Friday, December 28, 2012


For the week beginning Sunday December 30, 2012

(Obeying GOD is the solution to coping with stress)
1 Peter 2:18-25

In 1 Peter 2:18, the Greek word the apostle uses that is translated “slave” in some bible versions, is an incorrect or inaccurate translation. Here, the word used, “oiketes” (oy-ket-ace) means “a domestic servant”, not a slave, or someone who does not receive credit or wages for their labor. Here peter is saying, that, and let me put it in twenty-first century terms, an employee, or worker, must obey and respect the authority of his employer.  
In fact, the word "slave" or "slaves" is translated from the original language only twice in all of scripture, once in the O. T. (Jeremiah 2:14) and once in the N. T. (Revelation 18:13). In all other occurrences the word "servant" is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew text, and not, the word  slave.
The definition of the word "slave" is "one who is bound in servitude to another without payment for services". The word "servant", is defined as, "one who is employed to perform services, or one who is working off a debt one owes to another”. In biblical times, and, in today’s society, it was quite common for a person to trade menial services for money, food, or things. Then, and in today's society, those services that are performed are most often called “a job”.
Whenever we borrow from another person or entity, someone must work to repay that debt. The borrower is always the servant of the lender (Proverbs 22:7). When we get ourselves into debt, due to need, greed, or envy of what others have, stress can mount up as we become servants to our lenders, in addition, to being servants on our jobs. With maybe the exception of a house to live in (generally because, on average, houses are much too expensive to pay cash for, for the average person), we should not borrow money for any reason, and if we can pay cash for the house, we should.
GOD’s desire has always been that, we repent and start to obey HIM, for, obedience to GOD is far better than tithes and offerings, and, sacrifices (Psalm 50:7-14, Psalm 51:16-17, Jeremiah 6:18-20 & 7:21-23). Disobeying GOD and the desire to disobey GOD, always causes stress in the lives of those HE created. Above all else, we must see GOD as the ultimate authority both in Heaven, and, on earth. The very center of GOD’s Word (The Holy Bible) tells us that we must put our trust in GOD, and not in man (Psalm 118:8). 
In the spiritual, and, the physical sense, anyone who is not a servant to GOD is a slave, or servant to man, and to the things of this world. In biblical times, and in many instances today, even the children of the borrower can end up working off the debts that their parents incurred. When we are in financial debt, the lender, in effect, owns us, and we become their servant in a very real sense. And when the lender dies, sometimes, we can become a servant to their offspring, by way of their inheritance, which would include that debt that we yet owed their parents.
Since all employers are not necessarily fair, honest, reasonable, and caring towards their employees, jobs can be stressful for anyone, Christian or non-Christian, however, Peter says, “GOD is pleased with us when we patiently endure their unfair treatment, and HE will accredit us for displaying GODly character before the world. And if we hold fast to that which we know to be right by GOD, (not being led outside of the Will of GOD by your employer), GOD will reward you for the hardship brought on because you were obedient to HIM, over your employer. However, GOD will not reward us when we bring hardship upon ourselves for wrongdoing in the workplace, or anywhere else (1 Peter 2:19-20).
JESUS “suffered” and “lived right” at the same time, and we too, can do the same. HE came to be an example for those who choose to follow HIM, and so we are to do likewise, both in suffering, and, in right living. HIS sacrificial death frees us up from some of the stress that it requires to do so. HIS ultimate death on the cross frees us from both, the penalty of sin, and, the power of sin, and so, in CHRIST, we are less stressed, because we are under submission to GOD as HE is, and we automatically refrain from trying to do GOD’s job, by trying to make our own way, which is impossible for man, and only possible with GOD.
We automatically incur less stress when we allow GOD to do HIS job, and we, in turn, do that which we are suppose to do, and that is, of course, obey HIM (Vs. 21-25). We owe a debt to JESUS, and the only way to satisfy that debt is by loving one another, and obeying GOD, and we won’t do that, unless we are sensitive to the HOLY SPIRIT that GOD places within us, when we believe HIM, with our whole heart.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official

