Friday, October 26, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday October 28, 2018

Genesis 19:1-29

   Genesis 19 chronicles the destruction of all of the morally bankrupt cities that were located on the plains of Canaan, including Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Bela. Today there is great geological proof that those cities now lie beneath the southern end of the Dead Sea. It is an area that once held large deposits of highly flammable bitumen, and archeologists believe that that, along with this area’s geological instability, became the natural weapons that GOD used to judge the godless citizenry who resided there in those days. 
    After leaving the presence of Abraham, the two angels of GOD who delivered the message that he and Sarah would conceive and birth a child within a year’s time, now arrive at the entrance of the city of Sodom to fulfill the second part of their earthly mission. Lot, the nephew of Abraham, was sitting at the city gate (the traditional place where judges sit) at the time of their arrival, and when he saw them, he arose to meet them and welcomed them as he bowed low to the ground. He then invited them to be quests in his home for the night.
    The two men (angels) initially declined the invitation saying that they would, instead, spend the night in the open square of the city, however, Lot, knowing the dangers of homosexual predators on the streets at night, insisted that the men reconsider and stay the night in his home. The angels eventually accepted his invitation, and that night, Lot set up a great feast for them and they ate until they were filled.
    After dinner, as they were preparing to retire for the night, all of the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded Lot’s house, demanding that he release the men to them so that they can have sex with them (Vs.4-5). Lot stepped outside the house, shutting the door behind him, and what he proposes to them turns out to be just as vile and evil as the homosexual crowd’s demands were. Here, Lot, in the most hypocritical fashion, offers his two virgin daughters, whom were already engaged to two other men, to be raped by the men instead.
    Lot, whose mind had become twisted with fear, and also fogged with the “spiritual contamination” that living in an ungodly atmosphere can cause, had now come to the ridiculously evil conclusion that, it was better for a man to rape a woman (his virgin daughters), than for a man to rape another man!
    Lot’s experience in Sodom will forever stand as a teachable moment for all Christians who choose to remain in a worldly environment, because of the perceived material advantages that that environment may provide. When we lose our hearts to the things of this world we make ourselves extremely vulnerable to satan, and we begin to long more and more to partake in his offerings. Remember, at first Lot pitched his tent outside the city of Sodom (Genesis 13:12), but here in this chapter of Genesis, we see that he is now living inside the city of Sodom, and his mind has been unwittingly influenced and  twisted by Sodom’s evil environment.
    In verse 9 we see that Lot’s twisted negotiations with the men of Sodom failed, as now the throng of homosexual men threatened to take him instead, if he did not comply with their demands. They reminded him that he was only there as long as they allowed him to be, and that his preachings certainly had no influence over how they wanted to live their lives.  
    Just then the hostile gay men lunged at Lot in an attempt to get by him and break down the door, but the two angels reached out and grabbed Lot and pulled him back into the house, and bolted the door. Then the two angels miraculously blinded the men of Sodom so that they could no longer see what they were doing.
    We are reminded in 2 Peter 2, verses 7-8, by the Apostle Peter that Lot was a righteous man who was distressed and unwittingly influenced by the filthy lives of the people of Sodom. Yet, we see that he stayed there and continued to take advantage of the healthy economic conditions and grand living and culture in Sodom, rather than to take a stand against the evil acts that by now, was dominating the community. His willingness to compromise and live large, nearly, cost him his life.
    The next morning the angels told Lot to gather up his family and get out of Sodom in a hurry, because the LORD GOD had sent them to destroy the five cities of the plains, for the stench of their sins had reached Heaven itself. Lot first, rushed out to tell his daughter’s fiancés about the pending doom of Sodom, however, the young men didn’t believe him, thinking that it was a joke (Vs.12-14).
    Early the next morning, with the clock running out on Sodom and the other cities, the angels became more insistent that they make haste for the city limits, if they wished to accept the mercy of GOD’s salvation and favor. Yet and still they had to end up, quite literally, dragging Lot and his family out of the sinful metropolis.
    For Abraham’s sake, GOD had granted Lot and his family mercy, and even then, they, for the most part, were reluctant to accept it. In verses 18-20 we see Lot still trying to inject his own “human ingenuity” into GOD’s plan. There he tells the angels that he “cannot” go to the mountains where the angels of GOD were trying to carry them to salvation. In other words, he was saying to GOD, I cannot obey YOU, I do not trust or have faith in YOUR plan for my life. And so he insisted on stopping short of the total salvation process. He believed that his own plan would save him, not GOD’s.
    When we decide to choose to go our own way, the LORD will most certainly allow us to do it. What we see in verse 21 is precisely that, as the angel grants Lot his request to go his own way, and from that day forward, the place Lot chose to go to, was called “Zoar”, which means “a little one”. Before that time, the area had been a part of the city of Bela, which was destroyed along with Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim. Zoar would forever stand as a reminder to future Israelites of the fate of Lot, as he was reluctantly dragged to safety, and fell short of the destination (salvation plan) that was chosen for him by the LORD.
    By sunrise Lot had reached his destination and the LORD rained down burning sulfur from the sky and destroyed all forms of life, people, animals, and plants alike, that lived in the five cities of the plains of Canaan. Lot’s wife, who was equally reluctant to leave the plains area, turned for one last look, and scripture now famously records that “she became a pillar of salt”.    

