Friday, September 18, 2015


For the week beginning Sunday September 20, 2015

(A warning against drifting away)
Hebrews 1-2

The book of Hebrews was written to address the issues that some Jewish believers had in making the transition from the Old Testament Levitical system to their newfound freedom in CHRIST JESUS. This book describes in great detail, the superiority of CHRIST to everything in the Old Testament, including the entire priesthood, and, the old animal and plant sacrificial system. It is the only epistle in the New Testament that does not begin like a first-century letter. There is no opening salutation, or prayer, and, because neither the writer, nor the addressee are identified in the opening lines, there has been a polemical assault waged upon this invaluable Christian document for quite some time.
For a long time this letter was attributed to the Apostle Paul, however, more recent scholars have all but disproved the likelihood of him being the author. This is primarily because the Greek style of the book of Hebrews is so greatly different from any of Paul’s other writings. Martin Luther argued that Apollos, a disciple of John the Baptist, was the author, while other scholars have advanced authorship to Priscilla, who, along with her husband, Aquila, was a pioneer in the “House Church” concept that became very popular shortly after the ascension of CHRIST in the early first century.
But perhaps the most compelling argument for authorship favors Barnabas, who was known as “The Enabling Encourager”. Barnabas is the person who introduced Paul to the Church, when he did so, first, to the apostles at Jerusalem in Acts chapter 9, and then later on, to the church at Antioch of Syria, in Acts chapter 11. In fact, Barnabas even traveled for a year with Paul, during Paul’s first missionary journey, but later, fell out with him, over differences involving John Mark, Barnabas’ cousin, and the eventual author of the book of Mark.
Tertullian, the great church scholar, Jerome, the author of the Vulgate (the first Latin translation of the Bible), Gregory of Elvira and Filaster (both fourth century writers), all share the opinion that Barnabas is the author. In fact, they all refer to the book of Hebrews as “an epistle by Barnabas”. However, no matter who wrote this invaluable Christian document, it is certain that the author had in-depth knowledge of the Old Testament, particularly the Pentateuch (the first five books of the bible), and also, the Psalms. The writer also had a distinctively clear understanding of the perspective that was provided by CHRIST JESUS, during HIS three-year earth bound ministry.
The letter of Hebrews, perhaps more than any other writing in scripture, highly exalts the person and works of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. It makes valuable contributions to the doctrinal aspects of JESUS’ priesthood, incarnation, and vicarious sacrifice. It also goes a long ways toward developing an understanding, regarding the relationship between the interpretation of Old Testament Law, and New Testament Faith. It also helps us to understand the “New Covenant” that was ushered in by CHRIST, as it relates to the “Old Covenant” that was given to Moses, by GOD, on Mount Sinai.
Long ago, GOD spoke “many times and in many different ways” (polymeros kai polytropos) to our ancestors, through the prophets. However, today, GOD continuously speaks to us through HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST. “Prototokas” is the word that is used here in chapter 1, verse 2, and later, in verse 6, for the term “SON” in the original Greek writing. Throughout the New Testament, it is a word that is only used in reference to JESUS HIMSELF, and it means, quite simply, “FIRSTBORN”. It is a technical theological term that affirms HIS supreme rank and unique relationship and position in the family of GOD. That is why, even the angels of GOD, worship the SON.
The “right hand” is the traditional place of power and authority in the biblical sense, and so JESUS not only possesses eternal life and existence, by being at the right hand of GOD the FATHER in Heaven, HE also exercises all of the power and authority of Deity. As FIRSTBORN, GOD promised everything to the SON as an inheritance, and through HIM, HE made the universe and everything in it.
In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “brightness” is “apaugasma” (apow-gas-mah), and it is a “brilliance”, “effulgence”, or “light”, which is reflected from one place, or object, to another place or object”. JESUS is the “LIGHT” that wants to shine on all mankind, and gives each of us that light, so that we too, can shine that light on  someone else, making them able to see their way through the darkness that presses to dominate this world. And so, here in Hebrews 1:3, that is the word that is being used by the author to describe JESUS CHRIST in his original Greek rendering.
