Friday, August 17, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday August 19, 2018

Genesis 11:1-9

   At one time in human history (up until about 5 centuries after the Flood), the whole world spoke one language. As a result, they developed a “unity” that is unsurpassed by any generation since that time. Unfortunately, GOD the CREATOR was not at the center of that unity, but rather, their “pride” was. The people began to follow “the demon possessed heroes” like the great “Nimrod”, who had so impressed the world with their seemingly supernatural talents and abilities.
    In those days, man had began to believe only in himself and his own achievements (sound familiar) and this led them to take on a “GOD-complex” that would ultimately lead to their downfall and “scattering abroad”, which of course, was engineered by GOD HIMSELF. It was a move by GOD that was designed to save mankind from total demise at its own hands, as their ambitions had gone awry in a way that was reminiscent to that of a Heavenly Lucifer, who was able to pull a third of the angelic force in Heaven down with him, because of his pride, which led to his conspiracy against GOD.
    Here in Genesis chapter 11, verses 1-9, we see how man’s ambitions can lead to tragic results, if his plans don’t include GOD. By the sixth century following the Great Flood, the people of the world had, once again, firmly asserted their independence from GOD, and their attitudes regarding this was clearly being exhibited through their behavior under HIS watchful eye. Man was once again, unwittingly proving to himself that, without GOD, man can’t do anything right, for too long.
    As the people, under the rule of Nimrod, moved eastward, increasing their boundaries by force, they decided to settle in the plains of Shinar, or, Babylonia, an area that is located in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). There they decided to construct another city, calling it “Babylon”, one of many cities that had already been built under the leadership of Nimrod, their king.
    It was also there that they decided to build a monument to commemorate their own greatness as a people, one that would unify them permanently, and stand as a symbol of their commitment to each other forever. Unfortunately, it was their very desire to increase their unity and strength that, consequently, provided them with their greatest potential to do evil.
    GOD, through HIS wisdom, will never allow the achievement of “total unity” in the world, because, to allow that, would be to fortify satan against HIM, and all that represent HIM in the world. GOD will never allow “total unity” anywhere in the world except in “HIS Church” (the people whose hearts agree with HIM, through CHRIST JESUS), where HIS OWN greatness, and the greatness of CHRIST JESUS can be exalted.
    And so GOD came down, and HE disrupted the peoples’ idea of “worldly unity” by confounding their speech so that they could no longer communicate their GOD-less, evil ideas, among each other. HE then separated them physically into relatively small groups, and scattered them throughout the earth, giving each group a separate and distinct language, and thereby, greatly reducing their access to their wealth of “shared data”, and “self-destructive human ingenuity”, which they insisted on applying without taking GOD into account in their planning and application.
    This biblical account here in verses 1-9 depicts the city of Babylon as a dominant power in the world at that time, and as the epitome of an ungodly kingdom. It emerges as the first world power recorded in Scripture. Ironically, in their lust to make a name for themselves apart from GOD, and that was equal to GOD, they were successful only in making a mockery of themselves forever, becoming world renowned as the place where “mass confusion” quite literally, began, and, that fact will forever manifest itself in the name “Babylon”. It is a name, quite literally derived from the word “babel”, which means “confused”. It is where GOD confounded the languages of the world, and then scattered man throughout the face of the earth.
    The sin of the Shinerites was their “immense pride”, and after all, the very essence of any sin itself is “pride”. Here we see that the core of their sin manifests itself in the thought of “individualism”, which itself is something that finds its origins in pride, and as it grew, they eventually longed very badly to separate themselves, first from other people, and then ultimately, from GOD HIMSELF.
    Sin always occurs when people decide to “do what they want” instead of “doing what GOD wants”. This action always leads to an infestation of spiritual pride. Whenever a man’s ambitions began to promote an attitude of “my way, or no way”, it is always accompanied by “an inadequate view of GOD”, and “a heart that lacks allegiance to GOD and CHRIST JESUS, our LORD and SAVIOR”. It is the kind of ambition that is fueled by satan, and it causes a man to not hear GOD, or even when GOD makes HIMSELF heard to us, we refuse to believe HIM because “we so want to do what we want to do”. This attitude, over time, makes us impervious to GOD, and in fact, our words and actions show that we think we know better than GOD. We begin to say things like “Yeah, I know what GOD says about it, but HE won’t mind if I do it my way. After all, I am doing it for HIM, and besides, GOD knows my heart”.
    Whenever man’s “human ingenuity” to “rationalize the sin of ignoring GOD” becomes a habit, he is already in the final stage of “pride”, which comes just before the fall. Remember, there can never be a “right time” to do the “wrong thing”. The only way available to us, as Christians, to do GOD’s work is “by HIS rules”, not ours. Any other route that we choose to take, is always, “the wrong way to go”. Whenever we choose to do things our own way, especially in the Church, ultimately, we are going to end up in “the middle of nowhere”, separated from GOD, WHO wants to be “our source of provision”, “our source of protection”, and, “the source of all of our plans”.
Genesis 11:10-26

   This is the “vertical” genealogical record that traces the line of descendants from Noah’s son, Shem, to Abram (later called Abraham). This list successfully shows the legitimate ancestry of the Shemites, and is generally used to trace the origins of that group of the human race, who would later be named by GOD as “HIS chosen people” (Israel), and, whom the world now knows as “the Jews”. This section of chapter 11, is an airtight chronology that distinguishes Abraham as the towering figure, to whom, all Jews trace their origin.
    Unlike the list in chapter 5, this chronology here in verses 10-26 of chapter 11, does not tell of the total number of years that each person lived, and at what age they died. Whereas the section of Genesis 5:1-6:8 stresses “death before the Flood”, here in this section of chapter 11, we see an emphasis on “life and expansion after the Flood”, even though the earthly lifespan of man had been decreased significantly by GOD, because of the onset of sin into “the human race”.
Genesis 11:27-32

   Here begins what is now known as “the Patriarchal Narratives of the Bible” (Genesis 11:27-50:26). They detail the history and origin of the Jews, beginning with Abram (later called Abraham), who was the son of Terah.
    Abram, had two brothers, whose names were Nahor and Haran. Haran was the father of Lot, whom would later become the responsibility of, and figure prominently in, the life and chronicles of Abraham. Haran died at an early age, while they were still living in their birthplace, which was called “Ur”, located in the land of the Chaldeans.
    Abram married Sarai, who could not bear children at that time, and his brother Nahor, married Milcah, one of the daughters of his deceased brother, Haran (Haran’s other daughter was named Iscah). After this, Terah, who was an idolater, moved his family, including his sons and their wives, and his grandson Lot, out of Ur, with intentions to move to the land of Canaan. However, they made a stop in a place called “Haran” (no connection to his dead son), which was known as “sin city”.
    Through spiritual eyes, one can clearly see this as an early attempt by satan, on a “paganist thinking person”, Terah, to interrupt the line of the coming MESSIAH into the world, through the line that GOD would later sanction to begin with Abraham and Sarah. It is something that can often be detected (satan’s evil strategies) throughout the annals of Old Testament literature. Terah lived out the remainder of his life (205 years) there in Haran with his family.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

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