Friday, December 11, 2015


For the week beginning Sunday December 13, 2015

(A call to persevere)
Hebrews 10

The old sacrificial system contained in the Mosaic Law was only a shadow of the things to come. Through it, we could not really grasp the realities of the good things that CHRIST JESUS has done for us. The sacrifices under the old system had to be repeated over and over again, year after year, and still, were not able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship. If the old system sacrifices could have provided perfect cleansing, they would not have had to be repeated over and over again, because the worshipers would have been purified once and for all time.
Hebrews chapter 10 is the final subsection of the writer’s expository unit regarding the superiority of CHRIST, which he began in chapter seven. Here he argues that the superior sacrifice of CHRIST is what now perfects the New-Covenant worshipper. We are, by JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice, purified once and for all time.
The old system of sacrifice really served as more of an annual reminder of sin, than anything else it represented. GOD wishes for us to worship HIM with the minds, hearts, and bodies, which HE has given us, and not with the blood of dead animals, nor with grain offerings. GOD wants us to worship HIM in spirit and in truth, not inritual.
Like CHRIST JESUS, we must all come to do GOD’s will with our whole bodies. JESUS CHRIST, through HIS vicarious sacrifice, has canceled the Old Covenant and put into effect, HIS New Covenant. “Eis to dienekes” is the Greek phrase that the writer of Hebrews uses repeatedly regarding JESUS’ continuing sacrificial effect on human destiny during the course of his argument in chapters 7-10. This phrase means “forever”, or, “continuously and uninterruptedly”. JESUS CHRIST continuously and uninterruptedly guarantees the New Covenant promise.
JESUS came to usher in a New Covenant from GOD. It is a Covenant that is far superior to any before, or since that time. It is now the duty of the Christian to build his or her foundation on the “Most-High Faith” of the MOST HIGH PRIEST. We have to learn to pray in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, and to remember the conditions of that New Covenant, under which the love of GOD has called us. And after we have done all that we can, we are still at the mercy of JESUS CHRIST unto eternal life.
No one goes the FATHER, but by JESUS. HE alone, is THE WAY to GOD. In HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like, and only HE can usher us into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.
The Old Covenant imagery of the curtain, in the Holy Place, that, once served as a barrier to man has been erased by the sacrificial death of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS now symbolizes in the New Covenant, what the curtain represented in the Old Covenant. The rending of the curtain at the exact time of JESUS’ death, that is written about by the Apostle Matthew in Matthew 27:51, lets us know that now, only JESUS stands between man and GOD.
Now, only through JESUS, can a person hope to come into the presence of the LIVING GOD in Heaven. HIS death gives believers the much-needed access to GOD that had been missing since the fall of Adam and Eve way back during the infancy of creation. We now have a great HIGH PRIEST in Heaven, WHO, can enable us to enter into the presence of GOD, with pure and true hearts, fully and confidently trusting in HIM. Our evil consciences have been sprinkled by the blood of CHRIST to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.
With unwavering confidence, we can hold tightly to the “Christian Hope”, and know that GOD can be trusted to keep HIS promise. What we most need to concentrate on now is assembling together, finding ways to encourage each other to love, and seeking to do good deeds for one another whenever possible.
In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “patience” is “hypomeno”, and it involves an overcoming of difficulties, and withstanding the pressures of life. It is in fact, a “patient endurance”, or, perseverance. In verses 19-39, the author of GOD is calling on us to persevere as we walk in the newness of life that we find in CHRIST JESUS. We must stand strong for CHRIST, and we must also, both, encourage, and warn each other that the second coming of JESUS in drawing near, and will occur unexpectedly.
He also tells us that if we continue on living sinful lives, after we have received the full knowledge of GOD’s word, there is no other sacrifice that can be rendered to cover such sins. The defiant sinner has nothing to look forward to, except the sting of GOD’s judgment and the terrible, raging fires of hell that will ultimately consume them. For that is the price one must pay for insulting and grieving the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO brings GOD’s mercy to HIS people.