Also in verse three, the author uses another interesting Greek term to depict JESUS. That term is “charakter” (khar-ak-tare), and it means “express image”. It is from that word that we derive our English word “character”. It is “an exact copy, or representation of”, and, it is like a seal, an impression, or stamp. Here the author attempts to establish the person of JESUS CHRIST as being superior to any other prophet, or intermediary that GOD had sent prior to HIS coming. He also sought to affirm that JESUS is truly “the SON of the living GOD”, and, is the “exact image” of GOD HIMSELF. And so, in JESUS, and through HIS behavior, we are able to see exactly what GOD is like.
In Hebrews 1:4-14, the writer turns his efforts toward proving that JESUS is also superior to angels. In verse 4, he says, in effect, that, JESUS’ superior name serves to add to HIS credentials. In biblical times, a person’s name often summed up who they were. The name “JESUS” means “JEHOVAH is salvation”, and thereby, the very term “SAVIOR” makes HIM eternally superior to any angel, just simply by way of HIS more excellent name.
Verses 13 and 14 serve to remind us of the most important reason why angels should not be the focus of our worship. And that reason being, is that angels are only servants of GOD. Most of them are spirits sent from GOD to care for those who will eventually receive salvation. I say “most of them”, because satan also commands a host of angels. We are told of this fact in both Matthew 25:41, and Jude 1:6.  Therefore, it is JESUS, not angels, WHO should always be the focus of our Faith.
In the final analysis, the true meaning of life is contained in the person of CHRIST JESUS. HE is our “direct access” to GOD the FATHER. However, we must listen closely for the meaning of the truth we have heard about HIM, lest we be in danger of drifting away from the ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF. If GOD is able to spin the Universe into orbit, tell the sun where to rise, and the oceans where to stop, then certainly, HE can satisfy our quest for the meaning of our existence, direct our path through this life, and, at one and the same, save our souls and secure us for all eternity through CHRIST JESUS.
In Hebrews chapter 2, verses 1-4, the writer of Hebrews pauses momentarily to give us the first of five warnings that are contained in this letter. The others are in chapters 3-4, 5:11-6:20, 10:19-39, and chapter 12. The warning here in chapter 2 is the most terse of the five, and, is a stern warning against the spiritual immaturity and inertia that the Jews had apparently taken on. It was an attempt by the author to “nip in the bud”, any such shortfalls by the new Christian followers. The words of King Solomon may have been ringing in his head, as they are contained in Proverbs 3:21, where it warns, “My son, do not slip away, but keep my counsel and intent”.
In the Septuagint Greek rendering of Proverbs 3:21, the same Greek word, “pararrhueo” (par-ar-hroo-eh-o), which means, “drift away”, that is used there, is used here in Hebrews 2:1. It means “to let carelessly flow by, or slip away”. Here the author is not just speaking to Christians, but rather, he is speaking to anyone who has heard the word of GOD, concerning the great gift of salvation, and chose to ignore it.
This warning must have also certainly impacted those believers of the old religious system of Judaism, as well as it did the new Christians, particularly those Christians who were considering a return back to Judaism. For the converted Jews, turning back to the old system would require them to neglect their newfound salvation in CHRIST JESUS.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in 1947, give us a glimpse of how the early church had been infiltrated with the false teaching of “angel worship” and “angel domination” in the coming age. The Dead Sea scrolls show that the sectarians of Kirbeth-Qumran believed that the coming age would be marked by the domination of the archangel Michael and his angelic subordinates.
Here in this passage, particularly in verses 5-9, the writer of this letter issues a powerful refute to this point of view. Here he lets us know quite clearly, and quite frankly in verse 5 that the future world will not be controlled by angels, but rather, will be controlled by CHRIST JESUS, WHO was made lower than the angels for a little while, and is now crowned with glory and honor, because HE suffered death for us on a cross at Golgotha. As a result, GOD gave HIM authority over all things, and HE is exalted over all creation.