Genesis 19:30-38

   After the destruction of the plains by the LORD, Lot began to see that he had made a bad choice, and he became afraid of the people of Zoar, the small city that he had insisted on going to. And so he moved to the caves of the mountains where the LORD had instructed him to go in the first place, with his two daughters.
    Like their father Lot, the two daughters, not trusting GOD’s plan, and having no faith in what GOD was trying to do in their lives, became concerned about their future and came up with their own plan of survival (human ingenuity), and what resulted from their scheme, became the origin of two of Israel’s greatest future enemies, the Moabites, and, the Ammonites.
    Remember when Lot came up with the irrational plan for the homosexual men of Sodom to rape his daughters, instead of raping the two men (angels) that were guests in his house? Well, now his daughters come up with their own incestuous, irrational plan to get their father drunk, and then, rape him (have sex with him without his consent), so that they might secure the families future with an offspring.
    They both eventually became pregnant by their drunk and unwitting father, Lot, first the elder daughter, and then the younger. And the older daughter named her son “Moab”, who became the father of the nation of the Moabites. The younger daughter named her son “Ben-ammi”, and he became the father of the nation of the Ammonites. These two nations would be a thorn in the side of future Israel for many generations to come.
    Whenever we choose to go our own way, we automatically move farther and farther away from GOD, and in the end, GOD is reduced in our mind, to just an obscure figure, whom we once knew. Our last glimpse of Lot shows him as a destitute and drunk, pitiful figure of a man, who chose to go his own, lying senseless in a mountain cave. His close attachment to the world cost him everything he had, and benefited him nothing but grief. And even though GOD had mercifully spared him from physical doom in Sodom, he still defiantly continued and insisted on doing things his way, a way that eventually led to the rebirth of Sodom (sexual immorality) in the isolation of a cave.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, October 19, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday October 21, 2018

Genesis 18:1-15

   In biblical times in the land of ancient Palestine, inns, hotels, and motels were very scarce, and so many travelers had to rely on its citizens to be hospitable towards each other. Here in Genesis 18 we see the seriousness exhibited by Abraham in his desire to welcome strangers in his home as he offers three men (angels) a royal welcome into his abode.
    One day around noon Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent when he espied three men standing nearby. This passage tells us that Abraham jumped up and ran to meet them, bowing to them, showing the greatest of respect and acknowledgement, even calling them “LORD” (this indicates that he knew that they represented Divinity before him) and requesting that they abide with him for a while.
    Abraham offered that they rest in the shade of one of Mambre’s oak trees, and allow his servants to bring them water to drink, and to wash their tired feet (v.4). In addition, he offers to prepare them fresh food (not leftovers), for them to be filled before they continued on their way (v.5). And so we see here, the great lengths to which a person should go to welcome another person into their home, because we never know (like in this case) when we may be entertaining “an angel of the LORD”.  
    Notice that the first verse in this chapter indicates that “the LORD appeared again to Abraham”, and so at least one these men was an actual “Theophany” of CHRIST, or, represented one of several Old Testament appearances by CHRIST JESUS” (Genesis 18:20-21 and 22:11-17, Exodus 3:2-3, Joshua 5:13-15, Numbers 22:21-35, and Judges 2:1-5).
    And so, after the three angels accepted Abraham’s invitation, he ran back to the tent and instructed his wife Sarah to help him prepare the meal for them. After the food was prepared, Abraham took it and served it to his honored guests, and then, respectfully waited for them to finish eating.
    One of the angels then requested to know where Sarah was, and Abraham responded that she was in the tent. The angel of the LORD then informed Abraham that by this time next year HE would return and Sarah would be nursing their very own son, conceived of their own bodies in their old age. Sarah, who was listening from their tent, laughed silently to herself, thinking, “How could a worn-out woman like me have a baby? Especially when my husband too, is so old”
    However, the LORD divinely perceived Sarah’s thoughts and said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, “Can an old woman like me have a baby?” Is anything too hard for the LORD? The LORD then iterates HIS previous statement to Abraham, and upon hearing it again, Sarah became afraid and denied that she had laughed. However, the LORD rebuked her telling her “That is not true, you did laugh”.  
    The promises GOD makes to us are often concerning things that are “humanly impossible” to achieve, and despite our doubt, HE humors us, and brings those promises into reality anyway. Here in this passage we see, for the first time, GOD actually giving this aging couple an exact time-frame for the birth of their son, who would be named Isaac, and HE reminds them that nothing is impossible for HIM to do. GOD is able to work with us through our limitations and imperfections, even when we exercise only “mustard-seed faith” in HIS divine, unlimited abilities.      

