Sunday, January 27, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday January 27, 2013

(Advice for elders and young men)
1 Peter 5

The last week of October, each year, the world and the professed Christian Church come together in celebrating satan on Halloween, either directly, or under the guise of “Fall Festivals”, “Trunk Fest”, “Trunk or Treat”, etc., I find it very appropriate that our Sunday School Lesson is focused on 1 Peter 5. Here Peter ends his, now famous letter to the churches at Asia Minor with some strong advice to the men, both old and young, who are leaders and followers in the doctrine of CHRIST JESUS, which should automatically make them reject any ideas that are rooted in paganism and the occult.
Here in the twenty-first century, “professed Christians” so long to be “a part” of this world, instead of being “apart” from the world, that it is actually sickening and discouraging to see, for those “real Christians”, who are earnestly seeking to follow CHRIST, and are actually suffering in the world already, because of their beliefs.
However, because most professed Christians are only casually familiar with GOD’s Word, they actually lack the spiritual discernment, that is absolutely necessary, if a follower of CHRIST is to exist in a world that is clearly being dominated by the evil influences of satan. In fact, even our behavior in the modern Christian Church clearly shows us that satan has almost completely taken it over also, or, at the very least, he must surely be pressing the limits for which GOD will allow him to go in the Church.  
In the final words of this letter, Peter emphasizes new responsibilities within the Christian Church, in times of trouble and pressure from the world. Here he exalts the leaders (pastors, elders, and teachers) to shepherd the people rightly, and for the young men to submit to those leaders, and, for everyone in the church to stand firm in their convictions in the faith (Vs. 1-5).
Remember, Peter is writing this letter during a chaotic time when the Roman emperor Nero was spearheading a wave of persecutions upon the followers of CHRIST JESUS. In his letter, his contrasting presentation speaks of what the motive and manner of a GODly leader, who desires to shepherd in the Christian Church, should be like.
First of all, the Christian leader “must willingly, care for the flock that GOD has entrusted to him, not doing so grudgingly, or for greedy or selfishness reasons, but rather, must simply be eager to serve GOD (v. 2). Secondly, a GODly leader does not wish to lord over his flock, but rather, he strives to lead them by his own good examples and behavior before them. That way, when the HEAD SHEPHERD (JESUS) returns, HE will reward those obedient leaders with everlasting glory and honor (v. 4).
Peter goes on to say that the younger men must accept the authority of a GODly leader, and that both should serve each other in humility. GOD sets HIMSELF against the proud, but HE shows favor to the humble. We should all humble ourselves under GOD, and when HE is ready, HE will honor us (v. 5-6).
In verses 8-9 Peter gives a final warning that we must be cautious of the devil at all times, because he is our only “true enemy”. He prowls around like a roaring lion, always looking for some person to devour. We must take a firm stand against him and all that he stands for, and we must never conform to the world that he controls, nor copy his original (i.e. Halloween) and present it up to GOD as holy, simply because we gave it another name, or added GOD’s name to it. We as church leaders should never feel like we must do something to parallel what satan is doing in the world, for that is what satan does to GOD, he always tries to parallel himself with GOD.
At some point, pastors and other church leaders must stop listening to each other, and start listening to GOD. The reason that Christian churches all end up practicing and participating in the same ungodly activities, is because they all listen to each other, and nobody listens to GOD. That is why satan only has to put his yeast into one church, especially if that church has been deemed by others to be successful. Every church wants to be like the so-called “mega church”, which, in reality, is only successful by the world’s standard of success, not by GOD’s. GOD’s criterion for success has nothing to do with “Caesar’s money”. We should render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and render unto GOD, that which is GOD’s, and please people, quit mixing the “holy” with the “profane”!. GOD tells us in HIS Word that HE hates that more than anything else we do.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday January 20, 2013