In the author’s argument, he quotes from Psalm 8:4-6 and notes that the realm of humanity had been below that of the angels, despite the fact that GOD had given man HIS OWN spiritual image, and dominion. JESUS, WHO voluntarily became one of us, tasted death for everyone in the world. And it is only fitting that GOD, WHO made all things, would bring all HIS children into glory higher than the angels, through the suffering of JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON and our SAVIOR.
In doing this, GOD presents JESUS as a perfect leader (in the Greek, “ACHEGOS”), for HIS people. In other words, JESUS is the PIONEER, ORIGINATOR, and CAPTAIN of our salvation. And so now, JESUS makes holy, all those who choose HIM, and, as a result, GOD becomes their FATHER also. JESUS is not ashamed to call those who choose HIM, HIS brothers and sisters, and, HE proclaims the wonder of GOD’s name to each of us in GOD’s presence.
Only as a human born to die, could JESUS break the power of sin and death that was held by satan over mankind. It was the only way that HE could deliver us, who were slaves to sin, and the fear of dying. JESUS did not come as an angel because HE did not come to help the angels. HE came as a man, so that HE could be our merciful and faithful HIGH PRIEST before GOD. Only then, could HE offer HIMSELF as a supreme sacrifice that would take away the sins of the world, once and for all time.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, September 4, 2015


For the week beginning Sunday September 6, 2015

(Boundaries and division of the land)
Ezekiel 47-48

In Ezekiel 47, verses 1-12 we see depicted, an eschatological “river of healing” that will flow from beneath, and through, the Temple at Jerusalem, as Ezekiel’s vision now moves far into the future once again. Here the prophet describes a river that is clearly not the “New Jerusalem” river that is described by the Apostle John in Revelations 22. However, it is also clearly not the kidron brook that flowed through the Temple in post-exilic times, because here Ezekiel tells us that this stream of water will make the salty waters of the Dead Sea into “fresh water” like in a typical lake. And so that is something that still has not happened, even to this day, as the Dead Sea remains at least “six times saltier” than all of the oceans of the world.
In this passage the angelic being brings Ezekiel back to the entrance of the Temple where he saw a stream of water flowing pass the right (south side) of the altar. The angelic being then brought him outside the wall through the north gateway and led him around to the eastern entrance of the Temple. There Ezekiel could see the stream flowing out through the south side of the east gateway.
The angelic being then led Ezekiel along the stream, and he took measurements as they went. First he measured off a distance of 1750 feet and told Ezekiel to cross over the water at that point, to the other side. As Ezekiel waded across the water, it only came up to his ankles. The angelic being then measured off a distance of another 1750 feet and instructed the prophet to cross over again. This time the water had risen up to his knees. The angelic being then took a third measurement of 1750 feet and when Ezekiel crossed the water this time it had risen up to his waist. Then the angelic being measured off a fourth and final distance of 1750 feet, and this time, Ezekiel had to swim across to get to the other side (Vs.3-5).
The angelic being instructed Ezekiel to keep in mind what he had seen, and then, he led him back along the riverbank. As they walked along, Ezekiel, much to his surprise, noticed that many trees and vegetation had sprung up along both sides if the river. Then the angelic being said to him, “this river flows east through the desert into the Jordan Valley where it then enters the Dead Sea”. He also tells Ezekiel that the waters from this stream will heal the salty waters of the Dead Sea, and make them fresh and pure, and not only that, everything that touches the waters of this stream will live. Every kind of fish will abound in the Dead Sea, something that has never happened before, and fishermen will stand on the shores and fish all the way from En-gedi to En-eglaim. The shores will be covered with fish nets drying in the sun, just as it was along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Vs.6-10).
The angelic being told Ezekiel that the marshes and swamps would remain salty, and in fact, would become an important source of salt. And all the fruit trees along the banks of the river will continue to bear fruit all year round, and the leaves will remain green. There will be a new crop every month, without fail, because they are watered by the waters flowing from the holy Temple, and the leaves on these trees will be used for healing (Vs.11-12). Now that’s real “Holy Water”.
