Friday, November 16, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday November 18, 2018

Genesis 22

   Genesis 22 comprises the, now famous account, of Abraham’s “faith and obedience test” that is actually given by GOD to all those who profess to love, worship, and serve HIM, even to those here in this 21st century. However, in Abraham’s test, GOD instructs him to take his son, Isaac, to the land of Moriah (which means “bitterness of the LORD”) some 50 miles away (approximately 3 days journey) from his home in Beersheba.
    Mount Moriah is an elevated area in Jerusalem, then known as Salem, where Abraham once met with Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-24). It is also the place where King Solomon would later build the first temple of GOD here on earth (2 Chronicles 3:1-2). By sending Abraham to Moriah, and with Abraham knowing the meaning and history of the name, GOD was setting the stage for Abraham’s greatest test of faith.
    Real tests from GOD often defies human logic, because, in order for a test of faith to be effective, it has to be composed of those elements that the flesh will vehemently be opposed to. The test has to present us with a genuine opportunity to choose between obeying the flesh (satan), or clinging to the SPIRIT (GOD). Through those tests, GOD is seeking to prove to us, for our own spiritual confidence, whether or not we are “true believers”, or just “professed Christians”.
    In order to serve GOD properly, we have to prove through our actions and behavior (not just through our mouth), that we love HIM more than our father, mother, sister, brother, children, or property here on earth (Mark 10:29-31), and be willing to give up any and all things (your whole life) for the kingdom, and for CHRIST’s sake, the way JESUS did for us.
    GOD never intended for Abraham to kill his son Isaac, but rather, HE was trying to prove to Abraham himself, if he would truly be willing to do it, if he had to. Our tests are never done for GOD’s sake, because GOD already knows the answer to all things. However, in order for us to serve HIM with complete confidence and faith, we ourselves have to know where we truly stand at all times, and how we will react in pressure situations when things aren’t going well, and we are beset with tribulations and persecutions from the world (satan).
    Several things in this passage confirm Abraham’s faith in GOD, and we’ll investigate some of those right now. First of all, GOD tells Abraham up front that he would be taking Isaac to Moriah to present him as a sacrifice to HIM (v.2). In those days, child sacrifices by pagan cultures, especially to the idol god Mollech, were very popular, and was almost certainly a ritual term that Abraham was familiar with. However, he also knew that it was something that his GOD detested and would never indorse among HIS people.
    Nevertheless, operating on total faith, Abraham got up early the next morning, saddled a donkey, and took Isaac, along with two of his servants and some wood for the sacrificial burnt offering, and set out on the 50-mile journey that had been designated by “the GOD of his faith”. We can assume that GOD requested this be done some 50 miles away so that Abraham would have at least three days to think about it, and have amble time to change his mind, and not go through with it, if he chose to. This was indeed, another part of the test.
    On the third day of the journey, Abraham could see from a distance, the place where GOD had instructed him to go, and so he directed his servants to stay where they were, and he traveled the remaining short distance alone with Isaac, and the supply of wood. He told them that they would go and worship, and would be back shortly.
    This was an astounding statement by Abraham that seemed to confirm his faith that GOD would keep HIS promise to him and would not actually kill the heir to that promise, which was Isaac, or, at worse, GOD would kill him, and then raise him from the dead. However, either way, his “faith reasoning” was that, he would not lose his son in this ordeal.
    Throughout Old Testament Scripture, and, in levitical law, the lamb is not only the animal most preferred for sacrificial offerings, but, over time, it has become the literal symbol of sacrifice. JESUS, WHO is the innocent lamb of GOD, voluntarily offered HIMSELF up as a sacrifice for all mankind. HE, quite literally, took our place “as payment” for our sins against GOD, past, present, and future.
    Here in Genesis 22, verses 6-8, Abraham places the wood for the burnt offering on “Isaac’s shoulder” and he took a lighted torch and a knife in his own hands, and the two of them begin to “walk to their final destination” (this is reminiscent of JESUS’ death walk from the courthouse to Golgotha, bearing HIS OWN cross). It was then that Isaac said to his father, “We have the wood and the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Here Abraham responds with another statement of faith, “GOD will provide a lamb my son”.
    When they arrived at the place where GOD had told Abraham to go, he built an altar to the LORD and placed the supply of wood on it. He then tied Isaac up, and laid him on top of the wood and took his knife and raised it up over his head to kill him as a sacrifice to the LORD. At that moment “The ANGEL of the LORD”, which is a theophany of CHRIST in the Old Testament, shouted out to Abraham from Heaven, “Abraham, Abraham!”
    Abraham immediately stopped his downward motion with the knife and said, “I’m listening” (Vs.9-11). The ANGEL then told Abraham to “Lay down the knife. Do not hurt the boy in any way, for “now I know” that you truly fear GOD. You have not withheld even your beloved son from ME”.
    In the Old Testament, prophets were reformers of sort, who, not only delivered GOD’s Word, but also, at one and the same time, challenged the people to actually serve the LORD and obey HIS Word. They were called “men of GOD” or “seers”, and were distinguished by their holy lifestyle before men, under GOD. They were able to faithfully see beyond that which is natural in the eyes of man.
    JESUS wholly fitted the role of the Old Testament prophet. In fact, in the Old Testament, the future CHRIST served in the role of a prophet as “The ANGEL of the LORD” and even “The COMMANDER of the LORD’s Army” in Joshua 5:13-15. As a prophet, HE delivered many messages from GOD the FATHER to men such as Abraham here in Genesis 22:11-17, to Moses in Exodus 3:2-3 (the burning bush), to Joshua, to Baalam in Numbers 22:21-35, and, to the Israelites in general at Bokim  in Judges 2:1-5.
    The Scriptures teaches us that “the pre-incarnate JESUS” and “the incarnate JESUS” was not “all-knowing” (omniscient) as GOD the FATHER is. We see that here in this passage in the ANGEL’s response to Abraham, were HE says “now I know” that you truly fear GOD”, meaning that HE didn’t know how Abraham would respond to his test from GOD the FATHER beforehand. Also, JESUS tells us HIMSELF in Matthew 24:36 that HE was not all-knowing at that stage in HIS humanity, but was not granted omni-power, in Heaven and on earth, until just before HIS ascension back into Heaven, as “the Resurrected JESUS”, and SAVIOR of the world (Matthew 28:18).
    In verses 13-14 we see Abraham looking up and seeing a ram (symbolic of CHRIST) caught in a bush, a “sacrificial substitute” to replace his son, Isaac (mankind), on the altar of GOD. Here the concept of how GOD would later bring salvation to man, through HIS only begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS, is being introduced into the world. And Abraham named the place “The LORD will provide”. This name gave rise to a future popular Jewish proverb that would state “On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided”.
    Then “The ANGEL of the LORD” spoke again to Abraham saying, “This is what the LORD says: “Because you have obeyed ME and have not withheld even your beloved son, I swear by MY OWN SELF that I will bless you richly, I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sands on the seashore, they will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed---all because you have obeyed ME”.
    Abraham then traveled back to Beersheba and lived there for a long time. As this chapter ends, we see GOD already making preparations in the life of young Isaac, and we are introduced to his future wife, Rebekah, who had already been born to the youngest son of Abraham’s brother, Nahor, who was now living in the east. Rebekah’s father’s name was Bethuel. Stay tuned.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander   


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