(Suffering as a Christian)
1 Peter 4:12-19

To participate in CHRIST’s suffering” is something that people who choose to live a GODly lifestyle should expect. Every Christian has to embrace the fact that a certain amount of persecution will come to those who choose CHRIST, even to those of us who live in the United States of America.  It can come in our schools, our churches, on our jobs, and, even in our families.
In the world, there is always going to be people who do not agree with the truth of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. Sometimes, those who disagree act out, or react in physically, or emotionally aggressive ways toward those who believe GOD’s Word. However, in the biblical sense, this is only considered to be “normal persecution” or normal, inevitable friction, caused by a meeting of the two adverse spiritual influences that exist in the world, good and evil.
JESUS suffered because HE had an overwhelming desire to do the will of GOD, not because of any fault or wrongdoing of HIS OWN. If we truly desire to be like CHRIST, we must be like CHRIST in our attitude toward suffering also. Not in suffering from doing wrong things, but rather, in suffering for the righteous causes that put us in opposition to the world.
As I said, sometimes our opposition can come from a worldly church, or job, and sometimes it can even come in our own home from family members (i.e. an unbelieving wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, or children), however, JESUS says that when it comes down to making a choice between HIM, and those people and things that we hold sacred in our lives, we must be able to choose HIM (Luke 14:25-28a). For it is considered to be a part of the cost of being HIS disciple.
That is why discipleship is something that is only going to be pursued by a select few. There is a distinct difference between “discipleship” and “salvation”. Salvation occurs when we come to CHRIST, and trust in HIM. However, discipleship means taking up one’s cross and actually following CHRIST. JESUS clearly understood that the only way back to glory was through the cross, and so it must be for those who choose to follow HIM. It requires a daily identification with CHRIST, in suffering, and, in surrender to GOD’s will (Luke 14:25-33).   
And so, don’t be surprised, or saddened by the trials that you go through, as if something strange is happening to you, for we already know that trials were promised by CHRIST. Instead, we should be glad for these tests, because they make us partners with CHRIST in HIS suffering. And remember the “Christian Hope”, is that, in the end, you will be able to share in CHRIST’ glory that will be displayed to the whole world, in the process of time. So be joyful when you are insulted by religious people, and non-Christians alike, because that is when the glorious SPIRIT of GOD will come over you and protect you more closely (1 Peter 4:14-16).
There is no shame in right-suffering, or suffering simply because you chose to do the right thing according to CHRIST’ teachings. That kind of suffering gives us fellowship with CHRIST, and, brings to us, the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD does not trust every believer with that kind of privilege, responsibility and experience, so, take joy.
It is always a life-changing thing when we get to know, and become accustomed to practicing the Word of GOD. GOD’s Word is here, and now, and it has always been. It simply cannot be, nor, will not be, disregarded. HIS WORD is synonymous with life, and thereby, effective and penetrating, when it takes hold of our hearts.
All things lay naked before GOD. HE absolutely sees all, hears all, and knows all that we do. And every one of us, Christians and non-Christians alike, will have to make an account for the deeds done in our lifetimes. Therefore, whether or not we believe HE exists, is totally irrelevant, and has no application, or effect upon GOD’s prevailing Will, and final judgment upon us. We can’t just simply “un-believe” GOD the CREATOR, out of existence (1 Peter 4:17-19).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Saturday, January 12, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday January 13, 2013