Sunday, December 23, 2012


For the week beginning Sunday December 23, 2012

(The standards that Christians should live by)
1 Peter 2:11-17

The standards of GOD that are revealed throughout the Holy Scriptures will always be something worth repeating to ourselves, and, to others. To “preach” means “to repeat over and over again”. It is a teaching and training technique used for the purpose of getting us to remember those things that, over time, we suppress, or totally forget. Perhaps, more often than we care to admit, those things can be things that are very important to our survival and well-being, especially things that relate to how GOD wants us to live.
The reason why GOD insists that the Gospel be preached is because mankind continues to suppress the truth about HIM. I’ve often stated that, when we choose the Christian Walk, we automatically become strangers (aliens, foreigners) to worldly behavior. We are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD should become paramount to us. This is not a novel concept that was thought up by me, but rather, it is a concept that comes from the mind of GOD.
In 1 Peter 2, verses 11-12, we are reminded of that very same concept by the apostle Peter, another chosen servant of GOD. Here Peter teaches about how we must be a “witness for CHRIST through our GODly conduct”. In the biblical Greek, the word Peter uses for “strangers” in verse 11 is “paroikos” (par-oy-kos), and it describes one who lives in a place that is not their permanent home”. Here the word is used figuratively to describe the life of a committed Christian living here on earth, whose permanent resident is in Heaven because they chose CHRIST over the world. And just as Christian morals and values have always been, and continue to be, rejected by the world, so too must the Christian reject the gravitational pull of the world, and live a distinct and separated existence from the immoral, luciferic system of operation that surrounds us day after day.
The only way for man to resemble GOD is through his or her behavior, because GOD doesn’t have a physical image for us to copy. GOD is spirit (John 4:24), and so, when we become “born again” we began to resemble our new FATHER, WHO is in Heaven by exhibiting a different behavior than that of a person who does not yet know the ways of GOD. We then re-claim the “nature” that GOD originally gave us, and begin to forsake the substitute “sin nature” that satan gave us. We want the world to see our honorable behavior, and maybe come to desire or prefer, that which is holy, over that which is unholy or, profane. Our objective should be that, we can show the world, through our behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.
In verses 13-17 Peter moves on to talk a bit about “Christian conduct as a citizen of Heaven now living in a strange land”, who must abide in the world according to man-made laws and government, that, more and more, are becoming contrary to the laws of GOD. According to the word of GOD (Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3:1), Christians are responsible to obey the laws of the land in which they live in, or, are visiting temporarily. We are to submit to earthly authorities because they have been put in place by GOD, weather we agree with them or not, and if we have to suffer because those governments are operating in a manner that is contrary to the laws of GOD, we will be rewarded because we are suffering for CHRIST’s sake, and GOD, in HIS own time, will remedy any injustice that man perpetrates on HIS people who are seeking to obey HIM over man.
This does not include, however, being punished for breaking the laws of government that do not prohibit a person from obeying the laws of GOD, such as paying a traffic fine, or taxes, for examples. It also doesn’t include things like getting our electricity cut off because we didn’t pay the bill, or getting our vehicle re-possessed because we weren’t being financially responsible, getting fired because you weren’t doing your job as it is defined by your employer, etc. Those things would be suffering because of our foolishness, and GOD will not reward us for that kind of behavior.
Here Peter is attempting to deal with “situational submission”, which is submission that is mandated by the society in which one lives. It is right to obey the laws of government, and it is GOD’s job to move to change those things that are not right according to HIM. GOD often manipulates governments for the purpose of moving an unwilling people back into HIS will. And so we must be careful that we don’t try to do GOD’s job, or interfere with GOD’s work and plan for us, but rather, that we adhere to task of being obedient to GOD’s Word. GOD will see to it (and HE always has) that justice will prevail for those who believe in HIM. And if you haven’t received the justice that you feel is due, maybe it is because you are still living your life, outside of the Will of GOD.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Sunday, December 16, 2012