We must try and never forget the early days of our Christianity, and how we were determined to remain faithful through the persecutions and pressures of satan, who tried mightily, to get us to turn back to the ways of the world. We must stay focused on GOD, eagerly awaiting the good things that are waiting for us in GOD’s promised Place of Rest”, and we must maintain the faith in CHRIST that assures us our salvation through HIM.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, November 6, 2015


For the week beginning Sunday November 8, 2015

(CHRIST is the perfect sacrifice)
Hebrews 8-9

JESUS ministers on the basis of a better covenant. HE is GOD’s superior priest and our ultimate representative in the presence of the FATHER in Heaven. A superior priest could never operate on the basis of an inferior covenant. Here in chapter 8, the writer begins to move toward the conclusion of his discussion and argument regarding the superiority of CHRIST JESUS as our HIGH PRIEST. Aaronic priests ministered on earth in a sanctuary that was a mere copy of the Heavenly Sanctuary. It was only a shadow of the true sanctuary in Heaven that was built by the hand of GOD, and where CHRIST now ministers. The superiority of JESUS’ ministry is also reflected in the superiority of the New Covenant, which HE ushered in to us, during HIS three-year ministry here on earth.
Unlike the earthly high priest who was required to offer gifts and sacrifices for, first, their own sins, and then ours, JESUS has no need to offer sacrifices for HIMSELF because HE, quite frankly has never sinned. And the sacrifice HE offers for our sins, past, present, and future, is HIS OWN life, which was offered up on the cross at Golgotha, where HE spilled HIS blood, some 2000 years ago.
Back in Exodus 24, verses 1-8, the Israelites accepted GOD’s covenant as it had been given to Moses on Mount Sinai. However, man would not then, and quite frankly, will not now, abide by such a covenant, because we let our sins continuously interrupt our relationship with GOD. It took the life of CHRIST to restore our lost relationship of friendship with GOD. If we, as a people, would have abided by the first covenant, there would have been no need for the, more superior covenant that was ushered in by CHRIST JESUS to replace it. The first covenant was offered by GOD to show us how much we need HIM in our lives to survive, and, how far we were from living according to HIS OWN glorious standards. Therefore, as a result, the old Covenant, in essence, could only condemn us. The New Covenant, by contrast, brings forgiveness through CHRIST JESUS, and thereby, can only save us. However, this salvation can only be given to those who voluntarily accept GOD, in all HIS fullness.
In the Greek, the word used for “covenant”, in all normal secular applications, is “suntheke” (soon-tha-kay), and it is “an agreement between two equal parties or entities, on equal terms”, i.e. a marriage, or a business deal or partnership.
However, in the New Testament Scriptures, the Greek word that is always used for “covenant” is “diatheke” (dee-ath-ay-kay), and it is “an agreement that is actually along the terms of a “devised Will”. In other words, only one party draws up the terms, and the other party can either accept or reject the terms, or inheritance, that is offered. They cannot change or alter any of the contents within that Will. The choice of this word, (diatheke), is understandable, because we, as human beings, cannot enter into an equal partnership with GOD, and cannot be on equal terms with GOD for obvious reasons. We are only able to make a voluntary decision to accept, or reject HIS covenant offer, and cannot alter, or change HIS terms in any way.
Even in the secular world, we know that a Will does not go into effect until the person who wrote it has been proven dead. JESUS, WHO is our HIGH PRIEST, first died on the cross for our sins, then, re-entered into Heaven itself, bearing HIS OWN blood to present as a sacrificial atonement for all of our sins, past, present, and future. And with HIS sacrifice, HE purchased eternal salvation for all mankind in general, and all Christians in particular, once, and for all time. In short, JESUS is the mediator of the New Covenant that was activated by HIS OWN death.
In the Greek, there are two words that are used for “new”. One is “neos” (neh-os), which is “new in respects to time”. It can be a regeneration, or “exact copy” of something already existing, such as a new piece of clothing, or a new pair of shoes. The other word used for new is “kainos” (kahee-nos), which means, not only new in relation to time, but also new in quality and expression. It is something that is a new creation altogether, or a new product that has been introduced into the world for the first time. “Kainos” is the word used here by the author to describe the covenant ushered in by JESUS CHRIST. However, this New Covenant ushered in by CHRIST can never be improved upon, or copied.