(Living for GOD)
1 Peter 4:1-11

As professed Christians, we pledge to begin living our lives in a manner that is more pleasing to GOD. We desire to move away from being fascinated by wrong things, which used to have power over us, and we desire instead, to indulge only in doing those things that are CHRIST-like, at all times. However, we are still being constantly surrounded by spiritual opposition from the evil forces of satan, and sometimes, when the good deeds that we do go unnoticed by others, these evil forces move in and try to convince us that we made the wrong decision, by doing the right thing.
Oftentimes we may become angry after spending a lot of time doing good and thoughtful things for people, especially for our friends and family, that, we feel are obviously not appreciated by them. They either, don’t show thanks, or, they don’t voluntarily respond in kind, or even come to our aid, in our times of need. However, we must adjust our attitudes when these unfortunate things occur, and draw rest in the fact that they are the kinds of things that test our resolve and commitment to retaining the attitude of CHRIST, WHOM we pledge ourselves to, and promise to emulate more closely in our behavior.
In 1 Peter 1, verses 1-11, the Apostle Peter tells those who have chosen to follow JESUS’ example, that, they should never forget that JESUS did the ultimate wonderful good deed for us, by way of HIM sacrificing HIMSELF on the cross for our sins, an act for which we have all shown HIM, from time to time, just how unappreciative we are, if, in no other way, surely, by way of our behavior towards each other.
Whenever a person chooses to follow CHRIST’s example and begin to live for GOD, we, in effect, are saying that we are also willing to suffer for CHRIST the same way HE suffered for us. We are also saying that, we are willing to do so, with the same GODly attitude of which JESUS maintained, while HE suffered for us. And whenever the origin of our suffering is NOT sin, then, we are suffering for goodness sake, just as CHRIST did. We are, thereby, emulating HIS example as we promised.
Remember, CHRIST WHO was without sin, suffered, and thereby, HE did not suffer for sin that HE HIMSELF committed. HE suffered instead, for our sins that we have committed, and continue to commit, and, HE did so, not complaining, nor, even showing regret afterwards.
When we choose the Christian walk, we are pledging that we are no longer willing to spend the remainder of our lives chasing after evil desires. We are saying that we have had our fill of the evil things that GOD-less people enjoy and chase after. We are saying that we now wish to turn away from things such as sexual immorality and lust, drunkenness and wild parties, and the worship of our modern-day idols such as cars, houses, people, and all the other worldly things that we had become accustomed to chasing after. We are also saying that we are no longer willing to do foolish and unwise things, such as getting ourselves into financial debt because of envy, jealousy, and greed, wanting everything we see others with, and not showing GOD our appreciation for HIS supplying of all things that we need. When we suffer as a result of our desires and actions to obtain the unneeded things of this world, we are not suffering for CHRIST, but rather, we are suffering for our own selfishness, which, in itself, makes us un-CHRIST-like. In fact, we can’t even find CHRIST until we come to the end of ourselves, where CHRIST stands waiting. If we are to live and thrive in the chosen community of GOD, we must first leave the community of “self”. Then, and only then, will we be able to enjoy the benefits of loving one another, serving one another, and supporting one another, as JESUS calls for us to do.
The end of all things is near, for each of us, personally. I’ve stated that in my teachings many times over the years, because, that is the warning that the Old Testament prophets, and New Testament writers and thinkers, all leave us with. Therefore, it is urgent and imperative that we be earnest in our prayers, while also, continuing to show deep love for one another, encouraging each other on a daily basis to do what is right under the watchful eye of GOD.
As human beings, we sin often, but GOD, through HIS benevolence, has given us HIS deep love, which, as we know, covers a multitude of sin (v. 8). GOD has also given us many gifts and talents, and we are obligated to manage those gifts and talents wisely, manifesting GOD’s glory through them, so that GOD can continue to flow blessings through JESUS, to us, through us, to others (Vs. 10-11). And so, whenever our hands slack, we rob GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Saturday, January 5, 2013


