Friday, May 23, 2014


For the week beginning Sunday May 25, 2014

(How JESUS’ resurrection empowers us to live now)
John 20

In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “resurrection” is “anastasis” (an-as-tas-is), and it is “a moral recovery of spiritual truth”. It also means, in the physical sense, “to stand up again”. In John chapter 20, verses 1-18, Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-19, and Luke 24:1-12, these authors of GOD share their respective Gospel accounts of the Resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.
The Resurrection of CHRIST is the essence of the Christian faith, and the core of all of the Apostles teachings. All accounts tell us that it was early in the morning of the first day of the week, while it was still dark, when JESUS’ body was discovered missing. By combining all four Gospel accounts, we can see that Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom JESUS removed seven demons (Luke 8:2), Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, Salome, who was Zebedee’s wife and the mother of James and John, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager, all went to the tomb of JESUS to anoint HIS body for burial, with spices.
Perhaps no one had ever loved JESUS as much as Mary Magdalene did. HE had done something for her that no one else could ever do, and she never forgot it. It was the custom of the Jews to visit the tomb of a loved one for three days after the body had been laid to rest. They believed that, for three days, the spirit of the deceased person would hover around the tomb, and only departed when the decomposing body became unrecognizable.
The day following JESUS’ Crucifixion was the Sabbath, which is our Saturday, so to visit on that day would violate the Sabbath law. That is why their first visit had to occur on that early Sunday morning. The original Greek writings of the New Testament authors tell us that, it was during “proi” when they visited the tomb. The Jews divided their nights into four watches. The first night watch was from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the second watch was from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m., the third watch was from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m., and the fourth and final watch was from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. It was during this forth watch, called “proi”, that, the women came to the tomb.
Tombs, in those days, were “cave-like” compartments that had been carved into the side of a hill, or mountain, and then, covered by a circular shaped rock, which rested, in a slanted groove that had been carved out, along the front opening of these compartments. This extremely heavy rock had to be rolled uphill to open, and downhill to close. So we can envision that it was much harder to open than it was to close.
In addition, Matthew tells us that JESUS’ tomb was also sealed by Roman officials, at the request of the Jewish leaders (Matthew 27:62-66). They also placed guards out in front of the tomb. Matthew also records that there was a great earthquake associated with an angel of the LORD, who came down from Heaven and rolled away the stone from the entrance of the sepulcher, and then, sat on it. This apparently frightened the Roman guards so much, that they actually fainted (Matthew 28:2-4).
When the women arrived at the tomb, they were shocked and frightened by what they saw. However, the angel was able to allay their fears and invite them to look into the cave, so they could see that JESUS was no longer there. He then urged them to go and tell JESUS’ Disciples the good news, that, JESUS had arisen from the dead, just as HE had said that HE would.
The women then ran and found Peter and John, who were still somewhat puzzled, and were thinking someone had broken into the tomb and removed JESUS’ body (John 20:2). Peter and John then ran to the tomb, and with John arriving first, he looks in and sees JESUS’ body wrappings lying there in the tomb, however, he sees no body.
Peter then arrives and actually goes into the cave, where he too, only sees the cloth that had enwrapped JESUS’ body. When Peter saw this, he remembered and realized what Scripture had said, and, what JESUS had said about rising from the dead after three days, and he believed, and they went home.
John tells us in 20:11-18, that afterwards, Mary Magdalene was standing outside the tomb weeping, and as she wept, she peered inside the cave. She saw two white-robed angels, sitting at the head and foot of where JESUS’ body had lain. One of the angels asked her, why was she crying? Mary, still not understanding, replies, “Because they have taken away my LORD, and I don’t know where they have put HIM”.
Just then, she noticed someone standing behind her, that, she thought was the gardener (she didn’t recognize, at that time, that it was JESUS, probably because her eyes were filled with tears). “Sir”, she said, “If you have taken HIM away, tell me where you have put HIM”. JESUS then speaks to her, and she apparently recognizes HIS voice and runs to hug HIM. However, JESUS tells her not to cling to HIM, because HE had not yet ascended to HIS FATHER. Mary then ran to find the Disciples once again, but this time, to tell them that she had actually seen the risen LORD.
We see throughout these “Passion Narratives” of the Bible, that this lady, Mary Magdalene, was always there, in the vicinity, of our LORD and SAVIOR. She was there at the foot of the cross, when JESUS’ earthly life expired, on that infamous Friday in world history (John 19:25). She was there when JESUS’ body was wrapped and entombed, by Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:61, Mark 15:47) and Nicodemus (John 19:39-40).
And she was also there when the empty tomb was discovered, early that Sunday morning. And so, it was only fitting, that she became the first person on earth, ever to see the “RISEN LORD”. It is a distinction that she would never have to share with anyone.
What a wonderful earthly reward she had received for her unparalleled love for, and faithfulness to, the SON of the ONLY WISE GOD. And her example of undying faith in GOD is one of the great Sunday school lessons of all times. It is a lesson that every Christian should learn, and then, keep in their hearts to use as fuel, to propel them through their Christian journey here on earth, and into an “Eternal Life” in Heaven with GOD the FATHER, and, CHRIST JESUS, our LORD.

John 20:19-31

The Christian Church should never endeavor to follow man-made policies, but rather, should always aspire to adhere to the will of CHRIST JESUS. The Church fails when it tries to solve problems within its own wisdom and strength, and omits the will and guidance of GOD, through the Holy Scriptures. When we take matters into our own hands, we show GOD and the world that we doubt the Christian belief structure already put in place by CHRIST, through the holy and divine instructions of GOD the FATHER. It also tends to exhibits that we have an inadequate faith, or, inadequate view of GOD, as far as us trusting in HIS superior wisdom.
In John chapter 20, verses 19-29, JESUS invites all doubters to accept and believe in HIM. We see chronicled in these verses, the first two times JESUS appeared to HIS disciples during the forty-day period following HIS Resurrection. The first occurred on the day of the resurrection, and the second occurred eight days later. On the evening of Resurrection Sunday, the chosen Disciples of CHRIST JESUS were meeting behind locked doors, because they were still afraid of the Jewish leaders. They feared that the Jewish leaders would be seeking to kill them, just as they had slain JESUS, three days earlier. They had not yet received the courage from the HOLY SPIRIT that they would need to carry out the commission charged to them by CHRIST.
Suddenly, JESUS was standing among them saying, “Peace be with you”, a phrase HE would repeat three times, twice in the first visit, and once more in the second visit. During these post-Resurrection visits, JESUS was seeking to strengthen and encourage HIS Disciples, and get them to finally believe in HIM. HE sought to instill in them, the “Divine Viewpoint” they would need in order to convince others to also believe. The phrase “HE breathed on them” is translated from the Aramaic idiom meaning, “HE gave them courage”. This encouragement came in the form of “the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT”.
JESUS tells HIS chosen men in verse 23 that, “If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven, and if you refuse to forgive them, they are unforgiven”. This statement has been the subject of much controversial debate over the centuries, and I doubt very seriously if I’m going to clear it up here, but here we go.
The Greek construction is quite literally this “if you forgive anyone his sins, his sins have been forgiven”. If you refuse to forgive the sins of others, then, that person’s sin will retain you in a spiritual prison. It is in the Gospel, that we proclaim forgiveness, and that forgiveness will set us free from the wrath of unforgiveness that we harbor within ourselves. And so, when we forgive, the sin of unforgiveness is automatically wiped away by the blood of JESUS.
Sharing the Gospel, places us in a role of forgiving, or not forgiving sins, depending on the response of the hearer. When we, as Christians, receive a person’s request for salvation, and we subsequently lead them to CHRIST, we are, quite literally, giving that person an opportunity to turn from their sins and turn to GOD, so that their sins can be forgiven. It is the same opportunity that JESUS gives all of us, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice, and the HOLY SPIRIT in us, bears witness to that (Acts 5:31-32, Ephesians 1:6-8). And while we can only forgive those sins that are directly committed against us personally, it is still the great privilege of the Christian to convey the message of GOD’s forgiveness of sin, to mankind.
Eight days later, JESUS re-appears to HIS Disciples. During the first visit, Thomas, who was one of HIS original Disciples, was not present. JESUS, knowing of Thomas’ doubts, invites him to examine the wounds scars on HIS hands and in HIS side, so that he too, would finally believe. After Thomas had done this, he proclaimed definitively these words; “my LORD, my GOD! Then JESUS told him “You believe because you have seen ME. Blessed are those who haven’t seen ME, and believe anyway”. That statement depicts the very fiber of the Christian Faith.
Only those who walk by faith, and believe in CHRIST JESUS, can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Thomas never lacked courage, but he was a natural pessimist. There was never any doubt that he loved JESUS, but the cross was only what he humanly expected, just as all the rest did also. They saw death on that cross that Friday, as being the end. And, as a result of JESUS’ visits on that Sunday evening, Thomas began to clearly understand that this life was not the final act of the human drama. And so too, should we as Christians, also come to the same realization. JESUS truly is “the Resurrection and the Life, and HE offers that “Eternal Life”, to all those who believe in HIM.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, May 9, 2014


For the week beginning Sunday May 11, 2014

(JESUS sentenced to death, crucified, and buried)
John 19

To compromise the truth, is to not stand behind the truth at all. We either hold fast to the things of GOD, or, we allow ourselves to be deceived by satan, just as when we doubt GOD’s goodness, we automatically become attracted to satan’s offers.
The Jews delivered JESUS into the hands of Pilate, and despite his finding JESUS innocent, Pilate tried to compromise the truth of his findings (John 18:38-39 & 19:7)). He convinced himself in the end, that he had done all that he could, but actually, he knew even deeper in his heart that he had long ago, through his problems with the Jews, tossed away his option to do the right thing. Through his earlier actions against the Jews, he had already set himself up to be blackmailed by the Jewish hierarchy in Jerusalem.
The “permissive will” of GOD, allows for man to do many things, and ultimately, through JESUS’ death, we also receive GOD’s wonderful and abounding grace. However, GOD, through HIS infinite wisdom, will never allow “grace” to trump “truth”. The “TRUTH” presented itself to Pilate that day, in the person of JESUS CHRIST, and he decided to put TRUTH to death.
As for the Jews, in order to carry out the death of JESUS, they abandoned every principle that they ever had, especially on this day, when they uttered these infamous words to Pilate, as it is recorded in John 19:15, where they state, “We have no king but Caesar”. It was a final abandonment of the GOD that they had always preached, that, they served.
That also put the final brush strokes on a tragic painting, of a maddened mob, that had been driven by anger. Driven by their hatred for JESUS, the Jews lost all sense of proportion, and they totally forgot about the mercy, they themselves, had so often preached about in the temple. They forgot all justice, and, in the end, they denounced GOD, and professed Caesar. Never before, in the history of man, has hatred’s insanity presented itself before us this vividly, and hopefully, it never will again.
There can never be a “right time” to do the “wrong thing”, as Pilate and the Jews ultimately did. They took the most beautiful LIFE, that ever did live, and then, they snuffed it out, on a cross.

John 19:17-42

In John 19:17-42, Matthew 27:32-50, Mark 15:21-37, and Luke 23:26-46, the authors all give their respective accounts of the “Crucifixion of CHRIST JESUS”. John and Matthew were eyewitnesses. John Mark wrote of Peter’s recollections, whom, himself, was an eyewitness, and Luke’s account is, by his own admission, a result of careful investigative work, and interviewing of the early Disciples and eyewitnesses to JESUS’ Ministry.
What follows, will be my attempt to incorporate these four accounts into one accurate depiction of this tragic and unjust event. All accounts begin with JESUS’ death walk to Golgotha (Skull Hill), where HE is ultimately crucified by Roman method. However, Mark, Matthew, and Luke include in their accounts of how, on the way, JESUS and HIS executioners make a divine encounter with a man called Simon, who is compelled by a Roman soldier, to carry the cross of JESUS.
Here, we see, in Simon, a man who has come all the way from Cyrene, on the continent of Africa, to, no doubt, participate in the Passover Celebration, but instead, ends up becoming the first Gentile to perform a Christian mission. It is well worth noting that since that moment, no man has, or ever will again, be forced, to carry the cross of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. It must now and forever be a “voluntary act”, if we are to choose to do the work of CHRIST.
As they walked along, great crowds of people, including many grief stricken women, followed them. But JESUS turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, don’t weep for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For the days are coming when they will say, “Fortunate indeed are the women who are childless, the wombs that have not borne a child and the breasts that have never nursed. People will beg the mountains to fall on them, and the hills to bury them. For if these things are done when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” (Luke 23:28-31 - NLT).
When a criminal was condemned to be crucified, he was taken from the judgment hall and put in the middle of four Roman soldiers. His cross was then laid upon his shoulders, and he was marched to the place of crucifixion, by the longest possible route. In front of him marched another soldier holding a placard, or “sign” stating what the convicted person’s crime was.
In JESUS’ case, Pilate had the words, inscribed, “JESUS of Nazareth the King of the Jews”, much to the dismay of the Jewish religious leaders. They had tried to get him to change it to “HE said” HE was the KING of the Jews”. However, Pilate saw this as a last ditch attempt to fire back at the Jewish religious leaders for forcing his hand in this ordeal with JESUS’ trial. So, not only did he refuse to change it, but he also had it written in three different languages, Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
In Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, and Luke 22:18, JESUS promises HIS Disciples that HE will not drink wine again until HE drinks it new, with them in the Kingdom of GOD. In Psalms 69:21, the Psalmist tells us that JESUS would be offered sour wine to satisfy HIS thirst. We see Scripture being fulfilled in Matt. 27:34 & 48, Mark 15:23 & 36, Luke 23:36, & John 19:29-30, where JESUS is offered wine on two occasions and refused to drink. These can also be viewed as final attempts by Satan to trip JESUS up, on HIS promise, HE had made to HIS Disciples, during HIS establishment of the New Covenant, at the Last Supper.
We see further fulfillment of Scripture, with the Roman soldiers gambling, or “casting lots” for JESUS’ clothing, (Matt. 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34b, & John 19:23-24). This fulfills one of the seven prophesies found in Psalms 22, (22:18), which states, “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture” (KJV).
There were two criminals, who were crucified with JESUS that day, one on each side of HIM. One, strangely enough, felt like he was in a position to mock JESUS. The other defended JESUS’ innocence, and thereby, became the last person saved by JESUS, during HIS earthly ministry (Luke 23:39-43).
Standing near the cross that day, were Mary, JESUS’ mother, her sister Mary, the wife of Cleophas (who is said to be the same as Alpheus, the father of James and Joseph), Zebedee’s wife (the mother of James and John), Mary Magdalene, and the Apostle John. Looking down from the cross, and seeing HIS mother’s anguish, JESUS consigns her care, into the hands of the Apostle John, the Disciple whom HE loved.
These words of JESUS to Mary and John, was the third of seven statements, or sayings, HE made from the cross, HE says to Mary “Woman, behold thy son”, and to John, “Behold thy mother” (John 19:26-27). The other six statements can be found in the following verses: Matthew 27:46, Luke 23:34, 43 & 46, & John 19:28b & 30a.
At noon, darkness fell across the sky, and lasted until three o’clock. JESUS speaks HIS sixth utterance, “tetelestai” (tet-el-es-ahee), the Greek word for “it is finished”, or “paid in full”. HE then bows HIS head and utters HIS seventh and final saying, “FATHER, into THY hands I commend MY Spirit”, and HE gave up the GHOST.
There is an ensuing Earthquake, and the curtains in the Temple were torn from top to bottom. Later, the Jews went to Pilate to request that the bodies of the three be removed before the Sabbath, and that their legs be broken to expedite death. Pilate granted the request and the legs of the two criminals hanging beside JESUS were broken. However, they saw that JESUS’ body had already expired and they didn’t break HIS legs.
One of the soldiers did, however, take a spear and pierce JESUS’ body in the side to ensure that HE was dead. In John 19:34, the Apostle tells us that blood and water came from JESUS’ wound after HE had been pierced with the spear. We know that normally, the body of a dead person will not bleed.
It is medically suggested that JESUS’ experiences, physically and emotionally, leading up to HIS death, were so terrible, that HIS heart must have ruptured. When that happened, the blood of the heart mingled with the fluid of the Pericardium, which surrounds the heart. In all likelihood, the spear of the soldier pierced the Pericardium, causing the blood and water mixture to spew out. And so we see that, in the end, JESUS died, quite literally, from a broken heart.
This passage, by John, is final proof that JESUS was a real human with a real human body, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh. The water and blood, which flowed from JESUS’ side, were, to John, and should be to all Christians, a sign of the cleansing water of baptism, and the cleansing blood commemorated, and experienced, in the LORD’s Supper.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, May 2, 2014


                                       For the week beginning Sunday May 4, 2014                                       

(Appreciating the suffering that JESUS endured)
John 18

After JESUS finished praying, HE and HIS disciples crossed the “Kidron Valley” to the east. The Kidron Valley, now the “Wodi en-NAR”, is a valley, which begins north of Jerusalem and passes between the temple mount and the Mount of Olives, and then ends at the Dead Sea. Ironically, it is the same place where David learned that he had been betrayed by his trusted friend, Ahithophel and his son Absalom, some 950 years earlier (2 Samuel 15:23. 30-31). And now, as it turns out, it would be this same site where Judas Iscariot was about to betray JESUS, on this, the eve of HIS crucifixion.
The Olive grove was a place where JESUS often came with HIS disciples whenever they were in Jerusalem, and so, it was a place that Judas Iscariot was also very familiar with. He knew exactly where to lead the band of Roman soldiers, who were dispersed there by the religious leaders to arrest JESUS, and put HIM on trial. Judas had already sold JESUS out to them for thirty pieces of silver (the price of a common slave), and now he was there to complete his deal with the Pharisees, by betraying his MASTER’s love for him, with a kiss.
As the battalion of 600 soldiers arrived at the olive garden of Gethsemane with torches blazing, lanterns glowing, and weapons drawn, JESUS fully realized what was taking place. Stepping forward HE asked them anyway, who was it that they were seeking? The mob replied “JESUS of Nazareth” and JESUS responded that, “I AM HE”.
When HE said these words, every single one of the men in the battalion fell backwards to the ground. Perhaps what we see here is a manifestation of JESUS’ divine power and majesty, or, it could have also been a fulfillment of the statement of David in Psalm 27:2-3. However, it is more likely that we see here, is both of those scenarios being played out. JESUS then suggests to the soldiers that they take HIM, and leave HIS disciples alone. HE was willing to protect them by giving over HIS OWN life instead of the lives of HIS friends.
And even after Simon Peter draws his sword and cuts off the ear of Malchus, one of the servants of the high priest who had come with the soldier to take JESUS, JESUS still rebukes HIS disciple and commands HIM to put up his sword. And then, in the true sense of the statement, “Love your enemy”, another gospel account (Luke) tells us that JESUS picked up the ear of Malchus, and miraculously restored it to his head. At this point JESUS was ready to go forward to HIS “Passion”, and was determined to drink the cup, that HIS beloved FATHER, had already set before HIM.

John 18:15-27

After JESUS allowed the soldiers to arrest HIM, Peter and one of the other disciples followed them back into the city. The unnamed disciple here, was known by the high priest, and thereby, had access to the high priest’s courtyard. He was also able to gain permission for Peter’s entrance into the courtyard, from the lady who kept the door. However, the lady recognized Peter as one of JESUS’ disciples, and when she inquired this of him, for the first time, he denied that he knew JESUS.
Here we see a very human, but somewhat complicated side of Peter. Only moments earlier he had been this brave, defiant defender of JESUS, while in the garden of Gethsemane. Now, we see him cowering down under the pressure of the reality of what courage a man has to have in order to follow in the footsteps of CHRIST.
Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have often faced martyrdom bravely, but there are perhaps even more times when they buckled under at the threat of death. Ironically, the other disciple didn’t seem to have a problem with being known as a follower of CHRIST. He was well known by the lady at the door, and the high priest, yet, he did not try to hide, or play the role of a secret Christian, but rather, he entered boldly into the temple to be near JESUS.
Peter went on in and stood at the fire with the guards and household servants, and began to warm himself as the high priest, Annas, begin his questioning of JESUS. He was now gripped with fear and perhaps, having second thoughts as to why he came there in the first place. This questioning of JESUS, by Annas, one of three religious trials, and was the first of the six total trials, that JESUS would endure on that night before HIS crucifixion.
Annas, according to record, was high priest from A.D. 6 to A.D. 15. He was then deposed by the Romans, but managed to keep control of the post through his four sons, and his son-in-law Caiaphas for a number of years after his disposal. Caiaphas, was the official high priest from A.D. 18 to A.D. 36, which covered the time period of JESUS’ public ministry. However, we see the power still wielded by Annas, in that JESUS was brought to him first.
Annas begins his questioning of JESUS by asking HIM about HIS followers and what HE had been teaching them. JESUS responds to the question by defending the transparency of HIS doctrine, which HE had been teaching openly in the temple and synagogues for three years. One of the temple guards, who did not like the way JESUS answered, struck JESUS in the face. After this, Annas sent JESUS over to see Caiaphas for further questioning.
In the meantime, Peter, who was still standing by the fire, was asked again, if he was one of JESUS’ disciples, and again, he denied that he was. Then, one of the household servants, who was a relative of Malchus, the man whose ear was cut off by Peter in the olive garden, thought he recognized Peter as one of JESUS’ followers. But when he asked the frightened disciple if this was true, for the third and final time, Peter denied even knowing JESUS. And then immediately, true to JESUS’ words, Peter heard the prophetic sound of the rooster’s crow.

