Sunday, February 24, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday February 24, 2013

(Sin interrupts our relationship with GOD)
Hosea 1-3

The book of Hosea is divided into two sections, the first, chapters 1-3, focuses on Hosea’s personal life, while the second section, chapters 4-14, focuses on his divinely acquired messages. Hosea prophesied to the people in the northern kingdom of Israel prior to its fall into the hands of the Assyrians, in 722 B.C. Two contrasting things clearly stand out during this period in Israel’s history, the love of GOD for Israel, and Israel’s reckless disregard for, and unfaithfulness to, the GOD of their fathers.
The prophet Hosea’s ministry spanned several decades, as it began in 750 B.C., near the conclusion of the ministry of the prophet Amos. It was also near the end of a prosperous period that had been enjoyed by both Israel and Judah, during the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel, and, King Uzziah of Judah. His lengthy ministry concluded circa 715 B.C., during the early years of King Hezekiah’s reign in Judah (Hosea 1:1).
Hosea was the son of a man named Beeri, and is one of the most unique prophets in the annals of Old Testament history, by way of his being ordered by GOD to marry a prostitute named Gomer, who was the daughter of a man named Diblaim. She bore Hosea a son, and the LORD instructed them to name him “Jezreel”, as a sign that GOD was about to punish King Jehu’s dynasty to avenge the murders committed in the Valley of Jezreel (Vs. 3-5). Later she bore him a daughter whom the LORD named “Lo-ruhamah”, which means “not loved”. This signified that the LORD would no longer show love to the people of Israel, nor, would HE forgive them. After Gomer weaned Lo-ruhamah, she again conceived and bore another son, whom the LORD instructed the couple to name “Lo-ammi”, which means, “not MY people”. It signified that Israel was not GOD’s people, and, that HE was not their GOD (Vs. 6-9).
Chapter 1, however, ends on a bright note with a promise from GOD that, in time, HE would again allow Israel to prosper and become a great nation. They would return from exile in Assyria on the “Day of Jezreel”. On that day, they would call their brothers “Ammi” (my people), and they would call their sisters “Ruhamah” (the ones I love).
In chapter 2, verses 2-5, GOD calls Israel into account for alienating itself away from HIM and behaving as a prostitute, worshipping other gods (v.1). In verses 2 & 4, the “mother” is Israel, and the children are each individual Israelites. Both the nation as a whole, and, each contemporary individual, was guilty of “spiritual adultery” by way of their forsaking of the GOD of their ancestors. Israel had done a shameful thing by hooking up with the idol gods of the world, instead of clinging to its “covenant relationship” that she had once enjoyed with the Almighty GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now they were raising up a “spiritually illegitimate generation of people”, who could only be considered as “worldly” in both, their behavior and lifestyle. They physically resembled their earthly parents, but they were far from resembling GOD WHO created them, spiritually.
In chapter 3, GOD tells Hosea to go and buy his wife back out of the slavery that she had sold herself into, and to love her despite her propensity to do wrong by him. It would serve as a sign of how GOD would purchase Israel back out of the bondage of sin, through the sacrifice of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS CHRIST, at a future date.
Hosea purchased his wayward wife out of bondage for fifteen pieces of silver, five bushels of barley, and a measure of wine (v.2). Then he told her that she must live in his house for many days without having sexual intercourse with anyone, including himself. This was to illustrate that the nation of Israel would be a long time without a king, or a prince, and, without sacrifices, a temple, priests, or idols (Vs. 3-4). The people would then repent and once again fear and reverence GOD, and HE would restore them back into a relationship of friendship and obedience with HIM in the last days (v.5).    
Not much is known of Hosea, or Gomer, beyond the biblical account of their strange marriage. However, strange as it was, their marriage presented a perfect picture and demonstration of the relationship that man has with GOD. GOD has been constantly faithful to us, just as Hosea was faithful to his wife Gomer. However, just as Gomer was continuously unfaithful to Hosea, so man has been continuously unfaithful to GOD.
Gomer abandoned her marriage to Hosea, over and over again, taking on several lovers in the process. Yet, Hosea’s love for his wife was so great that he could not give her up. When her profligate ways led her into slavery, Hosea bought her back and returned with her to his home to give her yet another chance to live a GODly life. By doing this, with his own life, Hosea shared GOD’s own experiences with his people, Israel.
Though bound to the LORD in a covenant relationship, Israel abandoned GOD over and over again, by pursuing idols and an adulterous lifestyle that was linked them to paganism. This action by Israel also led it into slavery, at the hands of the Assyrians in 722 B.C.  Still, GOD would not stop loving Israel, and would later buy her back, and restore her to her homeland, just as Hosea restored Gomer back to her home. 
Hosea’s experiences make for a deeply moving story, as the reader can easily sense the pain of his “dysfunctional relationship” with his wayward wife. From this story, we, as Christians, should also be able to sense the pain of the ALMIGHTY GOD, as we waver back and forward in our relationship with HIM. Hosea’s unhappy family experiences becomes one of the all-time great “object lessons” in Scripture, concerning the sin and dysfunction, which we engage in, whenever we disobey and reject GOD’s will and kindness, over and over again.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Sunday, February 17, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday February 17, 2013

