Friday, July 19, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday July 21, 2019

1 John 4:1-6

   Both, in the first century, and now, many people claim to be preaching and teaching under the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT. Both, in the first century, and now, the spirit of the antichrist has sought to, and, has probably, on more occasions than we are willing to admit, successfully infiltrated the minds of Church folks through their false teachings.
    Here in his first letter to the Christian Church, the Apostle John warns the Church to test the spirit of all of their teachers. Many teachers throughout the history of the Church will readily praise JESUS as “a good man”, or “a prophet from GOD, and those things are true, however, here in this passage of 1 John, chapter 4, John gives us a sure test by which we can examine all teachers whom claim to be sent by GOD.
    Taking up at verses 2-3, John says that “This is the way to find out if they have the SPIRIT of GOD: If a prophet acknowledges that JESUS CHRIST became a “human being”, that person has the SPIRIT of GOD. If a prophet does not acknowledge JESUS (became 100% human for our sake), that person is not from GOD. Such a person has the spirit of the antichrist. You have heard that he is going to come into the world, and he is already here”.
    In the Greek, the phrase “from GOD”, used here by John, is “ek tou theou”. “Ek” is one of the most common Greek prepositions, and it means “out of” or “from”. Since the Greek term “HO THEOS” means GOD, the term “tou theou” used here, is the “genitive case” (expresses possession, measurement, or source) after the preposition. And so here John is saying that, the person’s spirit, or quality, has to have its origins in GOD. 
    The true man of GOD takes up his origins in GOD, and his life, from GOD. Here the Apostle John invites us to use “diakrino judgment” (rebuke and reprove using the Word of GOD as our standard) in order to discern whether or not a person’s spirit really derives its source of origin from GOD, or from satan. “Love” has its origin in GOD, and “fear” has its origin in satan, and there is no middle ground. There is only a line in the sand where GOD HIMSELF drew it, and we’re either all the way on “GOD’s side” of that line, or, we are all the way on that side which belongs satan.
    Satan has built a fence along his side of that line, and those who think they can straddle that fence until they make up their minds, must be aware that, since the fence is on satan’s side of the line, and owned by him, then, they are actually, not in a neutral position, or zone, but rather, they are squarely on the side of satan. And so we see that, even when we are afraid (fear) to make a choice about GOD, we have, in reality, already made a choice.
    For the “true Christian”, HE WHO is in us (the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD) is greater than he who is in the world (the spirit of satan) (v.4). We have already won our fight with these false prophets because we have already accepted our victory in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD. The SPIRIT lives in us, and those who believe in GOD, will only hear and listen to those who are of, and from GOD. People who belong to this world can only speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world will eagerly listen to them. Those who know, and desire to know GOD, will listen to people who belong to GOD. That is how we know if someone has the SPIRIT of truth, or the spirit of error, or, deception (Vs.4-6).

1 John 4:7-21

   Since love originates with GOD in the Christian sense, a person who loves his fellowman is born of GOD, and, in a discerning way, “knows” GOD (“oida” in the Greek – to know inherently or intuitively). Thereby, in contrast, the absence of love can be viewed as evidence that a person does not know GOD.
    In 1 John 4:7-21, the apostle and author of GOD, elevates the topic of love to yet another level. Here John shows the divine and inseparable link between “GOD” and “love”. GOD showed how much HE loves us by sending HIS only begotten SON into the human realm so that we the people might have eternal life through HIM (v.9). HE did not send HIM because we were lovable, but rather, HE sent HIM because HIS love for us required that HE rescue us from ourselves.
    Such an action from GOD provides the defining standard for love as we know it, and thus, we as Christians are responsible to love each other because we enjoy the privilege of HIS largesse. Not only is GOD the source of love, HE is love itself, by HIS very nature. GOD is love, and anyone who doesn’t love his fellowman doesn’t know GOD.
    Christians, who say they love all men, and indeed, really do have the love of GOD in their hearts, cannot stand idly by and watch while any other group of people, different than themselves, is being treated unjustly, or is being oppressed in any way, without coming to their defense in the name of JESUS. The love of CHRIST must be expressed fully by us, and exemplified through us in our actions (v.12).
    In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “abide” is “meno”, and it means “to stay in a given place, state, relationship, or expectancy”. If we abide in our relationship with GOD, our love will grow more perfect. And when our history judges us, we won’t be afraid to come before GOD. We can face HIM confidently, because our history will show that we tried to live like CHRIST here on earth (v.17). Learning to show and express the “divine love” of CHRIST will dispel all fear of the coming judgment, which “true Christians” will not have to face.
    Because GOD is love, and CHRIST’ new commandment is love, it only stands to reason that love will inevitably bring us closer to each other, and, at one and the same time, closer to GOD. It is only by love that we ever come to know GOD, and it is only by GOD, that we ever come to know love.
    “The Christian Hope” has, throughout the history of the Church, served as motivation to make life on earth conform more fully, with the Word and ways of GOD, just as they were presented to us by JESUS CHRIST, during HIS life here on earth. The very foundation of that Christian hope, rest on “faith” in CHRIST JESUS, WHO delivered us into salvation.     The only commandment that HE ever gave us was to “love one another”, and so we see why it is said that “faith”, “hope”, and “love” are “the three great enduring things” (1 Corinthians 13:13), and of those three things, “love” is the greatest, because “GOD is love”.
    All that we know now is partial and incomplete, because, until we finish this Christian race, we will remain “children” in the purest sense of the word, and in the true sense of what knowledge really is. We are incapable right now, of handling the Heavenly knowledge that GOD will one day impart to those who abide in HIM to the end. But we do know now that if we don’t have love for those brothers and sisters that we now see all around us, we will never be able to love GOD, WHOM we cannot physically see at all. We must rely on our “faith” to maintain “hope” as motivation to endure this earthly journey until we are ushered into GOD’s OWN glorious presence by CHRIST JESUS.
    And finally, in the biblical Greek, the word used for “confidence” is “parrhesia” (par-rhay-see-ah), and it is “a sense of sureness that is exemplified in both spirit and demeanor”. GOD HIMSELF has commanded that we love not only HIM, but also, our Christian brothers and sisters. And when we honor and obey that command, we can be confident that when we stand before the LORD, our conscience will be clear, and we will be able to face HIM without fear, guilt, or shame.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, July 12, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday July 14, 2019