John 18:28-40

JESUS’ second religious trial, the, trial before Caiaphas, ended in the early morning hours of the day of JESUS’ crucifixion. HE was then taken to the headquarters of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. JESUS’ accusers, the Jewish religious leaders, did not enter into the governor’s headquarters, because they were “self-forbidden” from entering into the house of a Gentile, especially during Passover. So apparently they must have sent JESUS in alone, while they stood outside and awaited Pilate’s decision.
Pilate’s apparent wavering, during JESUS’ “first civil trial”, should not be mistaken for virtue. For a quick look at Pilate’s personal history with the Jews will show us how he used the path of least resistance, in order to save himself from his own, “self-imposed” troubled career.
When Pilate first entered into Jerusalem as Procurator, he got off to a very bad start with the Jews and their religious hierarchy by entering into the city wearing the “standards” of the Roman Emperor on their helmets. The Jews considered these standards to be idolatrous, because the Romans worshiped the Caesars as gods. Every Roman governor, before Pilate, had respected their wishes and removed these emblems from their headgear while they were in Jerusalem. Pilate, on the other hand, steadfastly refused to do so, despite being constantly dogged by the Jews.
Finally, in a showdown at the amphitheater in Jerusalem, Pilate surrounded a group of protesting Jews with armed soldiers and told them that if they didn’t put an end to their requests, they would be killed right there on the spot. The Jews, however, called Pilate’s bluff, forcing him to reconsider. They knew that Pilate would come under fire from the Emperor, Caesar Tiberius, if he found out what Pilate was trying to do. And so Pilate, to his own dismay, had to buckle under and admit defeat.
A second incident involved Pilate’s taking of money from the temple treasury, in order to help finance a new aqueduct system for Jerusalem. When some of the angry Jews protested, Pilate planted some of his soldiers into the crowd, and upon his signal, they attacked the Jews, injuring many, and even killing some innocent bystanders.
It was these two incidents that the Jews used to blackmail Pilate into doing their desired will, of giving JESUS the death sentence. They knew, and Pilate knew, that if Tiberius found out about either one of these incidences, Pilate would be driven from office, or perhaps, even killed by his Roman superiors.
One might ask himself, “Why didn’t the Jews just take JESUS out and kill HIM themselves?” Well, the truth is that, about forty years before the destruction of the temple by the Romans, Emperor Julius Caesar took away the right of the Jews to make decisions of judgment that involved the life and death of its citizens. Since that time, only the Roman government could give a person a death sentence and carry it out (John 18:31).
In addition, it was important to the Jewish religious hierarchy that JESUS, die, by Roman method, “hanging from a cross”, and here’s why. According to Deuteronomy 21:22-23, anyone who has committed a crime worthy of death, and is executed and hung on a tree, it is an indication that that person was cursed of GOD.
And so, not only did the religious leaders want to convince the people that JESUS was “not the SON of GOD”, as HE had claimed, they also wanted to send a message that HE was even “cursed of GOD”. However, ironically, from a GODly perspective, this manner of death would be in line with the prophetic statement of JESUS, where HE says, “When HE is raised up, HE will draw all men to HIM”.
After Pilate’s questioning of JESUS had ended, he once again went out to the people and declared that “he could find no fault in JESUS”. He even tried to compromise the truth of his finding, by offering to release JESUS as result of their customary rule, where they would release one prisoner from custody each year at the Passover. But instead of using that opportunity to free JESUS from custody, the Jewish people chose instead, to release a convicted robber by the name of Barabbas.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website