For the week beginning Sunday December 16, 2012

(Growing into the fullness of our salvation)
1 Peter 2:1-10

The Christian journey into maturation demands that we remove ourselves from the sinful lifestyle that once fascinated, and had power over us. We must grow up in our newly found salvation in order to present ourselves as living stones, which can be used in the spiritual temple, that is, CHRIST JESUS.
In our new chosen lifestyle and walk with CHRIST, we are led out of the darkness of sin, and into the light of right living by GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT. Behavior-wise, we become aliens to this earth, and, become citizens of Heaven, who, by our good examples, will be able to influence the unbeliever with our GODly deeds, choices, and decisions. In other words, we become a light to the world that can lead others to salvation in CHRIST JESUS. It becomes our responsibility to prove to the world, through our own behavior, that Christianity really does produce the best men and women.
In 1 Peter 2, verse 1, the apostle Peter lists five sins of attitude and speech that fuel division between those who profess to be Christians in the “church house”. These common sin issues in the church include;

·  (1) “Malice” – In the Greek “kakian” – “a wicked ill-will”. 
· (2) “Deceit” – In the Greek “dolon” – “a deliberate dishonesty”
· (3) “Hypocrisy” – In the Greek “hupokrisis” (hoop-ok-ree-sis) – “pretending to be
        Something, or someone that you are not”
· (4) “Envy” – In the Greek “phthonos” (fthon-os) – “resentful discontent”
· (5) “slander” – In the Greek “katalalias” – “lies that debase or misrepresent someone
        else’s character or reputation”

Peter then urges these new Christians to rid themselves of their malicious behavior and deceit, and stop, just pretending to be good. In order to achieve these improvements, they are encouraged to allow themselves a chance to be nourished and transformed by the word of GOD, which is the only thing that can change any person.
In verses 4-7, the word Peter uses several times in the original Greek for “stone” is “lithos” (lee-thos). Lithos was the primary material used in the construction of buildings in the first century. It was a rock that was pre-shaped or finished for a specific purpose in the building plans. Here in these verses, Peter depicts the stone as a “gem of great value”. Here the term is used symbolically to depict the Old Testament thought that described the coming MESSIAH. In verse 4, the concept of the “living stone” reminds us of the resurrection of CHRIST, which demonstrates to us, most clearly, the power that is manifested in JESUS as being the SON of the LIVING GOD.
We, as Christians, were all urged to come to CHRIST by someone who believed, and then, we too, came to believe and understand over time, that JESUS is the “LIVING CORNERSTONE” of GOD’s temple. Those of us who choose JESUS, are, ourselves, transformed by GOD, into “living stones” that can be used in HIS spiritual temple plans. Anyone who comes to believe in CHRIST will never be disappointed. And, even though JESUS will continue to be rejected by most people, even in the Church, HE is, and will always remain, precious to GOD, and, precious to those who really do believe in their hearts. And to those who really do believe, JESUS is living power. It is only to those who do not believe, that JESUS becomes, merely, a stumbling block.
As believers in CHRIST, Christians are called to a holy and royal priesthood. However, that does not so much make us to be “mediators for CHRIST”, as it makes us “worshipers of GOD”, who, are called to make spiritual sacrifices, through a behavior, and examples, that will be acceptable to GOD (1 Peter 2:5).
JESUS CHRIST has been shaped and finished by HIS FATHER GOD for a specific purpose, and HE, in turn, was sent by GOD to do the same for us. Those of us who believe in JESUS, whether we are Jews or Gentiles, gain the privilege and responsibility of becoming GOD’s true and holy nation. JESUS CHRIST, the ONE WHO is truly precious, pure, and perfect, is also everlasting. Through HIS vicarious sacrifice, HE has afforded us the opportunity to become likewise, through GOD’s wonderful grace, mercy, and justification.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Friday, December 7, 2012


For the week beginning Sunday December 9, 2012

(Be Holy in all that you do)
(1 Peter 1:13-25)