1 John 3

   As Christians, we know that our goal is to live like CHRIST, however, the problem we have, is getting started “right now”. We break GOD’s Law whenever we sin against HIM, even “right now”, and so “right now” we need to start acting like we want to become a part of HIS eternal kingdom.
    In 1 John chapter 3, verses 1-10, John invites us to see how our Heavenly FATHER loves us by allowing us to become HIS children just as CHRIST is, “right now”, even though we have never lived up to the standards for this life that JESUS did. JESUS showed us, through HIS behavior in life, that HE really is the SON of the living GOD. And so, true children of GOD “act like it”, and that’s the only description in scripture that tells us how we can identify a follower of GOD the SON. True followers of CHRIST see HIM for what HE really is and they desire to emulate as closely as possible.
    Whenever we sin, we oppose the law of GOD, and whenever we agree with sin (i.e. with homosexuality) we also oppose the Law of GOD, even though we may not be homosexual ourselves. Any opposition to the moral standards that GOD lays out in HIS Word is deemed by GOD as being anti-CHRIST, no matter how minor we may think it is. Make no mistake about it, and don’t let anyone deceive you, those who do the right thing according to GOD, are living in righteousness, and those who don’t, have chosen to side with satan. There is no “gray area” between “right” and “wrong”, we’re either all the way with GOD, the MASTER and CREATOR of the universe, or, we’re all the way with satan, the prince of this world (Vs.7-10).  
    In verses 11-24, John continues his divinely inspired ramblings by jumping back to the subject of “love one another”. However, here in this segment, he raises his plea to another level, as he urges his readers to transform their “words of love” into “GODly actions of love”. What does it profit a man to boast of his love and faith, if that love and faith does not compel him into action? (v.18)
    The fact that we cast everything over to GOD does not give us a right to sit back and do nothing, for the true Christian, can never be just a spectator. Love is not just having knowledge of GOD’s existence, but rather, true love comes from knowing GOD on a personal level through prayer, and a close, careful, and sober study of HIS Word.
    GOD’s love is, quite literally, a reflection of HIS OWN heart flowing to us through CHRIST JESUS, and, the infusion of the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we love our Christian brothers and sisters as CHRIST commands us, it serves as proof that we have passed from death (permanent separation from GOD), into eternal life (new life in CHRIST). A person, that has no love for his fellowman, has not passed into the light, but rather, continues to linger on, in darkness.
    In verses 18-19 the apostle urges us to stop just saying that we love each other and start putting it into action. It is by our actions that we know when we are living in the truth, and knowing that, we can be confident whenever we stand before the LORD, even in those times when our hearts condemn us, as Peter’s did in John 21.
    In reality, the only way we can prove our love for JESUS is by loving others, and the best way to show our love for each other is in our actions towards one another. Love is the greatest privilege the world has ever known, and it is also the world’s greatest enduring thing, however, inevitably, love brings with it, the world’s greatest responsibility. From the beginning, GOD made “responsibility” to be the obverse of “privilege”, and then, he made “love” to be inseparable from the two.
    In chapter 15 of the Gospel of John, verses 12-13, JESUS commands us to love one another as HE loves us, and there HE also tells us how to measure that love to see if it is sufficient enough to meet HIS demand. There JESUS states that, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (KJV).
    JESUS goes on to state that we are HIS friends if we obey HIM, and if we obey HIM, HE will no longer refer to us as “servants”, but rather, we will become members of HIS holy family and the household of GOD (v.14). Looking back, we now know that for Peter and all the other disciples, love brought a cross that they all had the privilege and responsibility of bearing in their own way. Love always involves responsibility, and it always involves a sacrifice. We don’t really love JESUS unless we are willing to take on HIS task, and take up our own cross.
    We may never be able to write or think like the Apostle John, or be able to travel to the ends of the earth, and preach like the Apostle Paul. However, it is a certainty that we can all follow in the footsteps of Peter, by obeying the instructions of JESUS that were laid down to HIS disciples just prior to HIS ascension back into Heaven (John 21:15-17).
    If we love JESUS, let each of us help someone else guard against going astray, and if we love JESUS, let each of us love one another all of the time, and if we love JESUS, let each us, as Christians, begin to feed JESUS’ sheep, with the nourishing spiritual food, of the Word of GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, July 5, 2019


