Sunday, March 31, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday March 31, 2013

(What your relationship with others reveals about your relationship with GOD)
Amos 1:1-2, 2:6-8, & 3:6-15

The prophet Amos was a contemporary of the prophets Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah. His message, not unlike Hosea’s, was directed at the northern Kingdom of Israel, even though he himself, lived in the southern Kingdom of Judah. He begins his prophesy by announcing judgment on the surrounding nations (Amos 1:3-2:3), before later changing his focus to northern Israel itself (Amos 2:4-9:10).
In this scathing condemnation of GOD’s chosen people, Amos severely denounces, in particular, the social sins of the nation, such as injustice, government and judicial corruption, greed, and the worship of false gods. A series of five stern messages unfold, and still we find this important book coming to an end with little hope that Israel was interested in changing their wayward behavior towards the indigent and weak sector of their society, nor their intolerable disrespect towards the GOD WHO sees them.      
The events in the Book of Amos take place during one the most prosperous times in northern Israel’s history. Their dynamic king Jeroboam II had led them in war to successful victories over their hostile neighbors, and, as a result, had won control of the lucrative trade routes that now poured wealth into Samaria, Israel’s northern capital. It was a golden age for the wealthy that built grand homes and proud public facilities, near the popular worship centers of Bethel and Dan. Even the fertile land of northern Israel presented bumper crops year after year, in those days.
Unfortunately, beneath the glitter, glamour, and prosperity of this golden society, lay the dark tragedy of social injustice and economic disparity. The rich had little regard for their, less fortunate, Jewish brothers, or, for that matter, had little regard even for GOD HIMSELF, or HIS sacred Laws. The poor were mercilessly oppressed by merchants, who used unjust weights of measure in the marketplace, and by judges whose justice was for sell to the highest bidder.
And so, it is against this backdrop of prosperity and wickedness that we find the prophet Amos, a farmer and shepherd from the town of Tekoa in nearby Judah, being called by GOD to deliver a resounding message to his wayward kinsman in northern Israel. In this deeply penetrating prophesy, Amos exposes the very underbelly of this seemingly upright society.
In Amos 1:1-2, he writes of the reception of his prophesy from GOD, just two years before the earthquake that occurred during the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah. Here he describes what he had seen and heard, as the LORD’s roar of judgment vividly places an “imaginary noose” around the necks of Judah and northern Israel. He first, reveals how GOD would serve justice on Israel’s surrounding neighbors (Vs. 3-2:3), and then later, he reveals just how GOD would tighten that noose to choke off the sins of Israel.
In chapter 2, verses 6-8, Amos’ message focuses on northern Israel (namely Ephraim), who would be the first of GOD’s chosen nation to fall (in 722 B.C.). Ephraim, the most influential of Israel’s twelve tribes, during that period, had used that influence to lead the whole nation into sin. They had perverted justice by selling poor and honest people into slavery in exchange for silver, gold, and, in some cases, as little as a pair of sandals. They committed incest (father and son sleeping with the same woman), oppressed the poor even further, held festivals to their idol gods and sacrificed to them, money, and things that they had stolen from others.
In chapter 3 we see the prophet Amos unveiling the first of his five messages to the nation of Israel. The word “known” (v.2) is translated from the original Hebrew word “yada” in the KJV version of Scriptures, and it describes “a close and intimate relationship”. There GOD tells Israel that, “You only have I “known” of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities”. This tells us that GOD takes it personal when we put other things and people before HIM.
The ensuing verses, verses 3-6, are foundational in setting up the impact of the list of disasters that are mentioned later on in chapter 4, verses 6-11. Here in these verses, Amos gives us a vivid example of “cause and effect”, by asking a series of questions that calls loudly for “common sense” answers. For example, “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” The common sense answer is, “No, two people can only walk together if they agree on one direction. And again he poses a question, “Does a bird ever get caught in a trap that has no bait? And the logical answer would be, “Not likely. A bird will likely only be ensnared by a trap that is first baited.
Following this logic, one can safely say that a disaster is always preceded by an action that makes it inevitable. This is not to say that every natural disaster, for example, is a direct result of GOD spanking us about something that we did (but, it might be). No, seriously I think that certainly when we are faced with disaster we need to examine ourselves and try to find out IF it is something that we did, or, are doing, that is so far out of the Will of GOD, that, HE becomes moved to act against us.  After all, we are living in a time where it seems that the people who call themselves by GOD’s name (Christians), are rapidly forgetting how to do what is “right” by GOD’s standards (vs. 10).
Amos closes out this first message from GOD with a warning that even we here in the twenty-first century can relate to. In fact, it can be seen as a valid warning to all generations, especially those who have come into great wealth and prosperity, as northern Israel had, and, who have fallen into love and worship of the things of this world. In verse 15, this is what the LORD says; “And I will destroy the beautiful homes of the wealthy, their winter mansions and their summer houses too, all their palaces filled with ivory. I the LORD have spoken”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Sunday, March 24, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday March 24, 2013