Genesis 18:16-33

   After they finished their meal, the three men of GOD rose up to begin their journey to Sodom to compete the second leg of their mission, the part that they had not yet discussed with Abraham. As they were leaving, however, they had a discussion among themselves as to whether or not they would tell Abraham of this other part of their mission, the fact that they were about to destroy the entire area, including all of the inhabitants, of Sodom and Gomorrah.
    Notice that, in verse 16, when the angel spoke, the text states that, “the LORD said” and that throughout the remainder of this passage, Abraham is actually addressing the LORD HIMSELF, WHO here is the “pre-incarnate” JESUS. Remember that JESUS HIMSELF tells us that, before HE completed HIS earthy mission, that is chronicled in the New Testament Scriptures, which is before HIS resurrection and ascension back into Heaven, HE was not yet all-knowing. HE reminds us of that here (Vs.20-21), and in Genesis 22:11-17 (Old Testament), and Matthew 24:36 (New Testament).
    In the Old Testament, pre-incarnate JESUS served HIS FATHER GOD many times in the capacity as GOD’s greatest prophet, delivering monumental, milestone messages to HIS earthy servants such as Abraham here in this passage, where HE says HE has to go to Sodom and Gomorrah to see if what HE heard was true, only “Then I will know” (Vs.20-21), and then again in Genesis 22:11-17 where HE says, “Now I know” (v.12), which indicates that HE did not know before-hand and was serving HIS FATHER on faith, the way we should too.
    After discussing the situation among themselves, the two other angels went on toward Sodom, but “The ANGEL of the LORD” which always indicates that it is a “Theophany of pre-incarnate CHRIST” in the Old Testament, stayed behind with Abraham for a while. At that time Abraham posed the question to the LORD, “Will you destroy both the innocent and the guilty alike?”
    Here Abraham shows a deep sensitive concern for those in the area of Sodom and Gomorrah who may be innocent (one of which was his nephew Lot), and he petitions to the LORD to spare the wicked cities for their sake, be it 50, 45, or even 10. The LORD agrees to spare the cities if even 10 innocent people can be found there, and of course, history now tells us that there were not even 10. When the LORD finished speaking with Abraham, he returned to his tent. Stay tuned.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander


Friday, October 12, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday October 14, 2018

Genesis 17:1-8

   In Genesis 17 the LORD pays a visit to a 99 year-old Abram and commands, once again, that he serve HIM faithfully, and, that he, from that point forward, live a blameless life, or as JESUS would say many years later, “Go and sin no more”. HE also tells Abram once again that HE will make a Covenant with him, by which HE would guarantee to make him the father of a mighty nation. In fact, GOD informs him that he will become the father of many nations, not just the Jewish nation of the future “Israel”.
    History now tells us that Abram, from that time, went on to become the towering figure, to whom, the Jews trace their origin as GOD’s chosen people. He was born in the fabled city of Ur more than 4100 years ago. Ur was a Sumerian cultured city located on the banks of the famed Euphrates River. It was known for its monumental architecture, wealth, music, and art.
    Growing up, Abram and his family had worshiped many other gods (Joshua 24:2-3), however, when the ALMIGHTY GOD, our CREATOR called him, HE instructed him to leave his father’s house and go to a land that HE would show him at a later time (Genesis 12:1). Abram then left and traveled to the land of Canaan, where he lived a nomadic life for nearly 100 years, dying at the ripe old age of 175!
    In the Old Testament Hebrew, the word used for “covenant” is “briyth” (pronounced “ber-eeth”), and it is an ancient form of compact that is sealed by passing between two pieces of flesh, in the same sense as a knife in the process of cutting meat into halves. In Genesis 17, when Abram is around 99 years old, GOD comes to him to reveal to him more details of HIS previously promised covenant (Genesis 12:1-3 & 15).
    Here in this passage, as I stated earlier, GOD tells Abram to serve HIM faithfully and live a blameless life. Hearing this, Abram fell prostrate to the ground, and at that point, GOD informs him that HE was changing his name to “Abraham”, which is interpreted “father of many nations”. And so it was that, thereafter, every time Abraham heard his own name, he would be reminded of GOD’s covenant promise to greatly multiply his descendants into a mighty nation.

Genesis 17:9-14

    In verses 9-14 GOD reveals to Abraham yet another confirming sign, however, this revelation would apply, not only to Abraham, but to all males who shared the Jewish promise of the everlasting covenant. Here the LORD institutes the, now famous ancient ritual of “circumcision” into the Jewish doctrine.
    Circumcision involves the cutting away of the foreskin from the tip of the male’s penis, and it was to be performed on every Jewish male child on the eighth day of his life. And even though circumcision had been practiced elsewhere in the ancient world, here it was to take on a new meaning.
    Among the Jews, circumcision would serve as an everlasting reminder, from generation to generation, of GOD’s sacred covenant with his chosen people. It would be a “cutting” reminder that symbolized how GOD wished for the Israelites to lay aside the impurity of their nature and remain loyal to the family of GOD forever. Circumcision would also serve to remind the Israelites that all mankind is dependent upon GOD for the reproduction of life, and that any Jew, who refused to be cut in this way, would be “cut off” from his people because of his disobedience to GOD’s command.

Genesis 17:15-27

    It would be remiss of me not to mention that, Sarai, Abraham’s wife, also underwent a name change, as well as a life change. Her name was changed to “Sarah”, and she also, as Abraham’s wife, would become the mother of many nations. At the ripe old age of 90, she would bear Abraham the son who would become their heir to the promise.
    Scripture tells us that Abraham laughed to himself in disbelief when GOD informed him of the miraculous deed that would soon befall he and Sarah, and when Sarah later heard the same news, she too, laughed in disbelief (Genesis 18:10-12). And so to show that GOD too, has a sense of humor, HE instructed the aging couple to name their son “Isaac”, which means, “He laughs”. The name would become a lasting reminder that they laughed at the word of GOD.
    As for Ishmael, Abraham’s son by Sarah’s handmaiden, the Egyptian servant girl, Hagar, they too, would be blessed, and would become a great nation. And on that same day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all the other males of his household, including himself, and all of them were circumcised.
    Despite Abraham and Sarah’s laughter about the idea of bearing a child so late in life, they truly did believe GOD would do what HE said HE would do. They embodied an undying faith, and because of that, GOD accredited them with an imputed righteousness from HIMSELF.
    Abraham was always confident that GOD was able to keep him from falling, and, because of his faith, he was able to walk closely with GOD as he moved around nomadically from place to place, the last 100 years of his life. And just like Abraham was accredited with righteousness and received salvation from GOD because of his faith and belief in the covenant promise, we too can enjoy that same accredited righteousness based on our faith and belief in the covenant promise that was ushered in by CHRIST JESUS, our LORD and SAVIOR.
    The salvation promise through CHRIST JESUS, because it comes from GOD, is the greatest of all possible guarantees. Remember, even before Abraham’s physical circumcision, came a “spiritual circumcision” of his heart. His heart had to, first, become separated unto GOD, before he could acquire the faith that it would take, in order for him to physically circumcise himself and the other male members of his family, at GOD’s command.
    Perhaps the Apostle Paul put it best, as he penned his, now famous, letter to the Romans, in chapter 2, verse 29, where he writes, “No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with GOD. And true circumcision is not a cutting of the body, but a change of heart (mind), produced by GOD’s SPIRIT. And whoever has that kind of change, seeks praise from GOD, and not from men” (NLT).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  


Friday, October 5, 2018


For the week beginning Sunday October 7, 2018

Genesis 16

   In Genesis 16 we see a frustrated Abram and Sarai, giving in to the pressures of their aging bodies, and an aging desire to bear children. As their faith was being tested and developed by GOD, they became more and more impatient waiting on GOD’s promise to begin to manifest itself into reality.
    Here in this passage, we see one of their moments of weakness being played out, as they attempt to take matters into their own hands by ignoring GOD’s plan and promise to them, to give them a child of their own conception. And so Sarai decides to employ her own “human ingenuity” to acquire an offspring (not of her own body), by giving her servant Hagar to her husband Abram to wed, in order that she might start a family of their own, through them.
    In those days, it was a legal custom that women (the first wife), who were barren, could give their maidservants to their husbands as a wife, and the children born of that union would be considered the adopted children and heirs of the husband and the first wife. However, GOD does not necessarily honor social customs, especially if they don’t align themselves with HIS Word and plan.
    Abram, being 85 years old at the time, did cede his position of family leadership to his wife, agreeing to abandon GOD’s plan, and to instead, comply to Sarai’ self-inspired wishes. Perhaps too, he gave in to his own sexual lust, when he agreed to take young Hagar as his wife (at his age, and based on his manly ego, Sarai did not exactly have to twist his arm), and, lo and behold, she became pregnant with his child. Much to their dismay, however, they would both later learn that GOD’s plan for them would not be fulfilled their way, but rather, it would be fulfilled GOD’s way.
    When Hagar knew for sure that she was pregnant, she began to treat Sarai, who was her superior, with contempt. This angered Sarai very much, and, as a result, she began to blame Abram for going along with her stupid idea in the first place. Abram, once again ceding his responsibility to deal with family problems to his squabbling wife, responded by telling her, that, “since she (Hagar) is your servant, you can deal with her in the way you see fit”. And so the problem worsens as Sarai begins to treat her servant, Hagar, in a very ungodly, harsh manner, even to the point where Hagar ultimately made the decision to run away from home.
    In verse 7 of this chapter, after Hagar ran away, we see an Angel of the LORD, finding her sitting beside a desert spring, a short distance from home, along the road to Shur. After asking her two questions, “Where have you come from?”, and, “Where are you going?”, the angel, in an attempt to restore order back to the family, tells Hagar to return to Sarai and submit herself to her authority.
    Here, we see the angel delivering two messages from GOD, one “hortatory” (he urgently appealed for her to return home and submit to Sarai), and the other “promissory” (he extended to her a promise from GOD that she would not only give birth to a son, but also to a nation of people, who would live at odds with the rest of the world).
    The angel also instructed Hagar to name her first son “Ishmael”, which means “GOD sees, and GOD hears”. Oftentimes in Old Testament scripture, names served as a mnemonic device for remembering divine events and encounters by GOD, and their significant affects on people’s lives, and, on world history.
    In this passage we see two very important etymologies unfolding. Here it is GOD HIMSELF WHO names Hagar’s and Abram’s coming child, “Ishmael”, and it is here HE states the reason for which HE renders this name. Here HE tells young Hagar that it is because HE has “heard” and “seen” her misery, that was perpetrated upon her by Abram and Sarai, by way of “their faithless deed”. Here GOD speaks a direct revelation to Hagar, and unlike Abram and Sarai, who responded with “human ingenuity”, Hagar would respond in faith.
    Here, the lesson that should be learned is that, GOD sees and hears our distress and affliction, no matter where we are. It is something that Abram and Sarai should have already known because they had experienced the goodness of GOD, as HE had been leading them for years, because of their faithfulness to HIM. But because they sought to use their human ingenuity to aid GOD’s plan (help GOD out), instead of trusting completely in HIM, they ultimately brought more misery to their own lives, and, to the life of Hagar, their servant.
    When burdened down with distress and sufferings, one should always turn to GOD, first and last. GOD always sees and hears us, no matter where we are in our self-imposed circumstances in life. After Hagar’s encounter with the angel, she refers to GOD as “the GOD WHO sees me” and she also says, “I have seen the ONE WHO sees me”. Hagar then names the place of the desert spring “Beer Lahai Roi”, which means “well of the living ONE who sees me”. Then Hagar returned home, where she bore Abram a son, and she called his name, just as GOD had instructed, “Ishmael”, because the LORD heard and saw her misery.
    Throughout Scripture, names provided GOD’s people with a revelation, or message from HIM. Here, we see GOD speaking in direct revelation to Hagar, and in return, she responds in faith by returning home to a situation that was not a happy one when she left. However, she would trust GOD to make that situation better, and not try to use her own human ingenuity to make things right.
    If we would only comply with, trust in, and obey the Word of GOD, things will automatically and inevitably become better in our lives. GOD sees our afflictions, and, HE also hears them through our prayers. GOD answers us, whenever we seek HIS help in earnest, putting our human ingenuity aside, with a desire to only accept HIM as our source of help and strength. HE is the only wise, living GOD WHO can safely deliver us from harm. Trusting in GOD is what I call “putting ourselves on a good path to the future”, and that is the only way that we can successfully overcome this world just as JESUS did, when HE sought to show us such, with HIS OWN life.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website