Friday, February 28, 2014


                                      For the week beginning Sunday March 2, 2014                                     

(Coping with insecurity in troubled times by following the GOOD SHEPHERD)
John 10

In the Greek, the word used for “thief” is “kleptes” (klep-tace), and it describes “one who takes by stealth or by covert means”. By contrast, the Greek word used for “robber” is “lestes” (lace-tace), and it describes “one who takes by force”. In John chapter 10, verse 1, the thief, that JESUS is alluding to, could be any of the Pharisees, the religious leaders of that day, who took by subtle and unsuspecting methods. The robber, that JESUS makes mention of, can be likened to any of the Romans, who took, or stole from the Israelites by imposing their will, authority, and power upon them. It was those kinds of leaderships that JESUS sought to expose and put an end to forever. And it was certainly not the kind of leadership that HE intended for HIS new upcoming Christian Church.
Perhaps there is no more endearing image of JESUS in all of Scripture, than the one HE presents of HIMSELF as the “Good Shepherd” in John chapter 10. The imagery of the Good Shepherd is forever woven in the minds and hearts of all who believe in CHRIST JESUS. The Bible is rife with passages that use the analogy of the loving Shepherd as a provider and protector of that which he oversees. He is one who risks his life to seek and save, even that one straying sheep, who may have separated itself from his beloved flock.
The leaders of the Christian church must also be likened to the good Shepherd, and the members of their congregation, can be likened to the flock. It is the duty of the pastor to spiritually lead, and feed his flock with the nourishing food of the word of GOD. He must, do so, willingly and eagerly, without constraints, not for the love of money, nor, for the power that he has obtained, due to his position. He must lead by example, and his behavior must paint a picture of the patience and love of GOD, our LORD and SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST.
In the Latin Vulgate, the word Jerome uses for “Pastor” is “Shepherd” in Ephesians 4:11. It describes the function of one in such a position in the church. It is the duty of each member of the flock, to come into a personal relationship with the SHEPHERD, because of their continued need for HIS love, guidance, and protection. They should always be able to discern HIS voice from all other voices, and also be able to distinguish that which is representative of HIS work.
The only way, to achieve that kind of relationship with GOD, is by familiarizing oneself with the SHEPHERD, JESUS CHRIST. One can thereby, ultimately realize the purpose for which he has came into the fold (church), and that is, of course, to serve and obey GOD. GOD’s voice can only be heard, through a leader who has patterned his life after the examples of service that were shown to us by JESUS CHRIST during HIS three-year ministry.
JESUS’ impeccable standards will manifest themselves through anyone who represents HIS cause. There is no way to mistaken HIS unique and lofty standards for those of any “false representatives” that may have came down the pike, either before, or since HIS time. One only needs to know JESUS the SHEPHERD, WHO is the real deal, in order to discern the fakes, who misrepresent.
Just as every good shepherd knows his sheep, every good sheep should come to know his shepherd’s voice. Such knowledge can mean the difference between life and death, in many cases. It can also be the difference between danger and safety, starvation and nourishment, or even, shelter and homelessness.
To be alone in this world, and have no hope of anything beyond this world, is a frightening thought. We as Christians, no longer have to entertain, or envision that thought. And so, we should be forever thankful to our “GOOD SHEPHERD”, our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, for making the wonderful gift of Eternal Life in GOD’s own glorious presence, a reality, by way of HIS vicarious sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha.
In John 10:22-42, the apostle John gives an account of the last public confrontation of JESUS with the hostile Jews at Jerusalem. It occurs during the Jewish festival ofHanukkah”, an eight-day feast, which is held in December, and commemorates the re-consecration of the temple by Judas Maccabeus in 165 B.C., after it had been desecrated by Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 168 B.C.
To the Jews, the feast was a reminder of their last great victory over their enemies, the Assyrians. During the Macabean Revolt, led by Judas Macabeus, the Jews recaptured the city of Jerusalem and held it until the great Roman general Pompey recaptured it and brought it under Roman control in 63 B.C., successfully ending the 100-plus year reign of the Hasmonean Dynasty of the Macabees family.
As JESUS was walking through the section of the temple, known as Solomon’s Porch one day, HE was approached and surrounded by a group of Jewish religious leaders, who demanded for HIM to plainly tell them if HE was the MESSIAH. Apparently JESUS’ enigmatic sayings had troubled them greatly in the two months since they had last encountered HIM at the Feast of the Tabernacles. JESUS replied that HE had already told them, and also shown them, through HIS miracles, and, that they don’t believe HIM because they are not a part of HIS flock. HE tells them that, if they were a part of HIS flock they would understand HIM, and follow HIM, and no one would be able to pull them away from HIM. Eternal life would be theirs simply because, they believe on HIM, and, because HE and the FATHER are one.
Angered by JESUS’ comments, the Jewish leaders picked up stones and readied themselves to kill HIM. JESUS asked them, “For which good deed are you stoning ME? The Jews replied that they were going to stone HIM, because HE claimed to be GOD. When JESUS said that HE and the FATHER are one, HE was not affirming that HE and GOD was the same person, but rather, HE was saying that HE and GOD have the closest possible unity of purpose.
After a few more minutes of debate, JESUS whisked HIMSELF away from the angry crowd and went across the Jordan River and dwelled near the place where John the Baptist had once baptized. And many followed HIM and came to believe on HIM in that place.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Friday, February 21, 2014


                                   For the week beginning Sunday February 23, 2014                                  

(Resolving doubts about what JESUS can do)
John 9:1-34

In John chapter nine, we see opposition to JESUS continuing to intensify. In the first century, the popular Old Testament theology that accredited a person’s sickness or death as punishment for their sins was still a prevalent belief among the Jewish people of Jerusalem.
As JESUS was walking along the streets of Jerusalem one day, HE encountered a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked HIM why the man had been born blind. Was it because, of his own sins, or, was it because of the sins of his parents? JESUS answers that it is neither, but rather, he was born blind so that the power of GOD could be manifest in him.
Even though sickness and sin can be related, in that, the fall of man, through Adam, introduced both into the world, individual death and suffering that we experience are not necessarily a punishment for our individual sins. However, death and sickness are both a witness to the continuing sinful condition or state of humanity.
Here in this passage, the disciples weren’t moved by compassion for the blind man, but rather, they were moved by theological curiosity, and the cause of his condition. Like CHRIST, our first concern must be for the person who is suffering, and how we can meet their needs. We can focus later on, on how they got were they are, and, how we can help them to avoid going astray again.
All of us have tasks that have been assigned to us by GOD, and whether we realize it or not, we only have a short time to perform those duties. While we are still in the world, like CHRIST, we must strive to be a light in the world for others to see (Vs. 4-5). The unique thing about JESUS’ healing of the blind man, here in this passage, is that, JESUS did not even promise healing. Here HE simply smears the mud from HIS spit on the eyes of the man and instructs him on what to do after that. But because the man was obedient to the word of CHRIST, he was able to gain his sight for the very first time. It is an illustration of what JESUS had already expressed to HIS disciples earlier in John 8:31-32, where HE stated that, “You are truly MY disciples if you continue to obey MY teachings, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.
When we put JESUS’ words into action, we inevitably come to know the truth. We can then, both see the spiritual reality, and, we can also, experience its goodness. After being cured, this man had a hard time persuading the people and the Pharisees that his healing by JESUS was real. However, the man boldly proclaimed that the miracle on his eyes could only have been accomplished by a man from GOD, not some sinner like the Pharisees tried to lead people to believe JESUS was.
Even today, JESUS is still doing those things that are considered by the unbeliever to be too good to be true, and the Pharisees like many today, were always trying to condemn anyone whose idea of religion was not their own. In fact, that is why we have so many different denominations and sects available to us today. It seems that everyone wants a GOD that they can create in their own image, or a GOD that fits their lifestyle the most comfortable.
The Pharisees were comfortable with being, what they called, “Disciples of Moses”. They felt that they knew who Moses was, but unfortunately, they knew nothing of JESUS (V. 29). The man replied how strange it is that JESUS had healed his eyes, and they, who were of the religious hierarchy in Jerusalem, didn’t even know anything about HIM. And even though no one in the history of the world, at that time, had ever restored sight to a person that had been born blind, the Pharisees still couldn’t bring themselves to accept that JESUS was truly sent by GOD. As a result of his bold testimony about his belief in CHRIST JESUS, the once, “blind man” was promptly thrown out of the synagogue, by the hard-hearted, angry Pharisees.
The blind man in this biblical account was bolder than his parents, who had refused to take a stand on the fact that their son had been obviously miraculously healed by JESUS. The parent’s position on this matter was heavily influenced by the known hostilities of the religious leaders towards JESUS, and anyone who sided with HIM. However, as far as the son was concerned, the blessing of restored sight was too great to ignore, and he was determined not to be intimidated by the Jewish religious leaders. We can all learn a lesson from the son in this story, on how we ourselves need to share our own faith in CHRIST, because there is nothing that we can possibly lose that would compare to what we have gained by knowing CHRIST JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR. 

John 9:35-41

After JESUS heard that the man whom HE had cured of life-long blindness had been excommunicated from the temple at Jerusalem, HE went looking for him, just as any good shepherd would do. When HE found him HE asked him if he believed in the SON of MAN. The man responded by asking JESUS WHO the SON of MAN was. Remember, when the man first met JESUS he could not see HIM, and could only hear HIS voice. He would not be able to recognize JESUS by sight, at this point. And so JESUS says to the man, “It is HE, WHO is speaking to you right now”. And the man, immediately believed, and begin to worship JESUS in the presence of a few of the Pharisees, who were standing there.
JESUS then says to the man, “I have come into the world to judge the world, to give sight to the blind, and to show those who think they see, that they are blind”. The observing Pharisees were disturbed at what JESUS said, and must have also certainly been vexed by JESUS’ acceptance of worship from the man whom they had ostracized from the temple just moments earlier. They contemptuously state to JESUS, “Are YOU calling us blind?” JESUS replies, “If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty, but you remain guilty, because you claim you can see”.
Here JESUS is speaking of the Pharisees’ spiritual blindness. It was a blindness caused by pride, self-righteousness, their tradition, and their inability to properly interpret the word of GOD. HE was telling them that they would be much better off, if they were physically blind, because, if they were physically blind, they would have an excuse for not knowing what is said in GOD’s Word. However, since they claimed that they understood GOD’s Word, they made themselves guilty, not only by denying themselves the truth of HIS Word, but also, by denying the Jewish people, the truth of those words, through their false teachings.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, February 14, 2014


            For the week beginning Sunday February 16, 2014

(Living in the light of GOD’s Judgment)
John 8:12-59

In the New Testament Greek, the word most often used for “light” is “phos” (foce), and it means “to make shine, or manifest in the widest application”. In the Gospel of
John, the word “light” is closely associated with distinguishing between that which is true, and that which is false.
As the “LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, JESUS becomes the only source of illumination of spiritual reality that this world will ever know. To believe in HIM, is to see all things as they really are. To not believe in HIM, is to be left with only our own human standards, and, of course, darkness.
In John 8:12, JESUS gives us the second of HIS seven great “I AM Statements”. “I AM the light of the world” is what HE said to a packed house in the “Women’s Court” of the Temple at Jerusalem, during the “Torch Lighting” ceremonies, of the Feast of the Tabernacles.
One of the major features of the feast was the lighting of giant torches whose wicks were made from some of the worn out garments of the priests. The torches illuminated the court area and the people sang praises to GOD and danced. The torch lighting was in commemoration of how GOD was with the Israelites, in a pillar of clouds by day, and, in a pillar of fire by night, while they wandered in the desert, after their release from bondage in Egypt (Numbers 9:15-23).
How fitting it was for JESUS to make this statement at this particular time, while the large torches were burning, and everyone’s minds were focused on the bright lights of the Temple. In the Bible, light is a symbol of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and HIS Holiness. Here JESUS is plainly stating that HE is not just a light, or even, merely another light among many, but HE is “THE LIGHT” for the whole world. He, who is wise enough to choose to follow JESUS, will never again walk in darkness. That doesn’t mean that he will never sin again, it only means he will never be able to live comfortably in his sin. He will not remain under the dominion of sin and darkness, because he has THE CHRIST to light his way.
JESUS never really answered the religious leaders’ question of “Where is YOUR FATHER?” Still HE didn’t really avoid it either, but rather, HE addressed it honestly. JESUS fully knew that their father was certainly not GOD. In fact, HE knew that their father was satan. Yes, even though they were religious leaders in Jerusalem, they were still children of the devil. This was, of course, evidenced in their continued attempts, to arrest JESUS. They had been unsuccessful in doing so, up until this point, because JESUS’ hour of passion had not yet come.
The true Christian dies in the LORD because he lives in the LORD. By contrast, the unbeliever dies in his sin because he lives in his sin. The sin of man is his unbelief in CHRIST JESUS. In John 8:21-30, JESUS issues another stern warning to those who refused to believe on HIM before it is too late. And just as JESUS’ time left on this earth was very short at that point, so were their opportunities to get to know HIM, also very limited. They were squandering away the opportunities GOD had given them, by arguing with JESUS, instead of learning to trust in HIM.
In this passage, once again JESUS speaks about soon going away to a place where they could not follow HIM. The puzzled Jewish leaders thought that he was speaking of committing suicide, which was a detestable thing in the Jewish community. The Jews have always been taught to respect all of life. To commit suicide meant that a person would automatically go to a place of judgment, and being the righteous people that they thought they were, there would be no way that they could follow JESUS there. But in verses 23-24, JESUS tells them that they “are from below, or “of this earth” and I AM not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins. Unless you believe that I AM WHO I say I AM, you will indeed die in your sins.” Incredibly, the Jews continued to ask WHO JESUS was, even though HE had given them all kinds of evidence as to HIM being the SON of the living GOD that they claimed they themselves worshiped.
The revelation of CHRIST JESUS as “I AM” in verse 25 only further confused these spiritual dimwits, and HIS words regarding their sins probably infuriated them also. JESUS could have said much more to HIS unbelieving audience, and certainly HE was more than qualified to condemn them. However the whole purpose of HIS first advent was to save the world, not condemn it.
Unfortunately, HIS message was one that they could not hear, because GOD was simply unknown to them. Their lack of spiritual understanding caused them to totally miss JESUS and HIS life-giving message of salvation. JESUS told them that only when they have lifted HIM up on the cross, would they fully realize WHO HE was. By this, HE did not mean that all of them would be saved, but rather, that the cross would reveal that HE was GOD’s LIVING WORD delivered directly to man, in an effort to save him.
A closed mind puts an end to discipleship before it begins. One must have an open mind before they can believe, and must be receptive, before they can receive, and then finally, they must be willing to obey, that which they perceive. In other words, true disciples learn, in order that they may do that which they have learned.
In verses 31-32 (KJV), JESUS tells a group of believers, who gathered around HIM in the Temple at Jerusalem that, “If ye continue in MY word, then are ye MY disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”.
They responded by saying that they were the descendants of Abraham, and were never in bondage to any man. Ironically, even as they spoke, they were being oppressed by the Romans, who ruled over most, of the known world at that time. Not to mention their previous history of bondage in Egypt, Syria, and Babylon, how soon the human mind forgets.
Probably, in the biblical sense, there are basically two kinds of Prophets, the one who delivers a message of how we can be spiritually free, and the one, who delivers a message to those, who think they are free, but are in fact, in spiritual bondage. Here in this passage, John 8:34-59, we see JESUS taking on the role of the latter.
Throughout this passage, we see CHRIST trying to deliver a spiritual message to a group of religious leaders, who surprisingly, only seem to be able to listen physically, and can’t seem to find a place in their hearts to receive HIS words spiritually.
In verses 34-35, JESUS tells them that everyone who sins is a slave to sin, and that a slave is not a permanent member of the family. Remember, in Abraham’s family, he fathered Ishmael by the Egyptian slave girl, Hagar, outside of the will of GOD and they were later, cast out of the house, by Abraham, even though Ishmael was his descendant (Genesis 21:8-21). Isaac was the son who belonged and therefore, he remained in the house.
And so, we see, that, though both sons were descendants of Abraham, one belonged spiritually (within the will of GOD), and the other didn’t. And so, the one who didn’t belong spiritually, Ishmael, had to be cast from among them, physically. JESUS goes on to tell them that if they were children of Abraham, they would follow Abraham’s example of faith and belief in FATHER GOD, and they wouldn’t be trying to kill HIM. The angry religious leaders then shouted, “We are not born out of wedlock! Our true father is GOD HIMSELF! JESUS then replies, “If GOD were your father, you would love ME, because I have come from HIM”.
The confused religious leaders continued to press their point and JESUS bluntly warned them of being in danger of dying in their own sins, unless they begin to believe in HIM. It is foolish to rely on a physical descent from Abraham, or anyone else, when only spiritual kinship to CHRIST JESUS is our ticket out of the bondage of our sins. Antagonism toward JESUS only proves that we are in the spiritual lineage of satan, and are unrelated to GOD.
“YAHWEH”, in the Hebrew language, is the personal name for GOD in the Old Testament, and it is translated in the English, “I AM”. In John 8:58, JESUS tells the crowd who gathered before HIM, that, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, “Before Abraham was, I AM”. In saying that, the crowd knew what HE was insinuating, and begin picking up stones to try and kill HIM. They believed that HE had blasphemed, by calling HIMSELF GOD. By saying that HE saw Abraham, and, in affirming the eternity of HIS OWN being, JESUS, that day, laid claim to being the GOD of the Old Testament, and the Jews were clearly infuriated, by the truth of HIS words.
True freedom can only come by knowing CHRIST JESUS, and we must come to recognize the difference between “freedom” and “liberty”. “Liberty” is “the free will of choice”, that GOD has given us, and “freedom” can only be realized, when we use that liberty, to choose the SON, that FATHER GOD has sent.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, February 7, 2014