(Looking forward to JESUS’ return)
2 Peter 3

Second Peter chapter three gives us five facts, or perspectives on the second coming of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Here Peter reminds us of the “Christian Hope” that, since the first century, has served as motivation for us to live our lives, aspiring to conform more completely to the word of GOD.
In the biblical Greek, the word most often used for “earnest expectation”, or “hope for the future” is “apokaradokia”. It describes the attitude of a person who scans the horizon with their head leaning forward, as they eagerly anticipate the first signs of the coming of the glory of GOD.
For Peter and the other apostles, life was not a weary and defeated waiting, but rather, it was a throbbing and vivid expectation. The Christian has always been, is now, and, will forever be, a part of the human experience. By that I mean, from within, we must all suffer with our own “sin nature”, in the Greek, “epithumia”, which is “that battle within ourselves between reason and passion”. From without, we must all live in a world full of death and decay, and in addition, also suffer the consequences of the sins of others. However, thanks to the vicarious sacrifice of CHRIST JESUS, now, a person does not just have to live hopelessly in the world, but rather, we can now obtain the assurance of victory over the world, that can only be achieved, through our belief in HIM. And so, as believers, we become people who do not see only the world, but rather, we can look beyond this world, to GOD, at all times.
The keynote to the Christian faith must always be “hope”, and never “despair”, because the true Christian waits not for death, but rather, we wait for life. The Christian, just like Peter, Paul, and all the other early Church workers, during the height of the Christian persecutions of the first century and beyond, must always wait, in the spirit of “apokaradokia”.
First century Christians were very much in tune to the words of the ancient prophets regarding the first advent of CHRIST JESUS, and now, they had, in addition, received the wonderful promises of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF.
Earlier I mentioned that there are five perspectives on the “second coming of CHRIST” that are presented by Peter in this passage, specifically in verses 1-16.
·  The first perspective is that “believers will remember it” (vs. 1-2), and I’ve already
   elaborated on this point.
· The second perspective is that “scoffers will laugh at the idea of it” (vs. 3-7). In the “last
   days”, which, in the biblical sense, are those days that GOD generously gives us to repent,
   between the first and second coming of CHRIST, unbelievers will mock and deny JESUS
   CHRIST, in word, and in behavior, just as the Roman Emperor Nero mocked
   Christianity in the first century with his “miming” skills in theaters around Rome.
·  The third perspective that Peter gives us is that “GOD guarantees the second coming”
   (vs. 8-9). GOD guarantees CHRIST’ return through the words HE gave to the ancient
   prophets that, in HIS OWN time, JESUS will return and set up HIS Millennial kingdom.
   Here in these verses, Peter quotes from Psalm 90:4, which speaks of how GOD sees time
   against eternity. To GOD, a thousand years is like a day, and a day like a thousand years.
   GOD, through HIS mercy and kindness, is giving us more than ample time to repent and
   get our lives in line with HIS purpose for us.
·  The fourth perspective is given in how Peter describes this second advent of CHRIST (vs.
   10-13) as “coming unexpected as would a thief in the night”. Here Peter recalls the
   description given by JESUS to him and the other disciples in Matthew 24:42-44. It is a
   depiction that is also echoed by the Apostles Paul (1 Thessalonians 5:2) and John
   (Revelations 3:3 & 16:15) in their writings.
·  And finally, we can see that “our behavior must be changed as we anticipate it” (vs. 14-
   16). We must remember that, while we are waiting on JESUS to return, GOD is also
   waiting on us, giving us all a chance to turn our lives around, so they we can reflect HIS
   image more closely to others, here on earth, through our behavior. 
   And while the words and warnings of HIS prophets are sometimes hard to understand,
   and the twisting of those words by false teachers and preachers don’t make it any easier
   either, those who earnestly seek GOD, through it all, will find HIM. And those who have
   dedicated their lives to hindering the spread of GOD’s word, will, in the end, suffer
   greatly and eternally in a place that GOD has already designated for those who forcefully
   and passively, uphold the Luciferian system of this nation, and, of this world.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

