the week beginning Sunday October 13, 2013
can I learn about GOD through adversity?)
38:1-4 & 42:1-12
In Job chapters 38-41, Job gets an
unexpected visit and response from GOD, WHOM he had complained to earlier.
However, GOD does not come to field questions from the suffering Job, but
instead, HE comes armed with questions of HIS OWN, and then, HE challenges HIS
bewildered follower to answer them.
In chapter 38 the LORD
comes in the form of a mighty whirlwind and begins to query Job with a barrage
of questions that continue on through the next four chapters.
the first series of questions (38:1-39:30), GOD gives Job an oral exam that
challenged his knowledge of the physical universe, as compared to HIS OWN.
Afterwards, Job feeling very humble, realized just how limited his knowledge
really is (40:1-5).
Job 40:6-41:34, “GOD gives Job a lecture on HIS OWN invincibility” as HE
challenges Job for questioning HIS command of the “moral universe” (40:6-14)
and then, shows Job, quite clearly, how man’s limited control over “evil”,
and over “nature”, can, in no way, compare to HIS OWN sovereign command (40:15-41:34).
As we read through
these pages of Scripture, we can’t help but notice the irony of GOD’s questions
to Job. However, we can also see that GOD still does not “rebuke” Job for
questioning HIS “divine justice”, nor, does HE charge Job with any sin.
In fact, this entire monologue by GOD only serves to show us that GOD is in
control at all times, and that, HE is not bound by our understanding, nor, is HE bound by our
“lack of understanding” . In the end, Job discovers that our GOD is a
GOD of great power and majesty, and in fact, when we see how great HE
is, we realize, quite vividly, how little we are.
The strength to face
difficult times is not found in our “knowing why”, we must face them,
but rather, it lies in “the confidence that we have” that our great GOD
loves us completely, and that, HE is still in charge of everything that goes on
in this world. And so, ultimately, Job also came to realize that we don’t
need answers to life’s problems, as much as we need GOD HIMSELF.
In Job 42:1-6, we see
Job’s repentant heart being manifested in his final recorded response to
GOD. There he declares, “I know that YOU can do anything, and no one can
stop YOU. YOU ask, “Who is this that questions MY wisdom with such ignorance?”
It is I, and I was talking about things I did not understand, things far too
wonderful for me. YOU said, “Listen and I will speak! I have some questions for
you, and you must answer them”. I had heard about YOU before, but now I have
seen YOU with my own eyes. I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and
ashes to show my repentance” (NLT).
In Job 42:10, after Job
had shown “a forgiving spirit” toward his friends who had questioned his
integrity, GOD restores Job completely by releasing him from his suffering,
and HE also restored Job back his fortune, twofold.
GOD saw Job’s need for minor
improvements in his relationship with HIM, and Job showed that need to us
by way of his statement in Job 3:25. It was a statement that displayed a deeply
embedded “iota of mistrust” in GOD, despite all of the blessings that
GOD had previously bestowed upon him. GOD allowed satan to squeeze Job
until it was brought to his attention, and when Job realized his fault, he
quickly repented, and he also took back all that he had said in his ignorance
about the power and sovereignty of the Almighty GOD.
Back in Job 14:14, Job
asked the question, “If mortals die, can they live again? He also goes
on to say, that, “this thought would give me hope, and through my struggle,
I would eagerly await for my release”. In the Gospel of Saint Mark, in
chapter 16, John Mark gives us a vivid description of the events that occurred
on that early Sunday morning, surrounding the resurrection of our LORD and
This particular morning
went down in history as the greatest morning to ever dawn on the souls of
mankind, and it brought with it, a realization of that “hope of release”
that Job had so prophetically spoke about, all those years earlier. It was,
quite literally, “the dawn of the Christian Hope”.
When JESUS came,
bringing healing to men’s bodies, and salvation to men’s souls, HE, in effect,
had begun “the work of creation” all over again. Remember, in the
beginning, all things had been made good (Genesis 1:31), however, since
that time, the sins of man had ruined it all. But on that glorious
resurrection morning, and in fact, throughout JESUS’ three-year earthly
ministry, we see HIM bringing back “the beauty of GOD” to a world, that
had long ago, been rendered “ugly” by the sins of man.
The story of Job is the
supreme example of suffering in the Old Testament times, however, “the passion
of CHRIST”, is the supreme example of suffering, for all time. GOD released
Job from his suffering, because of his faith, and because of his righteous
obedience to HIM. And likewise, JESUS can and will, release us from our
suffering, for precisely the same reason.
A Sunday school lesson
Larry D. Alexander
Official Website
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