Friday, March 28, 2014


                                     For the week beginning Sunday March 30, 2014                                    

(JESUS is the only way to GOD)
John 14

In John chapter 14, JESUS continues to teach HIS disciples in private. Here HE focuses on trying to encourage them to hold fast to the belief that HE has revealed to them exactly what GOD THE FATHER is like. In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “promise” is “epaggello” (ep-ang-el-ee-ah), and it is “an announcement of divine assurance of good”.
John 14:1-3 is arguably, one of the most beautifully written passages in, perhaps, the most beautifully written book, in all of Scripture. It comes in the form of a “divine promise”, to those who believe in CHRIST JESUS. Here in this passage, JESUS, first, encourages, and then, makes a promise to HIS followers with these divine words; “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in GOD, believe also in ME. In MY FATHER’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would tell you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I AM, there ye may be also” (KJV).
It is a promise that is made at a time when the cumulative weight of all the previous revelations that JESUS had laid on HIS disciples had begun to set in and depress them. Remember, HE had already revealed to them that HE would go away, and, they would not be able to follow HIM (John 7:34, 8:21, 12:8 & 35, and 13:33). HE had also revealed to them that HE would die (John 12:32-33), and, that one of them would betray HIM (John 13:21). Furthermore, HE had already revealed to Peter that he would deny HIM, not once, but three times before daybreak (John 13:38). And also, that satan would be working against them (Luke 22:31-32), and, at that time, everyone of them would fall away from HIM (Matthew 26:31).
And so we see it is a statement that was much needed to try and comfort and allay the fears of what was about to befall HIS disciples in the very near future. It is said that a person’s heart is at the center of their personality, and that, we must keep our hearts with all diligence. Our soul’s sorrow is relieved when we trust in the word of GOD, and CHRIST says, if you trust GOD, trust also in HIM.
I AM the WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE” is what JESUS said to a “doubting” Thomas in John 14:6. It is the sixth of JESUS’ seven great “I AM statements” found in the Gospel of John. JESUS tells us plainly that if we have seen HIM, we have already seen GOD, and if we “know” HIM and “have” HIM in us, we already possess “Eternal Life”.
In the final analysis, all man ever really seeks is a better life for himself and his family. He never seeks knowledge, just for knowledge sake, but rather, for what that knowledge can do to make his life more worth living. It is JESUS’ claim, that obedience to HIM is the only true foundation that we can securely build upon. It is HIS contention that life through HIM is the only life worth living. No one can go to the FATHER, but by JESUS, because, HE alone, is “THE WAY” to GOD. In HIM, we see exactly what GOD is like. And only HE can usher us, into GOD’s OWN glorious presence, without fear, without guilt, and, without shame.
Anyone who believes in CHRIST JESUS will desire to do the same work that HIS earthly ministry demonstrates to us that HE did. But JESUS says that we can do even greater works than HE did, and this is simply because many of us will have much more time on this earth than HE had. In addition, we are able to ask GOD for anything within HIS Will, and, in the name of JESUS, and HE will grant it, because all of JESUS’ work during HIS earthly ministry, brought glory to HIS FATHER in Heaven (Vs. 12-14). And if we do the work of CHRIST JESUS, we too, will bring glory the SAME, our FATHER, WHO art in Heaven.
John 14:15-31 is the conclusion of JESUS’, now famous, “Upper Room Discourse” to HIS disciples. Up until this point, very little had been mentioned, regarding the HOLY SPIRIT. In the New Testament Greek, the word used for “Comforter” is “Parakletos” (Par-ak-lay-tos), and it is “an Intercessor”, or “a Counselor”. “Comforter” is the word translated here and used by JESUS to describe the function of the HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM HE would send soon after HIS departure back into Heaven. This COMFORTER would stand as a force against man’s own “sin nature” that would lead him into all truth. HE would also be a force that unbelievers would not be able to see or receive into their lives. Only those, who receive CHRIST first, will be able to partake in this wonderful gift from GOD the FATHER.
And while the SPIRIT of GOD was now dwelling with the disciples in the person of CHRIST JESUS, HE would later come to “indwell” anyone who chose to follow JESUS through the cross. This type of reaction on people by the HOLY SPIRIT would be different from the way HE came upon people and inspired them in the Old Testament times. In those days, the HOLY SPIRIT would come upon people for a period, and then would leave them. But this time that JESUS spoke of now, the time of the first “Pentecost”, would be a time when the HOLY SPIRIT would come to dwell in the Christian Believer forever.
The HOLY SPIRIT is intended to actually fulfill the role of JESUS HIMSELF, in the lives of those, who believe on HIM. It was JESUS’ way of not abandoning us like orphans, and leaving us at the mercy of satan and his demons, who, of course, have no mercy. That is why, the way we treat the HOLY SPIRIT is the way we treat CHRIST JESUS. When we accept JESUS into our lives, our bodies become the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT, and since the HOLY SPIRIT wrote the word of GOD, the way we treat GOD’s word (the Bible) is the way we treat GOD in HIS fullness.
Our love of GOD is shown by our willingness to obey CHRIST through the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT, which seeks to guide us into all righteousness. GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT are indeed ONE and inseparable. JESUS left us with a peace of mind and heart that cannot be found in the world. And we can now come to rest in the thought, that, this life is, by no means, is the final act of the human drama.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, March 21, 2014