For the week beginning Sunday July 7, 2019

1 John 2:7-29

   The world of ancient Rome was represented by an olio of religious voices, and it is likely that the readers of this first letter of the apostle John were bombarded daily by a variety of religious ideas and doctrine. And even though they may have done so in different ways, they were all guilty of “heresy” in John’s mind, by way of their common denial of the person of CHRIST JESUS.
    In this intensely practical letter, addressed to a group of Christians, John gives a stern warning against the dangers of false teaching and encourages these believers to remain faithful to GOD, and to continue in their love for each other, by living in the light. In the Greek, the word John uses for “new” in chapter 2, verses 7 and 8 is “kainos” (kahee-nos), and it is “newness in respect to freshness of age”, and is not necessarily “new in existence to the world”. For example, we can buy a new pair of shoes, but shoes are not new to the world. They have been around for ages, yet we create new shoes every day.
    The idea for us to “love one another” was not new to the followers of GOD. They had been hearing it since the Old Testament times, as it is evidenced in Leviticus 19:18. They were also taught this concept at the time of their conversion to Christianity only a few years earlier. When JESUS came, bringing healing to men’s bodies and Salvation to men’s soul, HE also brought with HIM, a new freshness to the phrase “Love one another”. HE expanded it to include, “love your enemy also”, and this is especially true, if the person you consider to be your enemy also happens to be a professed Christian.
    JESUS sought to show us, throughout HIS three-year earthly mission, that, no one was outside of HIS love, and that, no one was outside of the purpose of GOD. Both HE and the FATHER wish all mankind to be saved. HE wanted to show HIS followers, then and now, that in HIS new Christian Order, there would be no such thing as an enemy, except satan, in all the world. If a professed Christian says he is living in the light of CHRIST, and hates any one of his fellowmen, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, he is mistaken, and is still living in the darkness from which he thought he had escaped.
    Up until this point, John’s letter may tend to lead his readers to think that he is dissatisfied with their spiritual growth and conditioning. However in verses 12-14 the tone seems to shift a bit, to a feeling of assurance, that their spiritual assets had indeed not gone unnoticed. Here John reminds them of how their sins have been forgiven, by way of JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Skull Hill (v.12). He then speaks of their maturity in their knowledge of who CHRIST is, and how, because of it, they’ve quite literally, won their battle with satan (V.13).
    In the biblical Greek, one of the words most often used for “world” is “kosmos”, and it is from that word that we derive our English word “cosmos”. In the spiritual sense, it is “that complex intertwining of sinful desires that shape our world of lost humanity”. Before we come to CHRIST, we have already, long ago, adopted man’s perspectives, values, and attitudes toward life. And now we are faced with the radical change that comes with getting to know GOD, and adopting HIS perspective, values, and attitude. By choosing the Christian walk we automatically become strangers to worldly behavior, as we are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we suddenly become citizens of Heaven, where therefore, the Laws of GOD must become paramount to us.
    It is not until a person falls in love with goodness, that wrong things no longer fascinate and have power over them. Our relationship with GOD becomes our greatest asset. We realize then that the person who loses his, or her heart to the things of this world, is the person most vulnerable to satan. This world really is fading away, along with everything in it, and everything it craves. But if we continue to do the will of GOD, by obeying the counsel of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are promised, by CHRIST JESUS, that we will live forever.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website