Friday, January 31, 2014


                                    For the week beginning Sunday February 2, 2014                                   

(Feeding and sharing the Gospel)
John 6:1-15, & 22-51

JESUS’ feeding of the five thousand men, plus women and children, along with HIS spectacular resurrection, are the only miracles of JESUS, that are mentioned by all four Gospel writers. This legendary feeding took place one day, late in the afternoon, on the slopes of a mountain not far from the banks of the Sea of Galilee, otherwise known as the Sea of Tiberias. It was near the tiny village of Bethsaida, the home of Philip, Andrew, Peter, and probably Nathaniel, four of JESUS’ original disciples. This event can also be referenced in the Gospels of Matthew (14:13-21), Mark (6:30-44), and Luke (9:10-17).
JESUS, WHO is the ultimate, perpetual teacher of man, is always busy testing and refining our faith. And here in this sixth chapter of this Gospel account of John, HE gives us yet another vivid example of just such a test of faith. Philip, being one of the disciples, whom was a native of Bethsaida, is chosen by JESUS to set up this particular lesson in “trusting GOD’s provision”.
Here in verse five, of chapter 6, JESUS asks Philip, where they could buy food to feed all these people. First of all, John tells us that JESUS already knew how Philip would respond (V. 6). Philip says to JESUS that it would take a small fortune to feed this many people (V. 7). In other words, Philip was openly admitting to the human impossibility of the situation JESUS sought to address.
GOD always wants us to trust in HIS unique sovereign ability to do all things, and we see here in this passage, that, even if such a large amount of bread were available, they still would not have had the amount of money it would have taken to purchase it. Andrew, who had gone into the crowd to try and determine the amount of food already available, then, steps forward to report that the only food available was that of “a little lad’s lunch”, which were five barley loaves and two fish (Vs. 8-9).
With all of man’s efforts now exhausted, the stage was set for JESUS to once again demonstrate HIS compassion and power. As the GOOD SHEPHERD, JESUS instructs HIS sheep to sit on the grassy slopes. Then, HE took the loaves from the little boy’s lunch, raised them up and gave thanks to GOD. HE then passes the loaves to HIS disciples to distribute to the crowd.
Afterwards, HE did the same with the fish, and they all ate until they were full. JESUS then instructs HIS disciples to gather up the leftovers so that nothing would be wasted, and the amount collected filled twelve baskets. It was an event reminiscent of when GOD had fed the Israelites in the wilderness, with manna from Heaven, through Moses. They also recalled Moses’ prophesy of a coming PROPHET, who would be like him (Deuteronomy 18:15), and that HE would be the ONE that they should listen to. And when the people recognized this sign, they sought to make JESUS their king.
This miracle, just like all the others, was an attempt by JESUS, to appeal to the spiritual ignorance of HIS people. And, although the twelve disciples were closer to JESUS, than any of the other people present, they too, at this point, were still lingering in spiritual blindness. The feeding of the five thousand men, plus women and children, was the fourth sign of the MESSIAH.
Throughout the course of human events men and women make many choices by way of the “freedom of choice” grace gift, which GOD grants to each of us personally. Hopefully, we are wise enough to make one of our choices, the choice of freedom, which we can only find in our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.
The Gospel of John is the Gospel of “the seven great “I AM” statements” of JESUS”, that were uttered to various people long ago, during HIS three-year mission here on earth. It must not be forgotten, that, even though those statements were directed to a people who have long since passed away, they are also intended, by GOD to permeate the hearts, minds, and souls of each generation since. Through CHRIST, GOD makes it possible for every one born into this world to be offered the taste of Salvation.
In John chapter 6, taking up at verse 22, the morning following HIS miraculous “feeding of the five thousand”, and, HIS legendary “walk on water”, crowds of people, who had only heard about the miraculous feeding, begin gathering on shore waiting to see JESUS. They were aware that the disciples had left and went across the lake toward Capernaum without JESUS, but they were unaware that JESUS had later walked across the water to their boat. Several boatloads of them had sailed from Tiberias and landed at the site of the miraculous feeding. When they realized that JESUS was not there, they climbed back into their boats and sailed across the tiny Sea of Galilee to Capernaum to look for HIM there.
When they arrived at Capernaum and found HIM, they questioned HIM as to how HE got there. Ignoring their question, JESUS instead reveals to them that HE knows the true reason why they sought HIM. HE tells them that they sought HIM only because HE fed them the day before, and that it was not because of any miraculous signs. HE then warns them not to be concerned about perishable things like food, but instead, they should spend their energy seeking the eternal life that only HE can give them. For GOD had sent HIM to them, for that very purpose, and GOD, wants them to believe in the ONE that HE has sent.
I AM the BREAD OF LIFE” is what JESUS said to this huge crowd of people, as HE taught in the temple at Capernaum in John 6:35. It is the first of the “Seven Great I AM Statements” that JESUS spoke, during HIS three-year ministry.
Certainly no one, who has ever come to JESUS, will ever be hungry, or thirst again, because JESUS, alone, is able to meet man’s need for eternal life. In those days, bread was the basic food of the people, and even today, it is symbolic of all that sustains human life, here on earth. In John 6:35-40, JESUS is affirming that HE HIMSELF is the most essential element, or ingredient needed to provide and sustain spiritual life.
Physical bread must be eaten and digested before it can become a part of us, physically, and in the spiritual sense, JESUS, must be taken in and digested spiritually, in order to become a part of us, spiritually. We must, by faith, take HIM in completely, before HE can become a part of us, and sustain us, totally. JESUS lives by the power of the LIVING FATHER WHO sent HIM to us, and, in the same way, those who partake of the LIVING CHRIST will also live, because of HIM.
Since the creation of man, he has always sought and asked for signs from GOD so that he might believe. However, no matter how many signs and miracles GOD has delivered over the centuries, man still has never been able to maintain a trust and belief in HIM for very long.
GOD has never asked anything more from us than to have faith in HIM, and believe. Yet, we continue to this day to ask GOD, over and over again, to “prove HIMSELF” with more and more supernatural acts, even though we have never been able to “prove ourselves” to HIM, through a “simple act” of belief in HIM. And despite HIS continued faithfulness to us by way of HIS daily provisions and mercy, the world’s sin continues to be, unbelief in CHRIST JESUS (John 16:9).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, January 24, 2014


                                    For the week beginning Sunday January 26, 2014                                   

(Blessing those who live with a physical need)
John 5:1-17

After JESUS left Galilee, HE returned to Jerusalem to attend an “unnamed” Jewish feast. Just to the north of the temple area, near the “Sheep Gate” was a “double pool” (two pools side by side) called the “Pool of Bethesda”. The pool had five covered porches, where the sick, blind, lame, and paralyzed people would come and lay awaiting to be healed by the water.
In those days, the people “superstitiously” believed that, periodically, an angel would come down from Heaven and stir the water, and afterwards, the first person entering the pool would be healed of their physical afflictions. This event, mentioned in John 5:3b-4 is not found in any existing Greek manuscript dated before A.D. 400. In fact, nowhere in the Bible is this kind of superstition taught, as this verse presents to us, the picture of an act of cruelty by GOD against the sick and the afflicted. It is believed that this verse was added long after John wrote his Gospel, in order to enlighten the reader as to why the sick and afflicted where assembling by the pool on this occasion. Most modern versions of scripture, including the NIV, and NLT understandably omit this verse.
Anyway, there was a certain man lying on a mat on one of the porches, who had been suffering from an unnamed infirmity, for thirty-eight years. When JESUS saw the man, HE knew exactly how long he had been ailing. HE asked the man, “Do you want to get well?” The man confirms his own superstition, by replying that he was unable to get to the pool first, because of his condition, and since there was no one to help him, he kept getting beat to the water by others all those years. In other words, he felt like his own physical condition prevented him from being able to get help from GOD, to better his physical condition. It is a sad commentary as to how living a superstitious life can hinder a person from GOD’s blessings. Even today we have our own modern-day superstitions, such as horoscopes, magic eight balls, black-eyed peas kept in our pocket, or eaten on New Year’s Day for good luck, seven years bad luck for breaking a mirror, or “send this e-mail to ten people and you will be blessed”, etc.
Here in this passage, John 5:1-15, JESUS uses this occasion to dispel all such superstition, and HE also sought to put an end to any concept of a superstitious worship of GOD, or mixing the blessings of GOD, with the satanic beliefs of the occult. This passage is also unique, in the sense that, here we see JESUS healing a person who had not exhibited any prior faith in HIM. Here HE simply instructs the man to “Pick up your bed and start walking”.
Here we see GOD working directly in, and through, HIS “word of command”. JESUS is showing here that HIS power is not mere “superstition”, but rather, it is “supernatural”. This is a case where the long “atrophied muscles” of a lame man were clearly and instantly made operable. This was the third public miracle that JESUS performed, as a sign that the MESSIAH had come, and that, indeed, HE, HIMSELF, is, the long-awaited MESSIAH.
As I said earlier, the lame man in this passage had never previously shown any faith in GOD, but rather, he had spent a lifetime viewing GOD in a cruel and superstitious manner. This passage of Scripture, perhaps shows us more clearly than any other, that, just as quickly as our faith and trust in GOD changes for the better, so can the quality of our lives go from being poor and helpless, to being rich, vibrant, and strong.
GOD, can and will bless others, through believers, just like the lame man was healed and blessed through JESUS that day at the Pool of Bethesda. We only have to trust and have faith in an all-powerful GOD, WHO can deliver us into all eternity. And as Christians, we should be able to use the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in us, to bless those who are in “human need”, just as JESUS CHRIST did, and just as HE commands us to do also.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, January 17, 2014