The life-giving waters talked about here in this passage presents a lovely picture of how the life-giving blood of JESUS symbolizes the only thing that can satisfy the thirst that GOD has put inside of each of us, innately, from birth. In fact, GOD, as our CREATOR, has continued to offer us this free “living water” that is needed for life itself here on earth, and, for eternal life with HIM in Heaven.
The living water of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST that is offered by HIM to each of us personally, right now at this moment, will cleanse us from all sickness and death, and brings us into eternal life with HIM, starting in HIS Millennial Kingdom here on earth, and carrying on into the new Heaven and earth (Revelations 21), talked about by the Apostle John in the book of Revelations.
In Ezekiel 47, verses 13-23, we see laid out by GOD, the instructions for the division of the land Canaan between the twelve tribes of Israel, which now included two shares for the tribe of Joseph, one for each of the tribes of his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. It also lays out in detail, exactly where the boundaries will be in every direction in verses 15-20.

15 “These are the boundaries of the land: The northern border will run from the Mediterranean toward Hethlon, then on through Lebo-hamath to Zedad; 16 then it will run to Berothah and Sibraim, which are on the border between Damascus and Hamath, and finally to Hazer-hatticon, on the border of Hauran. 17 So the northern border will run from the Mediterranean to Hazar-enan, on the border between Hamath to the north and Damascus to the south.
18 “The eastern border starts at a point between Hauran and Damascus and runs south along the Jordan River between Israel and Gilead, past the Dead Sea and as far south as Tamar. This will be the eastern border.
19 “The southern border will go west from Tamar to the waters of Meribah at Kadesh and then follow the course of the Brook of Egypt to the Mediterranean. This will be the southern border.
20 “On the west side, the Mediterranean itself will be your border from the southern border to the point where the northern border begins, opposite Lebo-hamath” - (NLT).

The Israelites were to divide the land within these boundaries among the tribes as an inheritance for themselves and the Gentiles who had joined them, and were raising their families among them, under the rules of the GOD of Israel. Those who were once foreigners would be treated just like native-born Jews, and would be given land within the specified territory with whatever tribe they resided among in the family of Israel, after their return from Babylon (Vs.21-23).
The land, as it was, had been divided among the tribes of Israel by Joshua (Joshua chapters 13-21), but had never really been under the exclusive control of its people. Some of the tribes, because of their disobedience and unfaithfulness to GOD, never conquered the specified lands of their inheritance. And even though David and Solomon seized a bit more of those lands during their respective reigns, the Israelites continued rebellion against GOD led to their ultimate losing of, first, northern Israel to Assyria in 722 B.C., and then later, the remainder of the nation to Babylon in 586 B.C.
Here in Ezekiel 47, GOD tells his prophet, in no uncertain terms, that the land was still all under HIS control, and now HE was ready to return it back to HIS people, and, to the Gentiles who dwelled among them. It would be considered a new beginning, not because they deserved it, but rather, because GOD remained faithful to HIS promise to Abraham and David, and HE also wanted to restore honor to HIS OWN name, which had been damaged considerably by HIS chosen people, while they were having an adulterous love affair with the world.
In Ezekiel 48, verse 1, we see a list of the tribes of Israel and how the territory would be divided in the post-exile. GOD split the northern territory between seven of the twelve tribes, beginning with the tribe of Dan, the first son of Rachel’s maidservant Bilhah, whom she gave to Jacob as a wife. They were placed the farthest north. Its borders ran along the Hethlon road all the way to Lebo-hamath and then over to Hazar-enan on the border of Damascus. Dan, as well as the territories of all the other tribes, would extend all the way across the land of Canaan from east to west.