In 1 Peter 1, verses 13-25, the apostle calls for Christians to live holy, think clearly, and, to exercise “self-control”, or “to be sober”, at all times. He also urges us to look forward with earnest expectations of CHRIST’s return, and, to not slip back into their old ways of doing evil. We are called to be “holy” because GOD is holy, and we share HIS “nature”, which makes it possible. GOD’s nature, not only consists of “Holiness”, but also, “Life”, “Personality”, “Truth”, “Justice”, “Love”, and “Wisdom”. These “communicable attributes” are given to us by GOD at birth. They allow us to be able to worship and have a personal, experiential relationship with HIM while living here on earth, in the midst of unGODliness. In fact, GOD not only expects us to live holy, but HE also expects us to exercise all of these GODly elements of HIS nature on a daily basis (Vs. 13-16).
Sadly though, since the time of Adam and Eve (the very beginning), every member of mankind has, to some level or degree, suppressed our GODly nature, and chosen instead, to take up, and exercise our “sin nature”, which was given to us by satan, through a single act of disobedience to GOD by this now infamous couple.
However, GOD, through HIS eternal mercy and grace, chose anyway, to pay a high price to save us from the empty lives that we had inherited from our ancestors, and, continue to create for ourselves today. HE bought us back with the precious lifeblood of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS the CHRIST, the sinless, unblemished LAMB of GOD! And HE had already chosen HIM for this purpose, long before the world ever began (Vs. 18-20).
In verses 23-25 Peter reminds us that the Christian must obey the GOD, in WHOSE spiritual image they are made. And just as a person physically resembles their earthly parent, so must the Christian spiritually resemble their heavenly FATHER, through their behavior and obedience to HIS Word.
Here in this passage, the contrast that Peter alludes to is that, we don’t have to make an effort, nor, change our behavior in order to “physically resemble” our earthly parents, for it is an automatic occurrence, through physical birth. However, our resemblance to GOD, can only be manifested through our behavior, because “GOD is spirit” (John 4:24), and does not have a physical image. Therefore, our resemblance of HIM must come through a transformation of the heart (spiritually), which dictates our behavior and what we do, 100 percent of the time. It is a “spiritual resemblance” that GOD is seeking, and that can only be acquired and maintained through our learning, and becoming accustomed to practicing, “the Word of GOD”. 
When we choose the Christian walk, we should automatically become strangers to worldly behavior. We are then no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, we become citizens of Heaven, and therefore, the laws of GOD must become paramount to us. In fact, it is not until a person really falls in love with goodness, that, wrong things, will no longer fascinate, and have power over them. Our relationship with GOD becomes our greatest asset. This is in sharp contrast to the person, who loses their heart to the things of this world, as that person, is the person, who will remain most vulnerable to satan.
The end of all things is near, for each of us, personally. For, that is the resounding message that the Old Testament prophets, and, New Testament writers and thinkers, all leave us with. And that message is just as valid today as it ever was. Our only true hope lies in our ability to maintain a discipline and self-control that is fueled by our obedience to GOD’s, and our conformance to the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO will always compel us towards CHRIST JESUS, and away from the gravitational pull of this world.

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


For the week beginning Sunday December 2, 2012

(The living hope that we have through JESUS CHRIST)
1 Peter 1:1-12

The Apostle Peter, perhaps, wrote this inspiring letter (1 Peter) while residing in Rome, near the end of his life. Its purpose was to lend comfort and encouragement to the Jewish Christian Diaspora, who, were living as foreigners in the various towns of Asia Minor (now northern Turkey). Here Peter focuses on “triumph through suffering for CHRIST”, and how the “Christian Hope” will serve as motivation to make our life here on earth, conform more fully to the word of GOD, as we go along on your “Christian Journey”.
Peter apparently wrote this epistle around the time of “the great persecution of the Christian Church” by the Roman emperor, Nero. Nero, who was an outstanding practitioner of the form of witchcraft called “Miming”, often used his miming talents to make light of his terrible persecutions on the Church, by mocking the Christian’s sufferings, while performing in the theaters in and around Rome. Peter and the other early church leaders banned miming in the Christian Church for obvious reasons (witchcraft is “anti-CHRIST”).  
Nowadays, because of our ever-growing desire to be entertained, the so-called “Black Christian Church” has both “wittingly and unwittingly” re-introduced this demonic form of entertainment back into church worship services and other church functions, because we fail to properly research, hardly anything anymore, before we begin to incorporate it into our programs. However, we’ll let that (miming) be another Sunday school lesson. For now, let us focus on the Hope of Eternal Life that is offered through Salvation, through JESUS CHRIST.
Peter’s first letter is rich in references to and from the Old Testament. Any Jewish Christian would find special significance in the term “Diaspora” that is translated “scattered” in the opening lines of this letter, and any Gentile reader wouldn’t help but notice Peter’s call for living a holy lifestyle, despite their background, or total ignorance to the Word of GOD. Those Gentile converts would have also been greatly encouraged by the fact that, even though they weren’t yet versed in the Word of GOD, they were immediately accepted as “GOD’s people” by the Christian Community.
In 1 Peter 1, verses 1-2, Peter lays out the theological foundation of “encouragement” to his fellow Christians who were scattered abroad. In the biblical Greek, the word used for “encourage” is “parakaleo” (par-ak-al-eh-o), and it means “to call near, and to invoke by imploring and consoling”. It also means “to be of some good to, by comforting, through prayer and exhortation”.  He reminds them that GOD had long ago chosen them, and, that they had also been sanctified by the HOLY SPIRIT through the atoning blood of CHRIST JESUS. They had been touched by the “GOD-head”, the “Whole of GOD”, and set aside to do “greater things” with their lives. Here Peter shares his personal desire (v. 2c) that they be showered with an abundance of GOD’s grace and peace upon their lives.
In verses 3-5 Peter speaks of the “living hope”, or “wonderful expectation” that comes through the resurrection of CHRIST JESUS, which promises us a divine inheritance in Heaven. GOD has preserved a priceless inheritance for HIS people, which is kept “pure” and “undefiled”, and, kept out of the reach of “change” and “decay”. We are also protected by GOD’s power, here on earth, until we can receive those Heavenly benefits of this “wonderful salvation” for trusting in HIM only.
We can come to rest in the thought that “this life on earth is not the final act of the human drama”.  And even though, by choosing the Christian Walk, we are no longer permanent residents of this earth, but rather, become citizens of Heaven, it is still necessary, for now, to endure those tests and trials that are set before us. Those tests and trials are not meant to make us fail, but rather, are given to us to grow our faith and make us strong and pure, to better serve GOD’s purpose for us, in this life. To persevere through those trials and tribulations will bring much praise and glory and honor on the day when JESUS returns, and is revealed to the whole world (Vs. 6-7).
Faith, Hope, and Love are the three great enduring things, and of the three, love is the greatest (1 Corinthians 13:13). Our living “hope” is spun by the promise of GOD. We “love” HIM, even though we have never seen HIM. And though we do not see HIM, by “faith”, we trust in HIS Word. And even now, we can rejoice with an inexpressible joy, because our reward for trusting in HIM will result in the salvation of our souls (Vs. 8-9).
Salvation is something that every prophet since the beginning of the age wanted to know more about. They prophesied of this great salvation through GOD’s SON that had been prepared for mankind, even though they themselves, probably, had many questions as to what it all meant. They often wondered just what the SPIRIT of GOD in them was talking about, when HE informed them in advance, about CHRIST’s suffering here on earth, and HIS great glory, afterwards.
These great men of GOD were told all these things would not happen in their lifetimes. However, today this Good News is being preached throughout the world by those who actually embody the power of the HOLY SPIRIT on a continuous basis. And it is something so wonderful, that, even the angels are eagerly watching the events unfold in the lives of those who experience the Christian Hope, by way of a transformation of the heart, through the power of GOD’s Word (Vs. 10-12).

A Sunday school lesson by,
Larry D. Alexander

                                           LARRY D. ALEXANDER- Official Website