There is one other essential that we should accentuate regarding the New Covenant. In Hebrews 10:16-18, the author of GOD tells us that the New Covenant is one that calls for “internal”, rather than “external” adaptations. This means that people would no longer want to obey GOD simply because the law compels them to, or they fear punishment, but rather, because the desire to obey HIM will be written on their hearts and minds.
Under the old Covenant, man could only hope to keep a right relationship with GOD by obeying HIS laws, through their own efforts. Here, in the New Covenant Age, everything is dependent, not on, what we can do, but rather, everything rests solely on the grace of GOD, and what JESUS CHRIST has done, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice. JESUS, both, removes our guilt, and, mediates our New Covenant with GOD.
With the coming of the New Covenant, GOD wishes to place HIS laws for living on our hearts, not just in writing on stone or, even paper, for that matter. HE wants us to understand HIM in our innermost being, so that we can obey HIM more completely. HE wants to be our GOD, and HE wants us to be HIS people. HE wants us to teach of HIM, not just with the words of our mouths, but more importantly, with our behavior as professed Christians.
We, as Christians, must make our old selves obsolete, just as GOD made the Old Covenant Law obsolete when HE sent us HIS only begotten SON to save us from ourselves. In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “old”, or “obsolete” is “palaioumenon” (pal-ah-yo-o-me-non), and it describes “something that is out of date” and “ready to be set aside”. In Hebrews chapter 9, the writer expands on his argument concerning the superiority of the New Covenant that was ushered in by CHRIST JESUS. In the first covenant between GOD and Israel (the Mosaic Covenant), there were many regulations concerning worship, and, there was a sacred place, a tent, in which to do it. Every element of the Mosaic Covenant had special significance because it reflected realities that are found only in Heaven. Inside this sacred tent were two rooms. In the first room there was a lamp stand, a table, and loaves of holy bread on the table, and it was called, the “Holy Place”.
Now there was a curtain that separated this first room from a second room. This second room was called the “Most Holy Place”. Inside this second room, were a gold incense altar and a wooden chest called the “Ark of the Covenant”. The Ark was covered with gold on all sides, and inside it were three items, a gold jar, which contained the two quarts of manna that were placed there by Aaron at the command of GOD, through Moses (Exodus 16:32-34). There was also Aaron’s blooming staff, which GOD commanded to be put there as a warning to those who try to rebel against HIM (Numbers 17:10-11). And, there were the tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written (Exodus 40:20).
Above the ark were angels whose wings were stretched out over the Ark’s cover, the place of atonement. Any of the priests were able to go in and out of the first room on a regular basis, as they performed their religious duties to man and GOD. However, only the high priest was allowed to enter into the second room, the Most Holy Place, and then, he could enter it only once a year, always with blood that would be offered up to GOD to cover, first, his own sins, and then, the sins of the people.
By these regulations, the HOLY SPIRIT was communicating that the Most Holy Place was not open to everyone, as long as the first room, the Holy Place, and all that it represents, was still in use. This was also an illustration of how the gifts and sacrifices that the priests were offering were not able to cleanse the consciences of the people that brought them.
This old system only dealt with food, drink, ritual washing, and other external regulations that were, in effect, only until their limitations could be corrected by the introduction of the New Covenant, that was ushered in by JESUS CHRIST. All of the old system’s Levitical arrangements were designed to convey the idea that the true way to GOD did not lie in them, but rather, would lie in CHRIST. What this tells us in this day and age, is that, the old covenant sacrificial system never met our human needs on their most profound level, and could not, by any means, clear the spiritual consciences of the people who seek to worship GOD.