Sunday, February 10, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday February 10, 2013

(Beware of anti-CHRIST lifestyles, ideas, and methods)

Peter C. Craigie once wrote, “When people cease to care, then religion, morality, social customs, and values, all cease to function as mortar that holds together a society, and maintains ancient Faith”. In this terse epistle of Jude, the half-brother of JESUS challenges the people about their relationship and obedience to GOD in the Christian community. It is never an easy task to deal with indifference, or its consequences, or, with a gradual slide towards an unstructured existence, much like we live in today.
Since the dawn of Christianity, it has been a faith, at risk, of being contaminated by the evil forces of satan. And many professed Christian churches have failed, simply because its members failed to get to know the word of GOD well enough, so that they won’t be misled by the false teachers and preachers of their day. And even though Christianity must operate as a welcoming community, possessing the GODly fear necessary to allow us to love the sinner and hate the sin, we must also be able to avoid the pollution of those whom we are seeking to save by leading them to CHRIST.
In this difficult and often neglected letter of Jude, Christians everywhere are urged to stand firm against false teachers and their philosophies, and strive to build each other up in the “Most High Faith”. Jude gives examples of GOD’s judgment on those vile people, who, past and present, attempt to steer Christians away from their faith. He urges us to examine what people say, and, how they actually live their lives (in other words, judge them), so that we may be better able to determine the difference between what is real, and, what is fake. And in today’s society, if we are not really, really tuned in to the word of GOD, we will be fooled.
King David warned us long ago, that, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest of men are exalted” (Psalm 12:8 – KJV). We, live in a nation, and world, where too many Christians continually exalt those men and women, who have even openly professed, to be anti-CHRIST in their doctrine and lifestyle. We buy their music for ourselves and our children, and we sing the lyrics of their anti-CHRIST Hip Hop doctrine and Neo-soul persuasion (five percenters). We buy their Hip Hop clothing lines, and dress our children in the “armor of satan” that they represent. Clothing that contains all sorts of demonic symbols as their logos, which are used to channel satanic spirits into our children, our homes, our churches, and, our own lives, all for the sake of them obtaining money and fame.
We spend billions of dollars each year going to, and or, sending our children to see their movies and attend their praise and worship concerts to satan. We buy their C.D.s, and make sure we never miss one of their award shows. We live in a nation where more people call in each week to vote for the next “American Idol”, than has ever voted in any presidential election in the history of the United States of America.
So-called gospel singing Christian artists are mixing with professed anti-CHRIST secular artist, creating a vehicle of music that allows satan to enter into the Christian church and become a part of the worship service that has been preserved for GOD, by GOD HIMSELF. The largest producer of secular music in the world (Sony) is also the largest producer of Gospel music in the world. And if the company that even Michael Jackson called “the devil” is producing music for the Church, well, I’m just saying. Don’t look now America, but we are no longer a Christian nation, and we haven’t been for a long, long, long time.
Jude’s powerful letter is directed at all of those whom GOD loves and has called to leadership, and, to all of those who are kept by the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST. In other words, all professed Christians should take heed to keep themselves in the love of GOD by defending the gospel that was preached by CHRIST, and other men of GOD, building each other up in the Christian Faith, as we all wait on mercy from JESUS CHRIST, unto eternal life.
Jude may have started out wanting to write a positive treatise on salvation, but ultimately, he ended up writing, perhaps, the strongest condemnation of false teachers, and the most stern warnings against participating in perverted practices (mixing the holy with the profane), that can be found anywhere else, in all of New Testament scripture.
His quotations and analogies of past events, vividly describe a day of a coming judgment that has already been substantiated and assimilated in the pages of Old Testament literature. We in America have become “a community at risk” who are in danger of the same kind of judgment that was delivered upon the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in days of old.
False teachers, and all those who promote the anti-CHRIST agenda through their works and lifestyle, will all have to make an account for their deeds in the end. And ultimately, all will receive their just due, via the judgment of CHRIST JESUS, in the much anticipated “Day of the LORD”. And so too, the same grim fate awaits those, who, through their own ignorance of GOD’s word, choose to follow and exalt those who GOD says, are “the vilest of men and women”.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Saturday, February 2, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday February 3, 2013