For the week beginning Sunday January 6, 2013

(Facing suffering through confidence in GOD)
1 Peter 3:13-22

In the world, victory and success often lies in one’s “unwillingness” to surrender. By contrast, in the Kingdom of GOD, success and victory can only come through one’s “willingness” to surrender. In the world, one feels a definite need to keep one’s self up front, and on top. However, in the Kingdom of GOD, one must first be able to come to the end of one’s self, because that’s the only place where JESUS can be found. In the world, “self” has to prevail. In the kingdom of GOD, one has to first allow “self” to wither away and die from one’s heart.
In today’s society, the fear and respect that man has for himself, clearly overshadows his belief, fear, and reverence for the GOD WHO created him. Since the day when Adam and Eve, through their disobedience to GOD, first allowed sin, death, and sickness to enter into the world, man has never lived another day, without fear of suffering. Ironically, the only way that man can rid himself of this terrible fear of suffering, is through the confidence he can gain, only through a sound faith and belief, in the same GOD that every man since then, has, at one time or the other, openly rebelled against.  
In 1 Peter 3:13-22, Peter further expounds on the expectations of the “Suffering Saint”, or what the “true witness” can expect when they are persecuted for the things of GOD, or, for trying to live within the will of GOD. Here Peter attempts to encourage the new Christians by reminding them that persecutions are a large and necessary part of their newly chosen lifestyles, and that, there should be a “right response” to those persecutions which GOD will honor with HIS blessings.
In this passage, the apostle, first, presents us with the principles of this divine concept (Vs. 13-17), and then, he provides his readers with some sound examples that had already been laid out for the benefit of future believers (Vs. 18-22). Here he starts by sharing with them, the value of having a clear conscience before GOD (Vs. 15-16). In these verses Peter may very well be remembering the time when he denied JESUS three times during the final night of HIS mission here on earth. Peter had, no doubt, turned that experience into a “teachable moment”, as we can clearly see how the pain of shame and disloyalty doesn’t have to be a total loss. In fact, mistakes made during our Christian Walk can often be used to endow us with a sympathy and understanding, that, otherwise, we may have never obtained.
In fact, the biblical account of the “foot washing ceremony” by JESUS (John 13:1-17) in the privacy of the “Upper Room” on HIS final “Passover” night in Jerusalem, serves to show us that we as Christians are going to continue to make mistakes all along our “Christian Walk”, however, that doesn’t mean that we’ll have to keep getting baptized over and over again, in water, nor with the HOLY SPIRIT. We only need to stop and “wash our feet” every now and then, or in other words, use the power of repent that GOD has granted us through CHRIST JESUS, pray earnest prayers, and continue to encourage each other.
The Christian who is performing CHRIST’s commission, as he or she should, will get discouraged, before too long. And so, when we stop and get our feet washed, or, get spiritually refueled for the journey, through prayer, repentance (if needed), and brotherly encouragement (always needed), we can then continue on our journey successfully walking in the newness of life, that is provided for us, through CHRIST JESUS.
Remember, we are not likely to walk through this world without getting dirt on our feet now and again, but we need to be able to recognize when we are losing our “cutting edge”, or when our effectiveness as ministers has been compromised due to too much socializing with the world, and with people in the church whose motives are selfish (Judas Iscariot) and not of GOD. Those people must be dismissed from your life (John 10b-11).
Whenever we side with CHRIST JESUS, we automatically put ourselves in the position to be persecuted by the world. JESUS HIMSELF warned of this in the Gospel of John (John 15:18-25), after HE had taken HIS twelve apostles into private teaching, shortly before HIS crucifixion. He told them that, “When the world hates you, remember it hated ME before it hated you. The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don’t. I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you” (John 15:18-19) - NLT).
JESUS went on to tell them, that, “Since they persecuted ME, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to ME, they would listen to you! The people of the world will hate you because you belong to ME, for they don’t know GOD WHO sent ME. They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. Anyone who hates ME hates MY FATHER too….This has fulfilled what the Scriptures said: “They hated ME without cause” (John 15:20b-25) (NLT).
In the biblical Greek, the word used for “witness” is the same word from which we derive the English word “martyr”. That word is “martus” (mar-toos) and it means not just to witness with words, but, in the biblical sense, it means to witness with the giving of one’s life for CHRIST, literally.
And so, when we say we are witnesses for CHRIST, we are really saying that we are ready to die for CHRIST and the ways of GOD on a moment’s notice, just as Stephen (Acts 6-8) and many others have since done, since the infancy stages of the Christian Church. If we are not ready to do that, then we are “false witnesses” in the biblical sense. And so, “professed Christians” need to be careful what they say under the witness of GOD, WHO sees you.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website