JESUS CHRIST has now entered into the perfect sanctuary that was not made by human hands, but rather, by the hand of GOD. There HE has become high priest over all that is good. Once and for all time HE has carried HIS OWN blood into the Most Holy Place in Heaven, and with it, HE has secured our salvation forever. Under the old law, the blood of goats, bulls, or rams could be used to cleanse the defilement of human sins. How much more effective then, must the blood of CHRIST be in purifying the human heart from deeds that had long led man to death, and is now allowing man to re-establish a relationship of friendship with GOD.
Here in chapter 9, the writer prompts his readers to recall that all elements of the Mosaic Covenant had special meaning in that, it reflected the realities in Heaven. But our HIGH PRIEST, JESUS, entered into Heaven itself, bearing HIS OWN blood, and by HIS OWN sacrifice, obtained for us, the greatest gift of all time, salvation. JESUS is the mediator of the New Covenant, a covenant that was activated by HIS OWN death on the cross.
In Old Testament times, animal blood sacrifices were the standard requirement by GOD for the sins of man. In essence, it indicates that sin merits death, but GOD is willing to accept a substitute in place of the life of the sinner. Hebrews chapters 8-10 teaches us that the system of Old Testament sacrifices was actually an “object lesson” used by GOD to aid us in the understanding of the coming sacrifice of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS, the CHRIST.
The Old Testament sacrifices had an external effectiveness, but JESUS’ sacrifice at Golgotha has an internal effect that cleanses the conscience that bounds us to the guilt of our past. We are no longer overcome with a past that renders us inadequate to function in the present, and keeps us from moving forward to a brighter future with GOD.
When a person dies and leaves a will, no one can collect on the benefits of that will until there is proof that the person who wrote that will is actually dead. Likewise, under the old covenant, GOD required the blood of certain animals as proof of death, and the blood confirmed man’s obedience to the covenant. Afterwards, man was able to collect on the benefits of GOD’s will, which was found in HIS forgiveness, instead of the death of the sinner.
The blood of animals was sufficient to purify things here on earth, and by the sprinkling of animal blood, man was allowed to continue to live here on earth. However, the real things, which are only found in Heaven, had to be purified with a far better sacrifice than the blood of unblemished animals. It took the blood of an unblemished man to meet the requirement of GOD to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that perfect sacrifice could only come in the person of JESUS CHRIST.
But first, JESUS had to become a man, born into the world like all other men, so that HE could suffer through everything man has to suffer through, overcome it, and then, present HIMSELF faultless before HIS FATHER GOD as the perfect sacrifice for the sin atonement of all persons, past, present, and future, once and for all time.
And just as it is appointed by GOD that each person dies only once, and after which comes judgment, so too, CHRIST died only once as a sacrifice that took away the sins of the people who choose to believe in HIM. JESUS will come again, but not to deal with our sins again. This time HE will bring with HIM, the salvation that is promised to all those who believe, and eagerly await HIS return.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, October 23, 2015


For the week beginning Sunday October 25, 2015

(CHRIST, Melchizedek, and Abraham)
Hebrews 5:11-7

William E. Channing wrote, in his essay “Means of promoting Christianity”, that, “The first laborers do little more than teach those who come after them, what to avoid, and how to labor more effectively than themselves”. And it was A. Victor Murry who wrote, “It doesn’t matter how high a man’s profession may be, it is by his actions that people judge him, and in judging him, they also judge his mentor. These two statements speak to the very essence of teaching, and learning what is taught. They can be applied to all facets of life.
In Hebrews 5:11- 6:12, the author of GOD challenges the readers with a call for spiritual growth. The Christian faith, in all its fullness, is by no means an easy thing to grasp. There is no way for it to be learned in short order, and, it is also true that, we as preachers and teachers often avoid learning and teaching some of the more difficult elements of the Bible. In fact, one of the great tragedies of the African-American Christian church today, is that it seems to place more emphasis on race, and Sunday sermons, than it does on teaching the word of GOD in Sunday school and weekly bible studies. A sermon does little, or nothing to edify the beliefs and hopes of a person who has no real knowledge of the things of GOD in them. It only serves to draw on peoples’ emotions, or to entertain them for a very short space in time.
There is nothing more disenchanting than to walk into a well-established Christian congregation, and encounter the fact that most of the long term members are still on the milk bottle of Christian knowledge and responsibility. We church leaders, who claim to be called by GOD, must begin to step up and shoulder the responsibility of feeding JESUS’ sheep, especially those sheep who come to us voluntarily, without us ever having to take one step out of the church to round them up, and, who actually stay in our fold for years and years, and never experience Christian growth.
Do you love me? Is what JESUS asked Peter three times in John 21, and, I guess the only way to prove our love for JESUS is by loving others, and also by feeding HIS sheep with the nourishing food of the word of GOD. In Matthew 28:19-20, JESUS commands us to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (KJV).
In the Greek, the word used for “perfect” is “teleios” (tel-i-os), and it is “to be of full age or maturity”. It is “to be mature in the various applications of life, including physical, mental, moral and spiritual growth”, and it also means, in the spiritual sense, “to fully realize the purpose for which you came into the world”. For every man, woman, and child, that purpose is to come to know, accept, and serve GOD in all HIS fullness, and to love one another enough to want to teach each and every person you meet, about CHRIST and the Word of GOD. And so we see, in the biblical sense, “perfection” is a “functional achievement, not an abstract, or metaphysical pursuit, or aspiration. This is clearly what JESUS means when HE encourages us to be “perfect” (Matthew 5:48 & 19:21, Luke 7:40, John 17:23, & 2 Corinthians 12:9).
In Hebrews 5:11, as expressed in the original Greek writing, the word the author uses for “dull of hearing” is “nothros” (no-thros), and it means slow-moving in mind, sluggish in understanding, or stupidly forgetful. Here the writer clearly seeks to arouse the consciousness of his readers. He wants to stir them out of their spiritual naps, or doldrums, where they were quite literally sleeping on the ABC’s of the Holy Scriptures.
When we as Christians, who have tasted the free gift that comes from heaven, shared in the HOLY SPIRIT, tasted the fair Word of GOD, and, tasted the powers of the world to come, fall back into sin because of our laziness and refusal to grow spiritually, we, in effect, are crucifying JESUS all over again.
There can be no inertia in the Christian walk, nor can the Christian ever afford to take a balcony view to life and sit and watch the world go by. We must take advantage of every opportunity we get to learn more about the Word of GOD, so that we will be able to share that Word, more effectively with others whom we encounter from day to day, just as JESUS commands us to do. The fact that we cast everything, over to GOD, does not give us a right to sit back and do nothing.
In the New Testament Greek, the word used here in this passage for “oath” is “horkos”, and it is indicative of a solemn, legally binding pledge that guarantees that a person will keep their promise. There are many biblical passages that tell of GOD swearing an oath (Luke 1:73, Acts 2:30, Hebrews 3:11, 4:3, 7:20-22), and GOD’s reason for doing this, is to stress HIS intentions, and, to give us a strong basis to believe that all HE has promised us will come to pass in the process of time. GOD made a promise to save all of those, who believe in HIS SON, CHRIST JESUS, and, we need not fear or doubt any of HIS promises regarding this revelation, or, in fact, anything else HE has promised us, because GOD, quite simply, cannot lie.
If a person needs to find a model who can personify the patience, confidence, and trust in a promise of GOD, one only needs to look at the example of Abraham. Abraham patiently awaited GOD’s promise of a great nation through his seed, and in the process of time, his patience was rewarded. And even though Abraham did not get to see the fullness and completion of the promise, he did get to see its beginnings and he trusted in his heart that GOD would complete HIS promise to him, through his son Isaac and his heirs.
GOD’s promise to Abraham was not just for the benefit of Abraham, but it was also for the benefit of all Christians in general, through CHRIST JESUS, WHO would come through his line to save us all. GOD’s Word, and GOD’s oath are the two great unchangeable things, and they are also the motivation behind the Christian Hope. In fact, they allow us to take hold of that Christian Hope and cling to it as a fortified refuse in times of trouble.
JESUS’ entry into the Heavenly sanctuary to serve as our HIGH  PRIEST, gives Christians an anchor of hope that can never be shaken loose from the Kingdom of GOD. JESUS, as our “forerunner” is the imagery of a sailor who has been designated to leave the ship, and go out in a small boat, in order to drop the ship’s anchor in a firm lodging place. That is what JESUS did for us, through HIS vicarious sacrifice at Golgotha, so that we could have firm safe refuse in Heaven at the end of our journey.
Way back in Genesis 14, after Abraham (then Abram) had defeated a band of armies led by King Kedorlaomer of Elam, and rescued his nephew Lot from certain doom, we are introduced to one of the most obscure, and yet, important figures in the annals of Old Testament history. Upon Abraham’s return from battle, he is met by a man named Melchizedek in the valley of Shaveh. Melchizedek was the King of Salem (now Jerusalem) and was also a priest of our GOD Most High. His name means “king of justice”, and the name of his kingdom, “Salem”, means “peace”. And so, by his very name and position he was both, “king of justice”, and, “king of peace”. He was high enough in stature and importance, that, he could both, bless Abraham, and, receive a tithe from Abraham.
Here in Hebrews chapter 7, the author emphasizes the fact that JESUS’ priesthood does not derive from Aaron’s Levitical line of priests, but rather, it derives from the line of Melchizedek, a superior priesthood. Here in verses 1-10, the author establishes two things: First, the greater always blesses the lesser. Here the author is showing that, by blessing Abraham, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. And secondly, Abraham, who was the great, great-grandfather of Aaron, the first of the Levitical line of priests, paid a tithe to Melchizedek, and thus personally acknowledged the superiority of his priesthood.
As, it is written by king David in his prophetic Psalm 110:4, GOD’s ordaining someone as a “priest forever in the line of Melchizedek” is a clear indication that GOD always intended to make a change in the Aaronic priesthood. And such a change would also require a change in the whole system of the Mosiac Law, of which that priesthood was a part (Vs. 11-19).
JESUS’ priesthood is better simply because it is flawless, and it is forever, or, eternal. In the Old Testament, you’ll find that, neither Melchizedek’s birth, nor his death, are recorded. There is no record of his father or mother or any of his ancestors, and no beginning or end to his life. He remains a priest forever resembling the SON of GOD. His priesthood is also permanent, just as JESUS lives eternally as our Heavenly priest, and, can save us continuously and completely.
JESUS’ priesthood is able to meet our needs, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice, which settles forever, the issue of our sins. HE is the only one WHO can speak for us, and intercede for us before GOD the FATHER. The priesthood of CHRIST differs dramatically from the Levitical priesthood, in that, it was instituted with an oath. By contrast, the descendants of Aaron assumed their jobs without any oath.
In the Greek, the word used in Hebrews 7:22 for “surety” is “engyos”. This is the only time this particular word is used in New Testament scriptures. It is a legal term which identifies a bond or collateral. It means that the signer of the guarantee pledged his resources as security for the commitment that is made. JESUS is the living guarantee that the forgiveness GOD offers us under the New Covenant will surely be ours. In fact, because of HIS oath, HE became the guarantee of a better Covenant. With HIS OWN life, JESUS assured the superiority of the new order over the old, because HIS oath also secured HIS permanent installation in the priestly office of GOD.
No Old Testament priest ever functioned in this permanent manner, simply because, all of them were subject to death and mortality. JESUS not only prays for us, HE also has empowered us to live a more righteous life here on earth, through HIS examples and gift of the HOLY SPIRIT. As an ever-living HIGH PRIEST, JESUS is always available to represent us before GOD, and thus, HE is able to save us completely.
Remember, everyone who has been saved by CHRIST, was saved when they were still sinners. When we stumble after receiving salvation, JESUS remains there with us to keep us from falling, because HE is always holding us by the hand. HE remains committed to us so that HE can save us completely. If salvation depended on us, then, we would have a right to worry. But, because salvation depends on JESUS, we can be free from fret and worry, because our futures are completely secure, through HIM.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website