(The pursuit of virtue)
2 Peter 1

As the Apostle Peter moved closer to his violent death, which occurred during the Christian persecutions  that were spearheaded by the Roman emperor Nero, in and around A.D. 68, he pens yet another dynamic letter to the Jewish Christians who were living in the province of Asia Minor. It deals with the anticipated problems that, Peter knew, would crop up and remain with the people, long after his departure from the evangelistic scene. Here, as in his first letter, he encourages the believers to continue on in their spiritual growth, and to always remember that the good news of CHRIST JESUS is not just a fairy tale, but rather, it is the personification of truth. He also warns them of the false teachers, who would seek to destroy the truth with the introduction of their own ideas to replace the church teachings that had been laid out by JESUS CHRIST, during HIS three-year ministry.
JESUS CHRIST will return one day to destroy the disorder that has now permeated this world. That is why we must be very careful not to become too attached to the world’s trappings. Peter calls for Christians to stand firm in the midst of the pressures from the gravitational pull of the world, which causes us to drift away from the truth. Satan’s plan is to undo all things that GOD has done, and we who are of some age, have already seen, for many years now, just how that luciferic plan has affected, even our own nation. This letter by Peter outlines some of the trials, tribulations, persecutions, and conflicts that the Christian can expect to endure in the latter days of GOD the CREATOR’s prevailing plan for the world.
In 2 Peter 1:1-11, the apostle suggests two bases for Christian confidence. First, he suggests that salvation affords us the resources by which we are able to live GODly lifestyles. We have already been embodied with “GOD’s Nature”, which are those “communicable attributes” (life, personality, love, truth, justice, wisdom, and holiness) that make it possible for us to obey, and worship GOD. As a result of GOD’s great gift to us, we can then make every effort to use these resources, or attributes, to develop a mature Christian character (vs. 4-9).
A life of faith produces moral excellence. Moral excellence leads to knowing GOD better. Knowing GOD leads to better self-control. Self control leads to patient endurance. Patient endurance leads to GODliness. And finally, GODliness leads to love for other Christians, and thereby, we will grow to have genuine love for everyone.
Secondly, we give confirmation to our call and election by GOD the FATHER when we begin to grow in grace, and the manifestation of HIS work is seen through us and, in us (vs. 10-11). In verses 12-18, Peter turns our attention to scriptural history, as he recalls the great transfiguration of CHRIST on Mount Harmon (Mark 9:1-7). It was an event that was witnessed only by himself, James, and John. Good news always bears repeating, and being reminded of what JESUS CHRIST has done for us is a benefit that we can all use.
The point that Peter makes in verses 19-21, regarding the messages of the ancient prophets, is that, those messages only served to make him even “more certain” of what they themselves had witnessed on that mountaintop overlooking the idol gods of Caesarea Philipp on that glorious day. We, as Christians, must pay close attention to what the ancient prophets wrote, because their words can be a lamp unto our feet, and a light shining in the darkness of our human existence.
We may never be able to witness an event of the magnitude of the great “Transfiguration of CHRIST”, which served to place affirmation of JESUS’ majesty on the hearts of men. But we ourselves must understand that no prophesy in scripture ever came from the prophets themselves, but rather, they came from the mind and heart of GOD. And HE used the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, just as HE always does, to move HIS messengers to speak to our minds and hearts. I pray that the words of the Apostle Peter in this passage will touch the heart of someone new to the faith of pursuing CHRIST JESUS, WHO is the personification of virtue. Amen.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website