For the week beginning Sunday July 28, 2013
(Promote sound teaching by being a living example)
Titus 2
In the Apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus, he is seeking to instruct them on how to handle themselves as young men struggling in their efforts to develop the Christian Churches at Ephesus, and on the island of Crete, respectively. This letter to Titus was probably written shortly before Paul’s second imprisonment in Rome, where he was sentenced to death, by decapitation, circa A.D 67.
Paul had first met Titus, an uncircumcised Greek, just prior to his second missionary journey with Simon (Galatians 2:1-3). Titus, who went on to become one of the great itinerant ministers for CHRIST, of any era, was frequently sent on special missions to deal with some of the more difficult issues in the Christian Church, during its infancy. In fact, Titus was successful in helping to reduce the tensions between Paul and the Corinthians, where Timothy had earlier failed in his efforts (2 Corinthians 7 & 8).
In Titus chapter 2 Paul presents a wonderful illustration of “Christian Character in action”. When he wrote this letter to Titus, the young pastor was working in another difficult area, the Greek island of Crete, which was an extremely ungodly place, located in the Mediterranean, just southeast of mainland Greece. Crete, of course, was at that time, a province of the Roman Empire.
In this passage of Scripture, we find a brilliant recipe on how to engage and promote “right teaching” to both, the young and the old, male and female. Here Paul very carefully stresses leading and teaching by example. Watch this;
· Here in verse 3, in his original writing, Paul uses a Greek word that is only found here in the New Testament. That word, “didaskaleo” (did-as-kal-eh-o), means “to instruct in what is good, by showing, demonstrating, and explaining”.
· In verse 4, he employs the Greek word “sophrontizo” (so-fron-id-zo), also unique in scripture, and it means “to make of sound mind, to discipline or correct, or teach to be sober”.
· In verse 6, Paul uses the word “parakaleo” (par-ak-al-eh-o), and it means “to personally exhort and encourage”.
· In verse 7, there is the Greek word for “pattern”, “typon”, which means “to set an example, by your own lifestyle”.
· In verse 12, the Greek word “paideuousa” (pahee-dyoo-o-sa) is used, and it implies “giving parental guidance and instruction”.
· And finally, in verse 15, Paul uses the Greek word for “rebuke”, “elegcho” (el-eng-kho), which means “to bring to the light, to expose, to point out, convince and reprove, (judge), when it is necessary to convict”.
Titus is strongly urged by Paul to teach those things that are in accord with sound doctrine. Older men were to;
· Exercise self-control,
· Be worthy of respect,
· Live wisely,
· Have strong faith, and
· Be filled with love and patience.
Similarly, older women were to;
· Live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the lord.
· They should not engage themselves in gossip,
· Should teach the younger women what is good,
· Should teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children, and,
· Should take care of their own homes.
That way neither would bring shame on the word of GOD.
Paul urged Titus to personally be an example to the younger men, by doing various good deeds, and reflecting the integrity of his teaching, through his own behavior. We, as Christians, must be able to live in this evil world, while exercising self-control, right conduct, and devotion to GOD. We must also be able to “teach right Christian behavior”, to those in our homes, churches, and community, as CHRIST JESUS gives us the authority to do.
Titus proved himself to be a man, who could be counted on, for tough assignments. He, like Luke, had been blessed by GOD, with the gift of “practical administration”. Through the work of CHRIST JESUS, every Christian becomes fit, to be “the special possession of GOD”. The moral power of the incarnation of CHRIST is an enormous thing. First, it allows us to come from under the dominion of sin, and then, at one and the same time, it gives us the beautiful hope of eternal life with GOD THE SON, in HIS coming “Millennial Kingdom” (Revelation 20:4-6), and, with GOD the FATHER in the New Jerusalem thereafter (Revelation 21).
A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander
LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website