(Repentance is important to GOD)
Hosea 13 & 14

The tribe of Ephraim had gained a very prominent position among the twelve tribes of Israel following GOD’s breakup of the “United Kingdom” (northern Israel and Judah combined) as a result of Solomon’s sins against HIM. Solomon’s fall from grace, came after he got involved with his many wives in the worship of the idol gods, that they had brought with them, from their respective pagan homelands.
Jeroboam I, who became the leader of northern Israel after the breakup, was himself, an Ephraimite. Students of the bible can probably remember when Jeroboam was chosen by the people to lead the ten tribes that GOD stripped away from the “Davidic Line” of kings. GOD did, however, allow Solomon to complete his reign over the United Kingdom because of HIS promise to HIS faithful servant David. But after Solomon’s death, GOD took those ten tribes away from Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, and gave them to Jeroboam I, and as a result, the geographical area that became known as the “northern kingdom of Israel” was formed (1 Kings 11:26-42).
In Hosea 13:1a, we see how, even 350 years after the secession, all the other tribes of Israel , still feared and looked up to the tribe of Ephraim. Unfortunately for Ephraim, however, the GOD WHO allowed them to succeed with the secession was never really pleased with them for wanting to choose another king outside the Davidic Line (Vs.9-10). And, GOD was especially angered because they had used their influence to lead the whole nation of Israel back into sin, by way of their practice of Baal worship. They had clearly showed GOD, through their behavior, that they were no longer happy with HIM, or HIS choices. It was this rebellion and rejection of GOD in this manner that ultimately sealed their fate of destruction by Assyria, in 722 B.C.
In verses 2-3 Hosea gives us a vivid description of the crimes and punishment of GOD’s fallen people. Here we see that the people had continued, over a long period of time, to sin against GOD by way of their skillful making and worshiping of hand-carved images of silver calves. This brought “spiritual death” upon Israel, and would soon bring physical death as well. 
Even though GOD had shown HIMSELF in grace to HIS beloved nation of Israel (Vs. 4-5), in return, they had only shown HIM pride and arrogance (v.6). And whenever we become prideful and unresponsive to GOD, we can rest assure that a spanking is near at hand (Vs. 7-8). GOD will speedily forgive “confessed sins” that are followed by “earnest repent”. HE may even delay punishment of “unrepentant sin” for a season. However, for those who continue to reject HIS grace, or assume that HE doesn’t care what they do, are in for a rude awakening in the end (v.12).
We have all been offered a “New Birth” through the salvation made available to us through JESUS’ vicarious sacrifice on the cross, by Roman method. However, most of us are like a child (Ephraim) who chooses to resist this “New Birth” and instead, prefers to wallow around in the filth that is offered up by the world (v.13). And even though Ephraim was the most fruitful of all the Israelite tribes in those days, GOD’s wrath would blow heavier against her because she had the most potential to do right, but instead, chose to use her influence to lead the less fortunate tribes into doing that which was wrong in the eyes of GOD (Vs.14-16).
In Hosea 14, the prophet reminds us that there is healing for those who earnestly repent. He tells the people that Assyria will not be able to save them (in fact, GOD would use Assyria to destroy them) (Vs.1-3). GOD’s message to Israel is that HE will heal them of their idolatry and lack of faith, and that HIS love for them would have no bounds. HIS anger against them would be gone forever, and HE would be like the dew in the morning to them, fresh from Heaven (Vs.4-5).
When GOD heals and restores us from the “spiritual and physical injuries of sin”, HE does it by replacing HIS “anger” with HIS “love and compassion”. HE chooses to love us freely and unconditionally, and HE no longer holds our past against us (Justification). Then we as “repentant sinners” can begin to prosper, bloom, and grow spiritually, physically, and materially in the newness of life, that is, CHRIST JESUS (Vs.5-7).
In Hosea 14:8-9 the LORD leaves us with this final warning and wisdom; “….Stay away from idols! I AM the ONE WHO looks after you and cares for you. I AM like a tree that is always green, giving my fruit to you all through the year. Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those who are discerning listen carefully. The paths of the LORD are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them”…. (NLT).  