Immediately to the south of Dan was the land that was allotted to the tribe of Asher, the second son of Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant, whom she gave to Jacob as a wife. Next was the land given to the tribe of Naptali, the second son of Bilhah. The land given to Manasseh, the tribe of the first son of Joseph, Jacob’ favorite son, and Ephraim, the tribe of the second son of Joseph, was located south of Naphtali. Just south of Ephraim, there was the inheritance of the tribe of Reuben, the eldest son of Jacob and Leah. And then finally, the seventh plot of land in the northern section went to Judah, the “royal tribe” of the fourth son of Jacob and Leah (Vs.2-7).
In Ezekiel 45, verses 1-7, and here in verses 8-22, the LORD tells Ezekiel that when the Israelites divide the land after their return from Babylon, they must first set aside a section for HIM as HIS holy portion. This piece of land must measure 8 1/3 miles long and 6 2/3 miles wide. A section of this land measuring 875 feet square was to be set aside for the Temple itself, with an additional strip of land 87 ½ feet wide left empty all the way around the Temple area (Ezekiel 45:1-2).
Within this sacred plot of land, GOD instructed HIS prophet that there will be measured out, a strip of land 8 1/3 miles long and 3 1/3 miles wide, and within it, is where the Most Holy Place will be located. It is there that the holy priests will minister to the LORD in the sanctuary (Ezekiel 45:3-4a). The priests will use this space for their homes, and the Temple will be located there also (v.4b).
The remaining strip of land next to the priests and the Temple (8 1/3 miles long and 3 1/3 miles wide) would be used as a living area for the Levites who worked in the Temple. They were to build their towns and villages there. Adjacent to the larger sacred area of land will be a somewhat smaller strip of land, 8 1/3 miles long and 1 1/3 miles wide, where anyone in Israel can come to live (Ezekiel 45:5-6).
And then there would be two special sections of land set apart for the prince. One of those sections will share a border with the east side of the sacred land and city, and the other section would share a border with the west side. Therefore, this strip of land would extend along the east side of the Jordan River, and on the west side of the Mediterranean Sea (Ezekiel 45:7-8).
Here in Ezekiel 48, verses 23-29, the territories south of the temple area are allotted to the remaining five tribes of Israel. The tribe of Benjamin, the second son of Jacob and Rachel, would occupy the first strip of land located south of the sacred plot of land that would be occupied by the Temple itself, the priests and Levites, and the prince. 
The next plot of land south of the sacred land would belong to the tribe of Simeon, the second son of Jacob and Leah. The third strip of land is given to the tribe Issachar, the fifth son of Jacob and Leah (Leah became pregnant with Issachar after trading some mandrake roots to Rachel in exchange for giving up her night with their husband Jacob to her, so that she could sleep with him instead - Genesis 30:16-18).
The next plot of land went to the tribe of Zebulun, the sixth son of Jacob and Leah, and finally, the fifth plot of land to the south went to the tribe of Gad, the second son of Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant. The southern border of Gad ran from Tamar to the bitter waters of Meribah at Kadesh, and then ran along the brook of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.
Verses 30-35 details the exit gates to the city, as there would be twelve gates in all, three on each of the four sides of the wall around Jerusalem. The wall measured 1 ½ miles on each side, 6 miles in total around the city. The three gates closest to the sanctuary, which are on the north wall, would be named for Reuben, the tribe of Jacob’s eldest son, Judah, “the royal tribe of JESUS”, and Levi, “the tribe of the priesthood”. All three were children of Leah, Jacob’s first wife.
The gates on the east side of the city were named for the tribes of Joseph and Benjamin, the two sons of Jacob’s favorite wife Rachel, and the tribe of Dan, the first son of Rachel’s maidservant Bilhah. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were combined in the tribe of Joseph.
The south gates were named for the tribes of Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun, descendants of the remaining three sons of Leah. Ironically, their gates faced their inheritance of land to the south. And finally, the gates on the west side of Jerusalem were named for the tribes of Gad, Asher, and Naphtali, all of whom were the descendants of the maidservants of Leah and Rachel, Zilpah (the mother of Gad and Asher), and Bilhah (the mother of Naphtali). And Ezekiel says that, in those days, Jerusalem will be called “The LORD is there”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website