                                     For the week beginning Sunday March 23, 2014                                    

(Following JESUS in humility)
John 13

The Gospel of John gives us the most complete details of JESUS’ instructions to HIS disciples on the eve of HIS crucifixion. Chapters 13-17 represent a concentrated dose of JESUS’ private teachings to HIS select group of disciples on the night of HIS arrest. HE begins the evening with the surprising act of washing HIS disciple’s feet, one disciple at a time. It was an endearing and humble effort on JESUS’ part, to express to HIS closest followers, the kind of brotherly love that HE had in HIS heart for each of them.
HE knew that HIS time to depart from this world was drawing ever closer, and that HIS death on the cross was now imminent. The devil had already entered into the heart of Judas Iscariot and enticed him to go forward with his plan of betrayal against JESUS. And now, the stage was set for the “passion of CHRIST” to begin. But first, there would still be time for some intimate instructions from the MAN WHO had come to mean so much to this unwitting, rag-tagged group of simple and untrained men. And the first of HIS instructions was aimed at teaching them to serve each other in the most menial of ways, which was, in this case, washing each other’s feet.
After washing their feet, JESUS put HIS robe back on and sat down and asked what they had learned from what HE had just done. HE told HIS faithful that they always called HIM MASTER and LORD, and that they were correct in doing so. However, if HE, as their MASTER, would wash their feet, how much more willing should they be to wash each other’s feet? HE had given them an example and HE wanted them to follow suit with their treatment toward each other. And, even though a servant is never greater than his master, and a messenger is never more important than the one who sent him, HE, WHO is MASTER over all mankind, came to serve mankind for HIS FATHER, WHO sent HIM into the world, because HE so loved the world.
All the way up until the very hour of Judas’ betrayal of JESUS, he had been, protected by JESUS from being discovered by the other disciples. JESUS knew from the beginning what role Judas would portray in the outcome of HIS ministry, but HE in no way compelled him to play it. Instead, HE exposed Judas to all of the privileges that HE had afforded the other disciples, and yet Judas’ sinful heart remained unchanged by JESUS’ presence. It is like the professed Christian in the church today, who might attend church every weekend, and go to Sunday school, midweek bible study, participate in church ministries etc., and never really in their heart, accept CHRIST for WHO HE is, as our LORD and SAVIOR.
The “Last Supper” took place on a Thursday night, and the theme of that dinner was one of “Love”. After JESUS performed the menial act of foot washing to HIS disciples, HE now decides, with a heavy heart, that it is time to expose the one who would betray HIM. It was to be one of those whose feet HE had just washed.
JESUS’ allusion to Psalms 41:9, (verse 18), where King David laments his betrayal by his trusted friend, Ahithophel, who like Judas, ultimately committed suicide by hanging (2 Samuel 17:23), clearly identifies this incident as being prophetic. What had happened to David was now happening to David’s greater SON.
When JESUS mentioned the fact that one of them would betray HIM, the disciples were stunned, and began to look upon each other, wondering which of them could be capable of doing such a terrible thing. Peter motioned to John, who sat next to JESUS, and asked him to ask JESUS who it would be. JESUS answered, apparently, only to John’s hearing, that it would be the one HE gave the bread dipped in sauce to, which turned out to be Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
Immediately, upon eating the bread, satan entered into Judas, and he was sent away by JESUS to perform his act of treason. None of the others at the table comprehended what JESUS meant, especially since Judas was treasurer of the group, and, at the time, had been sitting in the position of honor at JESUS’ side. They felt for certain that JESUS was sending him away to do something honorable like purchasing food for the Passover, or making a donation to the poor.
However, Judas had already made his deal with the religious leaders to betray JESUS on that night, and JESUS’ statement to him to “Go and do it quickly” let Judas know that HE knew of his plan. And so, at that point, JESUS was, in effect, only giving Judas a final chance to repent. Unfortunately, Judas’ heart was all set to go forward with this final rejection of CHRIST JESUS, and the rest, is the tragic history, of a fallen soul.
After Judas had left the room, JESUS began again, speaking to the eleven disciples that remained. HE tells them that HIS time has come to enter into HIS glory, and that GOD would also receive glory through HIM, because of it. JESUS’ glory was to be revealed in HIS death, and thereby, GOD would also glorify HIMSELF.
The term, “little children”, that, is expressed by JESUS in verse 38, shows us the deep concern HE had, for HIS beloved disciples’ well-being, after HIS departure. HE knew that they could survive HIS absence, only if they obeyed HIS teachings and HIS commandment to love. Here, in this passage, is the only time in scripture that JESUS uses this term. Nevertheless, it is a term that seemed to stick with the apostle John over the years, as we see him use it often in his first letter to the Christians who were dear to him.
JESUS now reiterates a statement HE had earlier made to the Jewish leaders, that, “where HE was about to go, they could not follow”. This statement, of JESUS’ leaving them, perhaps, more than anything else, deeply troubled the hearts of the disciples. Certainly it must have set off a whirlwind of perplexing questions in their minds and hearts. And right in the midst of their confusion, JESUS delivers to them, the one and only new commandment, that, HE would ever give, during HIS ministry. It is a commandment that also comes to us today, from across the spans of time, in hopes that we too, can perform it also, in our lives. It is the commandment to “love each other, just as JESUS has loved us”. It is the Christian image of the family. Love was to take on a new meaning and power, because of the death of CHRIST JESUS. And with the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT to aid us, love would have a new power in our lives. It would stand as true evidence that we are followers of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.
However, still stuck on the statement of JESUS’ leaving, Peter steps forward and insists that wherever JESUS was going, he was fully ready to follow right then. In fact, Peter not only insisted that he was ready to follow JESUS wherever HE might go, but he was also ready to lay down his life for HIM. And just when Peter thought that he could not be hit with a more disturbing statement than the one of JESUS’ leaving them, our LORD and SAVIOR hits him with an, even more, heart-troubling declaration. HE prophecies to HIS bewildered disciple, that, “before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will have already denied knowing ME, three times.”

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, March 14, 2014


                                     For the week beginning Sunday March 19, 2014                                    

(The cost of being JESUS’ follower)
John 12

John chapter 12 marks the beginning of the last week of JESUS’ life here on earth (HIS first advent). It was now just six days before the Passover, and HIS mission was almost complete. In a very few days, HE would begin HIS “passion”, and HE would suffer greatly for the likes of us. Salvation through CHRIST JESUS would soon be available for every human being who would ever again be born into this world. And we owe it all to GOD the FATHER, WHO loves us so much, that HE gave us the most precious part of HIMSELF, HIS only begotten SON, as a ransom for our sins.
The time schedule now becomes much more definite and critical, and here the occasion finds JESUS, once again, at the home of HIS friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Here HE being honored with a dinner that the women had so carefully and gratefully prepared. Lazarus, whom JESUS had recently given “a new lease on life”, sat at the table with JESUS. It must have been a joyous time for the trio, and also for JESUS, and HE probably just wanted to spend a little quiet time with friends, before HE continued on along HIS journey to Jerusalem, and, to HIS appointment with death on a hill called Golgotha.
All of a sudden, in the midst of the festive atmosphere of the moment, Mary walks in with an expensive bottle of precious ointment. She fell at the feet of JESUS and begin to anoint HIM with the aromatic fragrance of nard that few Jews could afford at that time, without having to save for it for quite a while. It was usually sealed and imported from northern India in alabaster boxes or flasks, and was only opened on the most special of occasions. This lavish gift was perhaps meant by Mary, to be an expression of her deepest thanks to JESUS for HIS restoration of her brother’s life, and, for simply being their friend and SAVIOR.
Unfortunately, one person’s joy can often be another person’s dislike, and now Judas, the traitor, shows us the first signs of his deceit and underlying greed. Judas was the treasurer of the group of the twelve disciples who regularly accompanied JESUS. And even though he speaks of using the proceeds from the sale of such a gift to feed the poor, John, who was also present at the table, knew that Judas only wanted control of the money for himself. For, he had regularly pilfered from the contents of their savings, and spent the money on himself (Vs. 4-6).
In verse 7, JESUS steps in to defend HIS friend Mary’s actions toward HIM, and HE rebuked Judas and said, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for MY burial. You will always have the poor among you, but I will not be here with you much longer.” And while they were there at the house in Bethany, many people came to see JESUS, and the man Lazarus, whom JESUS had raised from the dead. In fact, so popular had Lazarus become with the people that the Jewish hierarchy decided to kill him also. It was because of Lazarus, that many people had abandoned the Pharisees and leading priests, and began to believe on JESUS.
All four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) give an account of JESUS’ triumphal final entry into Jerusalem. Here in John 12, verses 12-19, the scene shifts from that of a private dinner in the home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, to that of a noisy public parade on the streets of Jerusalem, that, was fit for the most popular of kings.
This event is significant in that, it is the only public demonstration of praise of HIMSELF that JESUS allowed while HE was ministering here on earth. All of this commotion had come about as a result of JESUS’ raising of Lazarus from the dead, after he had lain in his tomb for four days in Bethany. JESUS’ renewed popularity had put fear in the hearts of HIS enemies, the Pharisees, and they now felt for sure that a crisis was at hand. Little did they know that it was only GOD’s way of forcing their hands, compelling them to act in the fulfilling of ancient prophesies. They were now to begin playing their roles in the final act of the salvation story, by successfully carrying out their plot to kill JESUS, by Roman method, on a cross at Golgotha.
As JESUS came, riding in on a young donkey (an act that symbolized peace), HIS disciples had not yet realized that it was also a fulfillment of prophecy. However, shortly after witnessing JESUS make HIS entrance into Jerusalem, they realized that once again, the scriptures concerning HIM had come to pass right before their eyes.
There were three groups of witnesses present that day in Jerusalem;

·         First of all, there was the panic-stricken religious hierarchy, who, sought to kill JESUS and perhaps Lazarus too. (For indeed, they were by now, coming apart at the seams).
·         Then, there were those people who had witnessed Lazarus’ raising from the dead by CHRIST JESUS just a few days earlier.
·         And finally, and, no doubt the largest group there, were those who had heard about the miracle concerning Lazarus, and had came to, perhaps, catch a glimpse of both he and JESUS.

But for whatever reason people were drawn to Jerusalem on that fateful day, the stage was now set for the LAMB of GOD to give HIS life, along with all the other Passover lambs that would be slain on the altar later in the week, for the sake of sinful man.
A group of Greeks, who were, perhaps, “GOD-fearers”, had come to the Passover to worship (v.20). GOD-fearers were “non-Jewish, uncircumcised believers in the GOD of Israel”. They worshipped regularly in the Gentile court of the temple, and also, would attend Jewish feasts, however, they had not yet become “Proselytes”, or, “fully converted”.
The original Greek text indicates that, this particular group of Greeks were “accustomed to come and worship at the feast”. They probably approached Philip because of his Greek name, or, maybe they were familiar with him through his activities in the “Ten Cities” area of Galilee. But for whatever the reason may be, they desired greatly to speak personally with JESUS, and they chose Philip as a way of accomplishing that goal.
One of the resounding themes of the Gospel of John is that, JESUS is the SAVIOR of the whole world, not just the nation of Israel. John does not tell us whether or not JESUS spoke to this group in private, however, the response from JESUS when HE was told by Philip and Andrew that these men wanted to see HIM, contains truths that we can all use.
Here in this passage, JESUS sees beyond HIS suffering on the cross, and into the coming glory that would follow (John 12:23). HE uses the analogy of a seed to illustrate the great spiritual truth that there can be no glory without suffering. There can also be no fruitful life without death, or no victory without surrender. A dead seed must be put in the ground before a fruitful plant can emerge. GOD’s people are like seeds, tiny, and, in and of themselves, very insignificant. What makes us important is that, we have the life of GOD within us. However, it is a life that can never be fulfilled, until we surrender ourselves to GOD, and allow HIM, to sow us in the newness of life that came to us in the person of JESUS CHRIST. We must, alone, die to CHRIST, in order that we may live in fruitfulness for GOD. Those, who are willing, to follow JESUS in death, burial, and resurrection will be honored by GOD for all eternity.
As JESUS spoke, HE harbored a feeling of deep agitation at what was about to befall HIM regarding HIS hour of “passion”. HE could have asked the FATHER to save HIM from what lay ahead in route to Calvary, but HE realized that that would defeat the whole purpose of HIS coming in the first place. And so, HE instead, asked the FATHER to glorify HIS name, through HIM.
Suddenly, the voice of GOD rang out from Heaven saying, “I have already brought glory, and I will do it again”. The crowd, that had gathered, was divided on exactly what they had heard. The unbelievers were probably those who heard only the thunder, while the believers actually heard the voice of what they thought was an angel. At any rate, JESUS tells them that the voice was for their benefit, not HIS.
JESUS then began to speak openly to the crowd about the cross, as HE informs them of a time of judgment for the world, and for satan, that had already arrived. HE would soon be “lifted up” on a cross so that all men, without distinction, would be drawn to HIM. The people were confused at JESUS’ saying this, because, they had always understood that the MESSIAH would live forever, and now, here JESUS was, talking about how HE would die.
In verse 35, JESUS reminds them again, that, HE is the “LIGHT of the world”. However, HE informs them also that HIS light would only shine for a limited time here on earth. We are responsible to take advantage of HIS LIGHT while we still can, so that we do not stumble into darkness later on, and will be able to, indeed, remain as children of GOD, living in the LIGHT, forevermore.
Despite all of the miraculous signs and wonders that JESUS had performed for almost three years now, most of the people still did not believe in HIM. The prophecy of Isaiah 53:1, and Isaiah 6:9-10, seemed to ring ever so true, as the final days of JESUS’ ministry here on earth grinds to a dramatic conclusion. And even most of those, who did believe on JESUS, were hesitant to admit it, because they feared being expelled from the synagogue by the relentless Pharisees.
We see here in this passage, that the peoples’ desire to obtain the praise of men, far exceeded, their desire to obtain the favor of GOD. It is hard for true Christians to phantom how this silent minority of believers could wholeheartedly believe in JESUS, and yet, show so much concern for the opinion of JESUS’ opposition.
In verses 44-50, JESUS addresses the crowd for the final time. HE tells them that, if they trust in HIM, they are really trusting in GOD, WHO sent HIM, and that when they see HIM, they actually are seeing GOD the FATHER. JESUS reiterates HIS claim of being the “LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, WHO came to shine in the darkness so that all who put their trust in HIM, and follow HIM, would no longer remain in darkness.
HE also tells them, that, anyone who hears HIM and doesn’t obey HIM will not be judged by HIM on this occasion. On this occasion, HIS first advent, HE only came to save. However, all who reject HIM and HIS message will be judged at the “day of judgment” by the very words that HE was speaking to them now. For HE was only delivering the message of GOD, WHO sent HIM, which instructs them how to live this life, so that they can have eternal life with GOD in Heaven, as opposed to living in eternal damnation in Hell.
In JESUS, every human being is confronted by GOD HIMSELF. To listen to HIM is to listen to GOD, and to see HIM, is to see GOD. Through CHRIST JESUS, GOD comes face to face with man, and man, thereby, comes face to face with GOD. It is a confrontation that can culminate in only two distinctive outcomes, and both are found at the very heart of judgment:

·         The first is, that, any man, who can come face to face with JESUS, and remain completely unaffected by HIS presence, the same, would also be impervious to GOD HIMSELF. That person, unwittingly, has already judged himself.
·         The second scenario gives us this picture, as JESUS says, in effect, that, anyone who rejects HIM and HIS message now, will, in the last day, be judged, by the truth of the very words that they have already heard HIM speak, and ignored.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, March 7, 2014