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Sunday, March 17, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday March 17, 2013

(GOD’s compassion shines through HIS anger, judgment, and purpose)
Hosea 11:1-11

In the Old Testament Hebrew, the word most often used for “love” is “aheb”, and it describes the motivation by which GOD restrains HIMSELF from destroying us because of our disobedience to HIM and HIS Word. It is the one controlling element in GOD’s relationship with HIS sinful people, who call HIM their GOD and SAVIOR. It explains why, through Abraham’s seed, GOD sent CHRIST JESUS to save us from destroying ourselves.
Through GOD’s love we were freed from the bondage of sin. However, as GOD’s greatest creation, we must still choose whether or not we wish to walk away from the plantation of this cruel master of darkness (satan), and start walking in the newness of light and life that GOD has blessed and favored us with, through JESUS CHRIST. 
In Hosea chapter 11, the writer gives us a vivid description of how we have abandoned the FATHER WHO taught us how to walk. Here in verses 1-4 we find being presented, the imagery of a young toddler who is just learning how to walk. Here we can also envision the child being encouraged by the concerned parent, who patiently holds on to the hand of  this dependent child, gently reminding him or her, whenever they stumble, that, everything is going to be o.k., and that, they just need to have faith and hold fast to their commitment to HIM.
And so the language of love continues to dominate this book of Hosea, however, now it moves from the depiction of “marital love” that is seen clearly in chapters 1-3, to a vision of “parental love” seen here in chapter 11. In Deuteronomy 21:18-21, we see depicted in the Law of Moses, a very harsh way of dealing with disobedient children. There we see a child being taken into a quasi-courtroom setting where he must appear before the leaders of the town, as a last result. There the child is actually stoned to death by the leaders for his continuously defiant, rebellious acts against his parents.
Here in Hosea chapter 11, however, we see GOD’s anger and judgment being overcome by HIS love for Israel, HIS child. Instead of wiping Israel out of existence, GOD says that, for their rebellious ways, HE will send them back into captivity, as they once were in Egypt. This time, however, GOD would use Assyria to capture and enslave northern Israel in 722 B.C (Vs. 5-6). Though they had continued to acknowledge GOD as being the “Most High” with their lips, they did not show HIM honor through their behavior and perverse actions of idolatry. Real Christians, should already know, that, obedience to GOD, is the only way to truly show that we love, worship, and honor HIM (v.7). After all, “imitation” has always been “the greatest form of flattery”.
In verse 8, GOD seems to be tormenting over what HE should do as a form of punishment for HIS beloved child, Israel. Should HE utterly destroy them, as HE did Admah and Zeboiim, or should HE just spank them and let them live? Admah and Zeboiim, mentioned here in this verse, were two cities that had been destroyed by GOD, along with Sodom and Gomorrah, because of their defiant sins against HIM (Deuteronomy 29:23).
In verse 9 we see GOD making the decision, this time, to not let HIS anger dictate the degree of Israel’s deserved punishment (death), as HE did then, with those communities. GOD, instead, reasons that HE alone is the HOLY ONE living among HIS people, and that HE would not deal with them as a “mere human” would, by killing everyone. Here we see that GOD, because of HIS sovereignty, does not have to deal with all situations the same way, but rather, HE can deal with HIS creation as HE pleases, or as HE sees fit (Daniel 4:17 & Romans 9:14-15).
The judgment of death, though called for under GOD’s OWN Law, for Israel’s actions against HIM, is, in this case, foregone. “GOD’s love”, simply overcame, “GOD’s wrath”, and HIS overwhelming compassion for HIS chosen people is highlighted by several pieces of insight into HIS true divine nature, in this book of Hosea. GOD’s “grace” will never trump GOD’s “truth”, however, “GOD is love”, and HIS love will always trump “the Law”. Remember, love that suffers and finds its own inner conflict, will, eventually, always find a solution.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website


