For the week beginning Sunday June 15, 2014
out the truth of GOD’s Word)
The epistle of James was written to the Jewish
Christian Diaspora, for the purpose of providing them with practical
instructions to live by concerning “the Christian way”. It contains many short,
proverbial sayings, and reflects in a remarkable way, JESUS’ teachings from HIS
famous “Sermon on the Mount”.
Here, James, the brother of JESUS, addresses the issues of;
Mean-spiritedness, and
Conformity to the world ways of behaving.
He also stresses the need for Christians to “not just hear the word of
GOD”, but also “to actually practice doing and living the word of GOD on a
daily basis”.
James believed that “professed Christians” should be able to “show the
world “an outer expression” of “the inner transformation” of their heart”. The
world needs to see how the gospel of CHRIST really does change the lives of
those who choose to follow JESUS, and continue to walk in the newness of HIS
light. Christians are to adhere to the ways of an unchanging GOD, and to stand
with confidence in GOD continuously. We need to show the world through our
behavior, on a daily basis, that Christianity really does produce the best men
and women.
In this doctrinal letter, chapter 1, verses 13-18, James offers us his
analysis of, and solution to, “temptation”. He tells us that the gravitational pull
towards evils such as anger, striking out against one another, or surrender to physical
and emotional passions that we feel, does not come from GOD. GOD cannot be
tempted to do wrong, nor, does HE tempt anyone to do wrong. Temptations come
from one source, satan, who manipulates our own “sin nature”, or, “evil
desires”, and leads us to evil actions, which leads us to death, or temporary
or permanent separation from GOD.
GOD, through HIS infinite wisdom, has put in place, two “temptation
barriers” that help keep us on the straight and narrow, HIS judgment, and, HIS
goodness. These two actions represent GOD’s way of balancing our fear with HIS
love. GOD motivates us to obedience either by fear of HIS judgment (like
David), or, by our respect for HIS goodness (like Joseph).
Only that which is good and perfect comes from GOD, and we should
never be led to think otherwise. When we doubt GOD’s goodness, we automatically
become attracted to satan’s offers. The GOD WHO created all things does not
change or cast shifting shadows, as some of HIS creation (man) tends to do.
Through HIS goodness, HE chose to make us HIS children, by giving us “HIS
nature” and “HIS Word of Truth”.
We, out of all creation are GOD’s prize possession, and we are
expected, by GOD, because we share HIS nature and HIS Truth, to live out our
lives in the truth of HIS SPIRIT and HIS Word. And so, ultimately, the key to
responding to trials and resisting temptation can only be found in a person’s
use of GOD’s nature, and reaction to GOD’s Word (Vs.17-18). And always remember;
GOD gives only good gifts
The way GOD gives is good
GOD gives continually
GOD does not change
In verses 19-27, James borrows a thought from JESUS’ “Sermon on the
Mount”. It is the same strong, positive, divine advice, that, JESUS HIMSELF
imparted to us that day, as HE ended HIS most famous sermon, on the slopes of
the Mount of Beatitudes. It was a demand from our LORD and SAVIOR that we first
“hear”, and then “do”, exactly what GOD created us to do (Matthew 7:24-29).
We can begin to build our foundations on the “Most High Faith” (Christianity)
Being quick to listen to the word of GOD,
Thinking before we speak, and
Being slow to anger
Our anger can never make things right in GOD’s sight. We, as GOD’s
greatest creation, need to face ourselves spiritually, and then, strive to
improve our spiritual appearance under GOD. We also need to get rid of the
filth and evil in our lives, and humbly accept the message that GOD is seeking
to implant in our hearts. This will, in turn, save our souls from eternal destruction.
Finally, there is only one word that sums up the process of “hearing
and doing”, in both the English, and, the original biblical Greek. In the
biblical Greek, that word is “hupakoe” (hoop-ak-o-ay), and it means, “to listen
attentively”, and, “to heed or conform to command or authority”. And in the
English language, that word is “obedience”.
It is JESUS’ claim that obedience to HIM is the only true foundation.
“I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE”, is what HE said to a “doubting Thomas”
in John 14:6. And in the final analysis, the one thing that, we as humans all
seek, is a better life. For we never seek knowledge just for knowledge sake,
but rather, for how that knowledge can be used to make our lives more worth
living. Primarily, the professed Christian has to come to understand that the
only way to that “better life” has always been, and, will forever be, through
CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the LIVING WORD of GOD. If we keep looking steadily into
GOD’s WORD, the truth of HIS WORD will ultimately set us free. And, if we “do”
what it says, and don’t forget what we heard, GOD will bless us for doing so,
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D.
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