                                    For the week beginning Sunday January 19, 2014                                   

(Giving guidance to people who are open to faith in JESUS)
John 4:39-54

In John chapter 4, verses 39-54, the woman, whom JESUS met at Jacob’s Well, went eagerly back to Samaria to witness of her life-changing event there with the LIVING SAVIOR. Her “actions” set off a “chain reaction” that led to many more people receiving the free gift of salvation, through the Gospel of CHRIST. And though she, herself still had many questions, nevertheless, her life had now been “jump-started in a new direction”. She had come to the well that day, no doubt, filled with shame for living a life that had, to that point, ostracized her from the other women of her community. However, she left the well having “a new lease on life” that one can only receive by coming to the end of one’s self, and coming face to face with CHRIST JESUS
JESUS lingered there in Samaria for a couple of days and then continued on north to Galilee with HIS disciples. HE had already pointed out earlier how a prophet is often honored everywhere except his own home country. This proverbial saying, which is also mentioned by the Gospel writers, Matthew (Matt. 13:57) and Mark (Mark 6:4), is re-iterated here by the Apostle John (v. 44). Whether or not JESUS was talking about HIS earthly home country of Galilee, or, HIS beloved nation of Israel, is unclear.
Here, John seems to be preparing his readers for the upcoming rejection of JESUS’ doctrine, by even HIS OWN native Jewish people, during HIS three-year mission, here on earth. And even though they had been impressed with HIS miracles and wise speech, ultimately they were a part of the angry mob that killed HIM on Calvary. Their enthusiasm for the GOD WHO healed them was not always indicative of the faith, or lack thereof, that, they had in HIM.
Now there was a certain royal official with an ailing son, who had made the 25-mile trip from Capernaum hoping to meet JESUS when HE arrived in Cana. The tiny village of Cana was the site of JESUS’ first recorded miracle (John 2:1-12), where HE transformed several barrels of water into wine. Obviously, neither the official’s position, nor, his money, was enough to save his son who was now near death back in Capernaum.
The official soon found JESUS and began begging HIM to come to Capernaum and heal his son. JESUS asked the desperate official, who was probably of Jewish descent, “Must I do miraculous signs and wonders before you people will believe in ME?” Without receiving a response from the man, JESUS told him to “Go back home, your son will live”. The man believed JESUS and started on his way back home.
While he was in route back to Capernaum, he was met by a few of his servants. They informed the official that his son had made a miraculous recovery at around one o’clock the previous afternoon. When the official heard the time that was given to him by his servants, he knew that it was JESUS, WHO had healed his son. This was the second miracle that JESUS had performed in Galilee, after coming from Judea. From that day on, the official and his entire household became followers of CHRIST JESUS.
Personal testimony used along with GOD’s Word is still the best means of leading others to CHRIST, even though faith based on someone else’s testimony is only a secondary influence. True faith comes from one’s own experience and face to face meeting with JESUS, once one comes to the end of themselves (v.42). And though everyone won’t be “saved”, JESUS’ light shines on everyone born into the world (John 1:9), and that light has never been just limited to the Jews, or the nation of Israel, but rather, it has always been GOD’s wish that all mankind be saved.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, January 10, 2014