Sunday, March 10, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday March 10, 2013

(GOD’s discipline is sin’s consequences)
Hosea 8:1-10, 9:7-8, & 10:10-13

Lawrence O. Richards once wrote, “Only devastation of all hopes can shatter the wall of arrogance and pride that some construct around themselves”. In Hosea chapter 8, less than 10 years before GOD allowed the annihilation of northern Israel by the Assyrian king, Shalmaneser, the son of the great king, Tiglath-pileser, in 722 B.C (2 Kings 17:1-6), we see GOD’s chosen nation, still in crisis, due to corruption from within, and, from looming threats from without.
Israel was a nation that was guilty of hypocrisy, because they claimed they knew GOD, but lived their lives to the contrary (v.2). The nation had become both morally corrupt, and spiritually blind. They couldn’t see how their lives contradicted the proclamation of the pledge, that, they had once made to GOD. They also deliberately and diligently sought their own hand-picked leaders, and thereby, rejected the leadership of GOD through obedience to HIS Word. They had long forgotten that their true king was GOD, and they began seeking salvation from human sources (v.4).
They were also resorting to idolatry by building a golden calf to worship, instead of directing their worship and adoration towards GOD (v.4b-5), and, in doing so they were clearly violating GOD’s second Commandment. And finally, they sought peace and security through foreign alliances, instead of trusting in the protection of GOD. They totally forgot about their exclusive Covenant with the LORD, and began to make treaties and covenants with the pagan nations that surrounded them (Vs.8-10).
In chapter 9 Hosea announces GOD’s punishment upon HIS beloved Israel. We see in verse 6, that the prophet tells Israel that even if she escapes destruction from Assyria, she will be conquered by Egypt, and that the city of Memphis (Egypt) would bury her. Ironically, today, among the ruins of this ancient city of Memphis, one would find that its cemeteries have survived, almost intact, over the centuries, as has its ancient pyramids. It is here that many of Israel’s festival goers during that time period lost their lives in the Assyrian invasion of 722 B.C. This area stands today as a testament to the truth of GOD’s Word, as many Israelites were buried in Memphis due to the assault.
The time of Israel’s punishment had come, and the day of payment was at hand. Soon Israel would know that the prophets they once called crazy where, indeed, of the soundest of minds. Israel was a nation totally engulfed in sin, and as a result, they could only show hatred for those who loved GOD. They even set traps and sought to kill GOD’s messengers and prophets, even in the church house in those days (Vs.7-8).
And so, in Hosea chapter 10, verses 10-13, we see GOD launching HIS OWN offensive toward Israel for their rebellion and disobedience, and HE used the armies of the surrounding nations whom Israel had sought to befriend, to achieve HIS purpose.
Instead of planting righteousness, Israel had cultivated wickedness and raised up a thriving crop of sin for everyone in the nation to fed on. There is a great sense of “unrealized potential” seen in this passage that sort of jumps out at the reader like no other biblical writings since the life story of Samson. Israel was like a “trained heifer” that was called by GOD to perform a task of working the land, and then, sitting back and relishing in the proceeds thereof. They had all the potential of sowing a great and abundant crop of righteousness, but instead, she abused her position as GOD’s servant, and now must pay the consequences for the wickedness she has produced, with her own life. Israel had became cocky, and were absolutely certain that the prophets were wrong, and that, they didn’t need GOD to fight their battles for them anymore.
In all of life’s conflicts, we must beware of setting ourselves up in “false confidence”, via the people and things we think we have and hold. Whenever we rely upon our own efforts and possessions, we, in truth, can never be redeemed from our own, self-imposed circumstances. “GOD alone is mighty in battles” (Psalm 24:8) (both physical and spiritual battles). When we depend upon our own strength, we’ve only duped ourselves into admiring our own muscles. However, if we are to successfully make it out of this life, and into the next, we must learn to look to the strength of GOD, and admire HIS spiritual muscles instead.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander  

Monday, March 4, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday March 3, 2013