For the week beginning Sunday March 9, 2014

(The certainty of the resurrection helps believers to deal with death)
John 11

The sins of Adam and Eve ushered into the world, “physical death”, and by contrast, the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS, ushered into the world, “spiritual life”. “I AM the RESURRECTION and the LIFE” is the fifth of JESUS’ seven great “I AM” statements that are found in the Gospel of John. The resurrection of CHRIST marked the start of a new age in human history that is still present today, because JESUS is still LORD over all of life, both the physical, and the spiritual.
When we accept the Eternal life that JESUS has to offer, the end of physical life becomes the beginning of a much more anticipated, spiritual life of eternity in Heaven in the glorious presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD. And so, in JESUS’ resurrection we also see the birth of the “Christian Hope”. Anyone who believes on JESUS already has “Eternal Life” (John 6:47).
In the gospel according to the Apostle John, in chapter 11, taking up at verse 17, we see JESUS arriving at Bethany some four days after HIS friends, Mary and Martha, had summoned HIM by messenger. They had sought JESUS out to tell HIM of the declining health of their brother Lazarus, who was also a close friend of JESUS’. They had wanted JESUS to hurry to Bethany so HE could heal their brother from what turned out to be a fatal sickness.
The day that JESUS got word of Lazarus’ illness, HE informed HIS disciples that the illness would not result in a permanent demise, but rather, would be an event staged by GOD for HIS OWN glorification (v.4). And so they lingered on where they were for two more days before making the two-day journey to Bethany, just a few miles outside of Jerusalem.
When Martha got word that JESUS was near, she ran down the road to meet HIM. When she came to HIM she said to HIM, “LORD, if you had been here my brother would not have died. But even now I know that GOD will give YOU whatever YOU ask”. Here we see in this statement by Martha, that, even in the short time since JESUS had begun HIS ministry, it had already become quite noticeable that nobody ever died while HE was around. It is a statement that was later echoed by her sister Mary, as soon as she came upon JESUS, at the burial site of her brother Lazarus.
We, as Christians, are all too well familiar with the ending to this, now famous, biblical account of what was then considered to be, JESUS’ greatest miracle. “I AM the RESURRECTION and the LIFE” is what JESUS said to HIS friend Martha in John 11:25. For JESUS is LORD, over both, the “physical” and, the “spiritual” life. Our belief in HIM infuses in us a spiritual life that will persists, even after death. That is why the greatest miracle of JESUS was not raising Lazarus back to the physical life, because we all know that, Mary and Martha’s brother would again die. The greatest miracle was, and is, in JESUS’ power to grant endless spiritual life to those, who believe in HIM.
JESUS goes on to tell Martha that, “those who believe in HIM, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life, just for believing in HIM, and will never die. And HE then asked HIS friend, “Did she believe?”
In John 11:27 Martha makes what I consider to be, one of the great “confession statements of faith” in all the annals of New Testament biblical history. Here she states, “I have always believed YOU are the MESSIAH, the SON of GOD, the ONE WHO has come into the world from GOD”. Here she confesses three things about JESUS that are paramount to our understanding the theology of Christianity.
·         First, we must understand that JESUS is the MESSIAH, WHO died on the cross at Golgotha for our sins.
·         Secondly, we must know that HE is the SON of the LIVING GOD, and the most precious thing that GOD could give us as a sacrifice, simply because HE so loved the world that HE created.
·         And finally, we must know that JESUS is the only ONE WHO was qualified as a perfect sacrifice, which is GOD’s unwavering requirement for sin.
Salvation for us was the reason that GOD sent HIS only begotten SON into the world. JESUS had to be born of woman, so that HE could die for all mankind in general, and all Christians, in particular. This account of JESUS’ raising Lazarus from the dead, back into the physical life, presents us with a perfect picture of what JESUS does spiritually for all who choose to believe in HIM. But in our case, we will be raised into a spiritual eternal life, never to die again, as Lazarus would later be. And we will live in the very presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven, as no doubt, Lazarus now is. We will be forever removed from the deadness of sin in this life, and placed into an eternity of love and joy with CHRIST JESUS our LORD in the life to come.

John 11:45-57

Although many of the people who witnessed JESUS’ raising of Lazarus from the dead believed on HIM, there were still others who sided with the Sanhedrin. A few of those unbelievers quickly went and reported this miraculous event to the high priests and Pharisees at Jerusalem. The news was so disturbing to the religious hierarchy that they decided to call an emergency session. They feared that the Romans would react in an adverse way to this news and possibly destroy the temple, and maybe even, Jerusalem.
Normally, the position of high priest was a lifetime appointment, but in those days, the Romans appointed the high priest to his position, because they feared the power a man could gain by holding a position of that magnitude in Jerusalem for life. At that time, Caiaphas was the appointed high priest of the Romans. He served that position from A.D. 18 to A.D. 36. It was Caiaphas, whom GOD used to unwittingly prophecy that JESUS was to die a sacrificial death for the nations (John 11:49-52). It was during that meeting that they officially issued an “All points bulletinfor the arrest of JESUS on sight (John 11:57).
At this time JESUS decided to remove HIMSELF from public ministry, and went to the town of Ephraim, about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, near the wilderness of Judea. There HE began HIS exclusive private teaching of HIS disciples, which continued up until the eve of HIS crucifixion.
When the time of the Passover came, many arrived early to go through the traditional cleansing process before the feast began. At that time there was much talk around Jerusalem, and especially in the temple, concerning the whereabouts of JESUS. Some, no doubt, wanted to hear HIM teach there, as HE had normally done, but, rest assured, there were others, who wanted to report HIM to the Pharisees so HE could be arrested.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website