                                    For the week beginning Sunday January 12, 2014                                   

(Witnessing to lost sinners)
John 4:1-42

In the Greek, the word New Testament writers use for “longsuffering” is “makrothumia” (mak-roth-oo-mee-ah). It describes a spirit that never grows irritated, never despairs, and never regards anyone as being beyond salvation. In the Gospel according to Saint John, in chapter 4, verses 1-42, the author of GOD writes of JESUS’ journey alone, into Samaria, a land that was rarely, if ever, traveled through by the Jews in those days.
HE and HIS Disciples had left Judea together after HIS Disciples had done some baptizing there, and were heading back to Galilee. On the way, JESUS sent HIS Disciples to get food, and HE HIMSELF, continued on into the Samaritan village of Sychar, in the vicinity of the land that Jacob had willed to his son Joseph (Gen. 48:21-22). It was also where Jacob’s Well was located.
In verse 4 of this passage, the Apostle John tells us that JESUS “had to” go through Samaria, even though we know that there was an alternate, more frequently traveled route, that the Jews would take, just east of the Jordan River, through neighboring Perea.
The Jews hated the Samaritans, and the Samaritans did not like the Jews. They had harbored ill-feelings towards each other since the days when the Assyrians, under the rule of King Shalamaneser, defeated Israel and King Hoshea, Israel’s last GODly king.
The Assyrians took over the capital city of Samaria, and exiled the Israelites to Assyria (2 Kings 17). They then replaced the Israelites with groups of people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and resettled them in Samaria and various other towns throughout Israel. The descendants of the Jews, who married and mixed with those Assyrian groups, later became the hated Samaritans of JESUS’ day.
While these Samaritans were worshipers of the same GOD as the Israelites, they worshiped at Mount Gerizim, where Moses, Joshua, and the Jews worshiped (Deut. 27:12 & Josh. 8:33) prior to coming to the “promised land”. However, since the time that King David moved the worship center to Jerusalem, the so-called “pure breed” Jew’s had been worshiping there.
The Samaritans were hated simply because they were “half breed” Jews, and thus, no better than Gentiles in the minds of the pure-breed Jews. However, we see in verse 12 that the woman JESUS encountered at “Jacob’s Well”, still considers Jacob as her forefather, and claims her Jewish heritage.
What we see here in John chapter 4, is an attempt by JESUS, to show HIS Disciples, and the world, including future generations, that, the new Gospel that HE preached would be embraced by both Jews and Gentiles alike. HE sought to show that prayer is made for all men, regardless of race, and that, for the coming “Christian Way”, there would be no such thing as an “enemy”, except satan, in all the world. No one would be left outside of the love of CHRIST, and no one has ever been outside of the purpose of GOD. GOD wishes all mankind to be saved.
We also see in this passage, JESUS introducing us to “The Five Laws of Persuasion”, “Attention” (Vs. 7-9), “Interest” (Vs. 10-12), “Desire” (Vs. 13-15), “Conviction” (Vs. 16-18), and “Commitment” (Vs. 28-29). The Samaritan woman that JESUS met at the well that day, like many, thirsted and longed for that thing in her life, that she felt was lacking. She had drank from the wells of many men, five husbands, to be exact, and was currently “shacking up” with yet another man when she finally had this surprising and unexpected, life-changing encounter with JESUS.
The Disciples returned just as the woman was leaving, and they were puzzled as to why JESUS was even talking to a woman alone, and they were, perhaps, even more disturbed that the woman was a Samaritan. JESUS had broken many life-changing barriers by venturing into Samaritan territory that day, and no doubt his disciple’s feet were probably touching Samaritan soil for the very first time. However, if they were to train to become fishers of men, they would have to first understand that JESUS’ offer of salvation would extend to everyone, both to the Jews, and, to the much hated Gentiles and Samaritans.
The woman went eagerly back to Samaria to witness of her life-changing event at Jacob’s well. And though she, herself still had many questions, nevertheless, her life had now been jump-started in a new direction. She had come to the well that day, no doubt, filled with shame for living a life that had, to that point, ostracized her from the other women of her community. However, she left the well having a new lease on life that one can only receive by coming to the end of one’s self, and coming face to face with CHRIST JESUS. 
It seems as if GOD has placed this longing and thirst, inside of each of us, innately from birth, and the only way to satisfy that longing or thirst, is by seeking, and ultimately finding HIM. It is for the purpose of GOD that man was ever created in first place. And just as no man has ever created anything that was not for his own purpose or benefit, so it is with GOD. Man was created to serve GOD, and until we grasp and understand that, we’ll just continue to meander around, searching for physical answers, to problems, that have always been, spiritual.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, January 3, 2014


                                     For the week beginning Sunday January 5, 2014                                    

(Being born again)
John 3:1-21

Nicodemus was a member of the “Sanhedrin”, the ruling council, or, governing body of religion and state under Rome. He was a Pharisee who had zealous dedication to GOD’s Law. He was also “a teacher of Israel” and held the distinctive position of being an authoritative interpreter of Scripture.
Here in John chapter 3, however, we see Nicodemus is coming to JESUS with an open mind, and he is intent on listening to the Man WHOM, he himself, had seen perform many miracles. Right away JESUS stuns the seasoned scholar by saying to him, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD” (John 3:3 - KJV).
In other words, here JESUS was telling Nicodemus, who was thought to be “spiritual” by almost everyone, including himself, that, before any spiritual questions can be dealt with, a man must be born anew, spiritually. He would have to be baptized in the “SPIRIT” that JESUS HIMSELF would later impart to anyone that believes in HIM. And even though the concept of a “spiritual rebirth” is clearly evident in the Old Testament, here, Nicodemus is still clearly confused by this divine revelation of truth that JESUS was now sharing with him (John 3:4).
In verses 5-7, JESUS further elaborates on HIS prior statement regarding spiritual rebirth, by stating, “The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of GOD without being born of water, and, the SPIRIT”. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the HOLY SPIRIT gives “new spiritual life” from Heaven” (NLT).
Here JESUS is saying that, the first requirement for a person to be eligible for the kingdom of GOD is that GOD has to allow that person to exist in the first place. When a woman’s “water” breaks after the fullness of the time of her pregnancy, a person, or persons are born into the world and human life begins its journey in earnest in the physical realm. However, only through accepting CHRIST JESUS, first with our lips, and then, in our hearts, and thereby, inviting the HOLY SPIRIT to dwell within us, can a person ever receive a new spiritual, eternal life in Heaven
To be “born again” is the phrase that clearly describes the goal of the aspiring Christian. It is the true Christian’s desire, that GOD will exact HIS divine power upon our lives with a moral infusion that will transform us into a people that can, at all times, reflect HIS image to others, through our own behavior. And just as “Natural Birth” marks the beginning of our new life in the physical world, and makes us “children of man”, “Spiritual Birth” marks the beginning of our new life in CHRIST JESUS, and makes us “children of GOD” (John 3:5-6).
In verse 10, JESUS responds with a question of HIS OWN, by asking Nicodemus, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these thing? (KJV) In other words, HE was asking him, “aren’t you a respected Jewish teacher, and yet, you don’t understand these things?” If you don’t believe the things that GOD is doing here on earth, you can’t possibly believe the things that are done in Heaven” (Vs.10-12).
After giving Nicodemus a prophetic revelation of how HIS earthly ministry would end (Vs.13-15), JESUS goes on to utter what is, arguably, the most well known verse in all of Scripture, when HE states, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 - KJV).
It is “the statement” in Scripture that, perhaps, more clearly than all other statements, reveals to us that “GOD’s motivation towards HIS people here on earth is “love”. It is a love that is not limited to a few, or, just to a single group of people, but rather, GOD’s gifts of Love and Salvation are for everyone who dares to believe. GOD’s purpose in sending HIS OWN SON is for “communication” and for our “Salvation”, and was never intended to be for our “condemnation”. In fact, JESUS says, that, there is no judgment awaiting those who believe (v.18a).
The “lost sinners” are those who do not accept CHRIST JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR, and by rejecting HIM, they already stand condemned. They will remain lost, unless they put their trust and faith in CHRIST JESUS, while they yet live (v.18b).
JESUS further states, that the lost sinner’s judgment is based on this fact:
“The LIGHT from Heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the LIGHT, for their actions were evil. They hate the LIGHT because they want to sin in the darkness. They stay away from the LIGHT for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished. But those who desire to do what is right come to the LIGHT gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what GOD wants” (Vs. 19-21 - NLT).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website