” (quit sinning, or, quit breaking GOD’s law)
GOD is angry at our sin because HE knows
that HE made us to do better, for HE made us in HIS OWN “spiritual” image. GOD
wouldn’t have been angry at the people of the Old Testament for their sins, if
they couldn’t do any better, or, couldn’t help but sin. GOD, from the
beginning, made us to be like HIM, spiritually. We know this because JESUS
says, “GOD is SPIRIT” (John 4:24) and therefore, this means that GOD doesn’t
have a physical image.
In Genesis 1:26, where GOD says “Let us
make man in our Image” HE was not speaking of a “physical image”, but rather, a
“spiritual image” consisting of those seven “Communicable Attributes” that I
mentioned earlier. They are the “invisible qualities” that Paul speaks of in
Romans 1:20 that, make us look like the GOD WHO created us, spiritually. HE
supplied us with those attributes so that we would be able to worship HIM, have
a personal, experiential, compatible relationship with HIM, and, in fact, could
be like HIM.
We’ve all lived a sinful life since Adam,
but it was because we chose to, not because we couldn’t help it, as most of us
want to believe. And we want to believe that because, in our sinful minds, it
enables us to sleep at night, and it gives us a palatable excuse to continue to
do wrong each day. However, if we continue to persist in doing wrong things,
then, GOD will eventually turn us over to our own shameful desires (reprobate
mind). And, at that time, our lives will become filled with all manner of
wickedness, and we will even begin to invent new ways to sin, in order to
enhance our pleasure (Romans 1:24-31). And, even though we are aware of GOD’s
death penalty (permanent separation from HIM), because we have, by then,
developed a reprobated mind, we will continue on in our sin, and even begin to
encourage others to sin also (Romans 1:32).
The sin, and sometimes amoral attitudes
that permeates our society today, and makes our lives so painful to endure, is
nothing more than divine judgment on us for rejecting GOD, and choosing
immorality over GOD. Our iniquities vividly express our sinful nature, a nature
that is adverse to the nature that GOD originally gave us. And it
automatically, brings about GOD’s wrath, and subsequent, divine judgment, not
just on “The Last Day”, but also, in this day that we currently live in.
Sunday school lesson by,
D. Alexander
D. ALEXANDER- Official Website