                                       For the week beginning Sunday February 9, 2014                                       

(Answering difficult questions about JESUS)
John 7:1-36

After JESUS had taught about HIMSELF being “the bread of life” in the synagogue at Capernaum where most of HIS disciples had deserted HIM, HE dwelled for another six months in HIS homeland of Galilee. HE went from town to town preaching and teaching the Word, all the while staying away from Judea, where the Jewish leaders were plotting to kill HIM.
The time for the “Feast of the Tabernacles” had arrived, and JESUS’ brothers, who didn’t believe that HE was the MESSIAH, scoffed at HIM about going into Jerusalem and attending the feast, instead of hiding HIMSELF in Galilee from the Jewish leaders. “YOU can’t become a public figure if YOU hide like this” they scoffed. If YOU can do such wonderful things, go to Jerusalem and prove it to the world”.
JESUS’ brothers, James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas (Jude), (Matthew 13:55) had no spiritual understanding of their HALF-BROTHER’s mission, or GOD’s plan for the world through HIM. For, they could only see the human logic of this most divine situation. They thought that JESUS should display HIMSELF in the most powerful, physical way that HE could, but GOD’s plan was to show HIM in the humility of the cross.
The, “Feast of the Tabernacles” was called, by the great Jewish historian, Josephus, the Jews holiest and greatest feast. It was called the “feast of ingathering”, and was a time of thanksgiving to GOD for their fall harvest. After JESUS’ brothers left for Jerusalem, HE soon followed, being careful not to be seen by anyone. The Jews, of Judaism’s religious hierarchy, were asking everyone at the festival if they had seen JESUS, and there was a lot of discussion concerning JESUS among the throngs of people who had gathered there. They had mixed opinions about the ONE WHO claimed to be the SON of GOD, and the MESSIAH. Some believed HIM, and some thought that HE was a demon, or a fraud, who, went about deceiving the people. However, because the Jewish leaders had the power to cut any Jewish person off from Israel’s religious and social life, no one dared say anything favorably about JESUS in public (Vs.10-13).
Suddenly, midway through the festival, to everyone’s surprise, JESUS boldly shows up in the temple, and begins to teach. The Jewish leaders, who had made themselves responsible for any advanced theological training, were amazed at JESUS’ deep knowledge of scriptures, and could not even imagine how it was possible for JESUS to have acquired such knowledge without their help and training.
JESUS, however, explains to them that HE was not teaching HIS OWN ideas the way they were, but rather, HE was teaching the ideology of the GOD WHO sent HIM. JESUS further explains, that, anyone wanting to do the will of GOD will recognize the truth in HIS teachings, and that, HIS teachings are truly from GOD. In fact, those who teach their own ideas are seeking only to win praise for themselves and are not interested in honoring GOD. JESUS goes on to tell them, in effect that, in truth, they were not only uninterested in honoring GOD, but they were plotting to kill HIM, WHOM GOD had sent to save the world (Vs. 14-19).
JESUS then shows them one of the flaws in their own religious reasoning by using the example of the religious custom of “circumcision”, which is performed on all Jewish males after they become eight days old. JESUS reminded them of the times when HE came under attack for working on the Sabbath, whenever HE would heal people on that sacred day. However, if the eighth day of a boy’s life fell on the Sabbath, they would indeed, circumcise him anyway, making themselves hypocrites (Vs.20-24).
Many of the people were pretty impressed with JESUS’ bold stand against the religious leaders, despite the fact that they were trying to kill HIM. They were beginning to wonder out loud that maybe the Pharisees knew themselves, that JESUS was indeed the MESSIAH HE claimed to be, and why else, would HE have the nerve to speak this boldly.
However, they were still confused because they had known JESUS and HIS whole family virtually all of HIS life, and they reasoned this fact among themselves (Vs.25-27). JESUS tells them that, even though they have known HIM all of HIS life in the physical earthly sense, they still didn’t know the ONE HE came to represent, which is HIS FATHER GOD in Heaven. At that point the Jewish leaders tried to arrest HIM, but the hand of GOD protected HIM and wouldn’t allow it, because HIS time of crucifixion had not yet come (Vs. 28-30).
Many began to make favorable comments out loud, about JESUS indeed being the promised MESSIAH. When the Pharisees heard these murmurings they again sent temple guards to arrest JESUS, and JESUS said to them that HE would be there just a little while longer. In other words, JESUS seemed to be telling them to come back later and I’ll let you arrest ME as part of MY FATHER’s plan, not the Pharisees plans. JESUS told them that HE would soon return to HIS FATHER, where they would not be able to find HIM, nor come to HIM. And the Jewish leaders were greatly puzzled by HIS saying (Vs. 31-36).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website