(The Word of GOD condemns sinful attitudes and behavior)
Hosea 4

In the opening verses of Hosea chapter four, which is the beginning of part two (chapters 4-14) of this timeless book, we start to see the establishment of the underlying themes that will manifest themselves in various ways throughout the remainder of this prophecy.
Israel had failed to maintain a “covenant relationship” with the GOD of her fathers, and had also failed to maintain an amicable relationship with their brethren within the chosen community of GOD. They were no longer showing any faithfulness or kindness to GOD, nor were they acknowledging HIM at all (v. 1). They also cursed each other, lied to each other, killed each other, and stole from each other. The land was filled with spiritual adultery and violence, and there was perpetually one murder after another being committed in Israel in those days (v.2).
In verses 1-2 we see GOD’s fundamental complaints against HIS beloved Israel being laid out in courtroom fashion. Those complaints are followed up by a statement of judgment in verse 3 that surely must come as a consequence of the nation’s sins against GOD. It is here that we see the preaching of the prophet Hosea come to life, as he is a man whose personal life pains, so reflect the pains of the GOD WHO sent him.
Basically three things have tended to characterize corrupt cultures of any age, throughout the history of this world. A society becomes corrupt when;
·         They care little or nothing about being faithful to GOD, or to anyone else.
·         There is a lack of concern towards having a commitment to GOD, or to anyone else.  
·         They possess no “true knowledge” of GOD, and are totally unfamiliar with HIS Word, or how to apply HIS Word to their lives, and, to the lives of others.
A society in which these attitudes prevail is ultimately consumed by “greed” and “self-worship”. It deteriorates to the point where there is only cursing, lying, murdering, stealing, homosexually, adultery, and other sexual sin. It is generally a society that has long been accustomed to “mixing the holy with the profane”, even in the church house. Mixing the holy with the profane is like taking a “steroid”, or “vitamin pill” to make it easier for us to sin with no conscience, or feeling of remorse what so ever.
The priests of the northern kingdom of Israel were never sanctioned by GOD, because they did not come from the family of Aaron, but rather, they were drawn from all manner of people. Just like most church leaders in today’s society, they too, were religious leaders who were not called, or sanctified by GOD, and so, it shouldn’t surprise us at all when they ignore GOD’s law, and adhere to the laws of satan, who is their real father ( Vs. 5-11a).
In fact, some Church leaders, then and now, actually enjoy the benefits of sin, because, realistically, they share in its profits, through tithes and offerings that may have been motivated by guilt, or by a need for tax write-offs, or for self-promotion, etc., and sometimes, even from money taken from bribes.  Bribes taken in today’s churches might be, for example, those monies donated or paid for the purpose of influencing or steering voters in the church towards certain politicians, during election time (Vs. 8-9).
All monies given to the church for any reasons other than those “unselfish reasons” prescribed by scripture is not accepted by GOD, and therefore cannot be used to build up HIS kingdom. In fact, these monies are actually used by satan to promote his evil agenda in the Christian Church.
A GODly Church leader must stand strong and preach against sin, not invite sin in, by way of his, or her, own behavior and ignorance. They must mourn for those who pursue sin, and the amount of grief that they feel serves as a test, or measure of their own heart towards GOD.
Sadly, Church leaders, then and now have failed GOD on multiple levels, and here are three examples of how it is still being done;
·          First of all, they have failed to educate themselves in the Word of GOD to a degree where they can actually effectively teach their followers correctly. And oftentimes, even the leaders themselves, haven’t been familiarized with GOD, or HIS Laws (v.6).
·         Secondly, rather than condemning this nation’s apostasy (a falling away from GOD), particularly with homosexuality, many professed Christian church leaders actually encourage it, or, are involved in it. They actually profit from it, and thereby, they turn a national and international disgrace into a personal gain (v.8). Church leaders who endorse President Barak Obama, who endorses homosexual sin, for example, as a result are leading a whole generation of people in the Christian church, away from the GOD, they say they serve. 
·         And finally, even though they should know better, they have instead, through their own ignorance, greed, or evil intent, actually began to delight in practicing many GOD-forbidden acts themselves, in the church, and by doing so, they seduce those who follow them to do the same (Vs.11-13).
We, as true Church leaders, have been blessed with a tremendous privilege from GOD, however, obversely, we have also been given, the greatest of responsibilities. Therefore, our failure to recognize the responsibility that comes with the privilege becomes all the more dramatic in its manifestation before GOD. All those to whom leadership is granted, and such leadership is abused, are not only responsible for their own actions, but ultimately, they are responsible for fate of those who follow them.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander